Skin Care – Alpha M Men's Lifestyle Coach for Style, Grooming, and Fitness Fri, 02 Feb 2024 02:19:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Skin Care – Alpha M 32 32 8 Hacks to Have a Better Looking Face Fri, 02 Feb 2024 02:19:11 +0000 If you’re ready to take your looks to the next level, you’re going to love today’s video because I’m going to share with you some of my favorite handsome enhancing hacks to make your face look better. Using these tips you will become more attractive and aesthetic.
  1. Use cold to your advantage. (a) Ice roller. This is the secret weapon of the ultra-handsome and beautiful. Freeze it and then use it in the morning when you’re a little swollen and puffy. When you roll it over your face, hold it for about 5 to 10 seconds, and then move on. You can apply a little gentle pressure. The cold will shrink blood vessels and help push a lot of the fluid retention out of your face. (b) Ice compress. You can wear an ice pack mask on your eyes in the morning to reduce puffiness and dark circles. The cold will shrink the capillaries and reduce a lot of the puffiness you’re experiencing. Poor Man’s version of this bad boy is using a bag of frozen vegetables. (c) Cold spoons. Run your spoons under water and then put them in the freezer. Take them out when frozen and put them on your eyes. Keep in place until the spoons get warm, which is around 3 minutes.
  2. Clean up your eyebrows. Eyebrows enhance the strength and structure of your face and having nice, clean eyebrows is a great way to do this. But, you need to find the right boundaries. Check out my example on how to use a comb to determine your boundaries. Keep in mind you need two eyebrows, not a unibrow. And you want to pluck sparingly and not overdo it.
  3. Reduce breakouts and blemishes. Use a clay mask at least once a week. Put it on and let it dry; thereafter, rinse it off to extract impurities and toxins that have built up in your skin. Tiege Hanley has a clay mask that is the best. Also, larger pores end up with more clogged pores and blackheads. You can use Biore Strips or knockoffs from Amazon. Keep them on hand but don’t use them all the time — about once a month if you are prone to getting clogged.
  4. Reduce clogged pores. You need a good skincare routine. Wash your face twice a day, morning and night, to remove oil, dirt, and grime that builds up. Twice a day you need to moisturize. In the morning use a moisturizer with an SPF of 20 to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays, and then at night before you go to bed, use another moisturizer. You also need to exfoliate twice a week to keep your pores free of buildup. All of this comes with Tiege Hanley’s Level 1 System.
  5. Use retinol for clear skin. Retinol has also been used to help people with bad acne scars. It also will even skin tone, shrink pore size, and reduce blackheads. It reduces oiliness, reduces wrinkles, and is the single best product on the market. I use Tiege Hanley’s Retinol Stick every night after I wash my face.
  6. Be mindful of what you consume. (a) Increase the amount of water you’re drinking. You need 120 oz a day minimum. Add a bit of lemon to give you a boost of vitamin C and a natural diuretic. (b) Eat low-carb. Your face will become more chiseled and defined if you reduce the amount of carbs you’re eating. Starchy carbs cause water retention, which a lot of times is in your face. (c)Eat low sodium. Foods that are processed have a lot of sodium and sulfites which will hang out on your face. The water will stay and not flush. So, drinking a lot of water will help to flush everything out, allowing your skin to be clearer.
  7. Use facial hair to your advantage. (a) Grow a beard and edge it properly to give your face more definition, strength, and structure. It will help to define your jawline, so make sure you’re edging it properly. Even if you can’t grow a beard, any kind of facial hair will make you look so much better. But if it’s super long and straggly or patchy, keep it a bit shorter. (b) Have proper sideburns. Don’t cut them off at the top of your ear. Properly cut sideburns help frame your face, finish your hairstyle, and enhance the visual strength of your jaw. Instead of cutting them off straight or blunt, cut them at an angle that will follow your jawline and give the illusion that your jaw is stronger than it may be. Check out my demonstration of where the sideburns should land.
  8. Throw on a pair of cool frames. Glasses are a great way to add detail, dimension, and attractiveness to your face. They will make you look more intelligent as well. Women find guys to me more attractive and look smarter when they’re wearing glasses. Glasses can also help balance a symmetrical face and strengthen a weak jaw.
The PERFECT 60 Second Skincare Routine for Men Mon, 15 Jan 2024 01:53:16 +0000 Do you want to hear something crazy? I’m almost 50 years old. Something crazier is that my anti-aging skincare routine takes 90 seconds or less. Today, I will review my anti-aging skincare routine, and then at the end of the video, I will cover a few things you need to avoid to not jack up your face.

Take that minute to take care of your skin. It doesn’t take a ton of products or time to take care of your skin. If you take these steps and actions, you will have amazing skin that glows and radiates with handsomeness. It takes little time to see a difference — your skin can look better overnight, and you’ll get compliments. I use Tiege Hanley products because I love them, and they’re also my company. I love my skin looking back at me in the mirror. It’s clear and sexy.

One-minute skincare routine

Wash your face. Ensure you’re using lukewarm rather than super hot water, which will dry your face. Use a high-quality face wash and, with your fingers, massage all over your face. You need to make sure you get down into the neck beard. Wash for 30 seconds to remove the oil, grime, and dirt. Then, gently rinse and pat your face. Make sure you don’t rub or scrub.

Moisturize. Use a daily moisturizer with an SPF of 20. An interesting study showed a truck driver who drove for 30 years. One side of his face near the mirror aged prematurely, and the other did not. Protect your face as well as stay hydrated.

I also use an anti-aging super serum and eye cream before I apply my moisturizer. I wait about 5 seconds after applying to put on my eye cream. I pat it around my eyes. Ensure you don’t rub because the skin underneath your eyes is very tender. My moisturizer goes on top of all of that. At night time, I use a moisturizer as well. But I also use the retinol stick nightly. After I wash my face, I use retinol to help with skin tone, irregularities, and pores. It works wonders.

How you can jack up your face!

  • Dirty sheets. When you sleep on that funky nastiness, you’re rubbing your face in it, and it will cause breakouts and blemishes.
  • Dehydrated. Make sure you hydrate correctly every day. This means drinking enough water — and only water.
  • Hot water. As I said before, hot water is not good for your skin.
  • Over-exfoliating. Do not over-exfoliate.
  • Caffeine. Drinking a lot of caffeine, including coffee and energy drinks, will dehydrate you.
  • Boozing & smoking. Alcohol is terrible for your skin. Also, don’t smoke anything because it will prematurely age your face as well.
  • Consuming crap. Don’t have a diet that is filled with processed junk. Consume omega-3, 6, and 9. Eat lean proteins and leafy vegetables. Avoid saturated nonsense and sulfites that are in processed foods.
  • Being sedentary. You need to work out. Go to the gym and live a clean lifestyle, which is the best for your face.
10 Everyday Things BAD For Your Health Fri, 12 Jan 2024 03:14:49 +0000 I am not a big health conspiracy theorist, but I don’t believe everything is terrible for you and that everything is going to give you cancer. The truth is some research findings are alarming and surprising. Some everyday things we are doing are damaging our health, and the truth is, your health is your number one most valuable asset.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how many women are on your junk; if you’re not healthy, nothing else matters. My goal is for this video to help open your eyes to some lifestyle modifications that could improve and make your life healthier.

  1. Get more sleep. Getting less than 7 to 8 hours of sleep increases your risk for heart attack. If you get over 9 hours of sleep, this also increases your risk for heart attack. You need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep to feel and look good, and your body fat won’t increase. This also helps with stress levels and makes your mind as sharp as possible.
  2. Improve your diet. (a) Eat more fiber. To reduce the amount of precancerous polyps one could get, you should reduce the amount of alcohol you’re consuming and increase the amount of fiber you consume. (b) Improve your diet. If your diet sucks, you can destroy your body. Processed meats are terrible with sulfites and nitrates, which increase cancer. Sugar, including artificial sweeteners like aspartame, is also awful.
  3. Decrease screen time. Being on your devices too much is bad for your serotonin levels and brain. Dopamine is needed, but our brains can get overwhelmed through unhealthy means like surfing our phones. When you spend time on devices, you get a hit of dopamine, which prevents you from seeking it from healthy means and causes a lack of motivation. You must reset your dopamine levels and become mentally clearer by limiting your screen time.
  4. Reduce EDCs. EDCs are damaging men’s testosterone levels and fertility. It’s critical to upgrade the quality of your products because the EDCs are sneaky in many products, such as BPA and plastics. These can leach into beverages we are consuming. Grooming products also can have them from anything from shampoos to soaps to body washes to hair products. These can destroy the endocrine system. Opt for high-quality versions such as Pete & Pedro.
  5. Eliminate toxic people. Toxic people can damage your mentality and physical health by increasing your stress levels. This increases cortisol and could cause anxiety and not allow you to live the best life. Somebody is toxic if they make you feel worse when you’re around them as opposed to better. If they do not have your best interest in mind, run the hell away because you’re too amazing.
  6. Stop sitting on your ass. Your circadian rhythm can be messed up if you’re not going outside and getting in the sun. Vitamin D from being outside for approximately an hour boosts testosterone production.
  7. Take care of your teeth. Oral hygiene is essential for social interaction because funky breath and disgusting teeth turn people away. Also, visit the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and check-up.
  8. Care for your mental health. (a) Don’t isolate. We’ve all experienced this in our lives, such as during the pandemic. You will not feel as good mentally when you cannot connect with people. (b) Deal with your issues. Even though you think you may have it under control, if you have not dealt with past issues that are deep-seated, they can manifest in a lot of unhealthy ways. I recommend speaking to a therapist.
  9. Refrain from drugs and alcohol. Just because your friends are doing it and it’s normalized on social media doesn’t mean it’s healthy or suitable. Smoking cigarettes is literally one of the worst things that you can do to your health. Vaping is also extremely unhealthy. Your lungs are one of the most precious things in your body; take it from me, someone with asthma. Live the cleanest life possible and avoid things that can destroy your health.
  10. Drink enough water. Stay hydrated for all your bodily functions and your skin’s health.
5 Ways to Have a BETTER Looking Face Thu, 16 Nov 2023 01:54:22 +0000 Being handsome and attractive takes work! And as a man ages, maintaining that handsome and attractiveness takes even more work. You have to feed, water, and take care of yourself, including your skin. So, let’s start there.

Be as handsome and attractive as you can be!

One step that can instantly make you more attractive is having amazing skin. If your skin is oily, blemished, broken out, wrinkled, scarred, or nasty, you will not be as handsome or attractive as possible. Your skin care should start with a foundation of basic steps to perform daily. I’ve talked about Tiege Hanley 6 million times because it is an extremely effective step-by-step system that will leave your skin amazing. Every man must wash his face twice daily to remove the oil, dirt, and grime that builds up — making sure to exfoliate twice a week. Also, everyone should moisturize twice a day. Moisturizing gives your skin hydration, but your morning moisturizer should also have an SPF 20 to protect it from UVA rays.

If you want to take your skincare to the next level, retinol is a must. Retinol will even out your complexion and skin tone. If you have irregularities or scarring from acne, fine lines, and wrinkles, retinol will be the best way to make your skin look better, like a filter. I use it nightly after I wash my face. Retinol shrinks pore size and reduces oiliness.

Also, you must deal with dark circles, bags, and puffy or red eyes to look better. First, you must ensure you’re getting 7 to 8 hours of solid slumber not only for your eyes but also because not getting enough sleep will cause your body to have an increased risk of cancer, heart attack, and more. If you have eye bags, you can use frozen spoons under your eyes to reduce puffiness. Good eye cream is another way to ensure your eyes look amazing. Make sure it’s high quality. It will help reduce fine lines and help make dark circles disappear. Make sure you pat it on rather than rub it. Use it twice a day, once before bedtime and once before you leave the house in the morning.

A clay mask is an incredible way to detoxify your face and remove impurities. Paint it all over your face, avoiding your eyes. The clay mask will help reduce oiliness and breakouts and make your face feel extremely clean.

Many guys don’t have a strong jaw or a lean, chiseled face. You can do a few things to hack the system, however. Increase the amount of water you’re consuming and add a bit of lemon to act as a natural diuretic. Water will help to flush out your body. If you combine this with a low carbohydrate diet that is not filled with salt and processed crap, you’ll be amazed at how much more to find your cheeks and job will be.

Grow a beard, which is equivalent to makeup for women, to make yourself look better. A beard can help strengthen a weak jaw, but all beards aren’t created equal. Make sure your beard is tapered down to your chin to enhance the angularity of your face and neck. Check out the video for how to properly edge and create boundaries. You should not carve up too high underneath your jaw because it will make you look like George Lucas.

Eyebrows can make you look masculine or feminine. Do not pluck too much, remove the hairs in the center if you have the unibrow, and keep the natural shape of your eyebrows. Clean up your eyebrows a little bit underneath, but don’t go too crazy.

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How to ALWAYS Be a “Good Looking” Man {NEVER LOOK UGLY} Mon, 16 Oct 2023 05:30:55 +0000 Handsome faces just don’t happen. That is a fact. If you implement the step-by-step no BS guide that I’m about to go over with you today, the good news is that your face will always be handsome. You will always be attractive.

Simple steps to always be attractive

  • Get enough sleep. If you’re not getting 7 to 8 hours of solid slumber every night, there is zero chance your face will look as good as possible. Your eyes will look rough as well.
  • Stop rubbing your eyes. When you rub your eyes, you break the delicate and sensitive skin underneath, causing dark circles to become more prevalent. If your eyes are puffy, you may need to reduce the amount of processed and crap food you eat. A diet high in saturated fats and salt will retain water under your eyes, so you must also increase your water intake. A direct correlation exists between being correctly hydrated and looking fantastic. Drink one gallon of water daily to see your skin become clearer and the bags under your eyes reduce. Your body will also be sexier because you will not retain water underneath.
  • Pluck your unibrow. You need two eyebrows. If you look like Bert from Sesame Street, you’re definitely decreasing your ability to look handsome all the time. But if they’re too thin, you will look like a chick, which is not sexy. Leave the natural shape of your eyebrows, but clean them up.
  • Grow facial hair. Facial hair is the male equivalent of female makeup. But keep it trimmed, and ensure you’re edging up the boundaries. Don’t carve up underneath your neck, however. It will make you look like you have a double chin.
  • Have clear skin. Make sure your skin is clear of blackheads, blemishes, and zits. Use Biore Strips, which are cheap and affordable, to remove blackheads. And then, make sure you wash your face, exfoliate, and use a.m. and p.m. moisturizers. The am moisturizer should have SPF in it. Tiege Hanley has all of the products you need, plus a new Retinol product! Retinol is one of the best anti-aging products that helps irregularities such as shrinking pores, reducing scarring, and minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. Make sure you also use it on your neck.
  • Whiten your teeth. Pick up some bleaching strips that are affordable to whiten your teeth. Also, brush your teeth twice daily with a sonic toothbrush and go to the dentist every six months for a deep cleaning to ensure you don’t have any gum disease or gingivitis.
  • Check that nasty nose. Make sure you’re nostrils are free from hair and boogers. Use a high-quality nose hair-trimming tool.
  • Handle hair loss. If you’re losing hair and don’t want to, use Minoxidil or Finasteride, which can help regrow hair. You can go to Bosley for these prescriptions or to get help with hair transplants if you don’t want to be bald anymore. They can help at any stage of hair loss. If you’re bald and want to look better, shave it short, grow a beard, and get some cool frames.
  • Get your diet in check. A direct correlation exists between what you consume and how you look, which includes man boobs and love handles. If you’re eating a diet that’s too high in starch, saturated fats, and sugars, you’ll be prone to breakouts and have oilier skin & clogged pores. Your face will age prematurely. But you’ll look much better if you eat a clean diet high in lean proteins and good fat with vegetables and fruits. Also, reduce or eliminate alcohol because it will dehydrate and age you prematurely.
8 Male Facial Feature Women CAN’T Resist {RANKED} Wed, 30 Aug 2023 05:30:59 +0000 The University of Kent in the UK did a research project that took different faces and ranked them with face mapping technology to measure various points on people’s faces to pinpoint what makes faces attractive based on eight characteristics. Today, I will review those characteristics and discuss their findings. I’m also going to advise how to maximize the handsomeness and attractiveness of your face.
  1. Face shape. If you have an oval face shape, congratulations! You are viewed as the most attractive face shape. Oval face shapes are average and symmetrical. The more average your face and facial features are, the more attractive you’re perceived. When we look at a face, our mind has difficulty putting together different odd pieces. So if your face is even and easy, you’re viewed as more attractive to other people psychologically. Regardless, you can maximize your face shape’s aesthetic of your choice of hairstyle, glasses, and facial hair. I describe each in the video.  Your skin is often overlooked in these studies, but it’s one of the features that will instantly make you more attractive regardless of your face shape or structure. That is one of the reasons I started Tiege Hanley. I wanted a better, simplified skincare system I could use with high-quality products that are effective without spending hundreds of dollars monthly. Each system contains the core for products, including wash, scrub, and moisturizers.
  2. Eyebrows. Eyebrows can instantly change your looks. According to data, men with medium-thickness eyebrows that are straight with curved ends are viewed as the most attractive. Even though your brows are based on genetics, you can maximize your eyebrow attractiveness by maintaining the most natural-looking brow possible by not over-plucking or making them too thin. Pluck with tweezers to clean up the little hairs underneath, but don’t make them too thin. Check out my demonstration of where your brows should start and stop to look their best.
  3. Eyes. Blue, oval-shaped eyes are revealed as the most attractive, but you don’t have to have blue eyes. Don’t wear contacts, but instead, rock the eyes you have — just as long as your whites are white.
  4. Nose. A medium-length straight nose is what research noted, but that’s boring. Women say a big nose is sexy. But if your nose is something you’re insecure about, reduce the amount of oil or shine to make it look smaller, as it will not reflect as much light. You can also reduce your core size using Biore strips to make your nose look smaller. You could also use Scrub by Tiege Hanley to keep your pores open and clean, no matter your nose size. Everyone must treat and remove blackheads, blemishes, and oil because they’re nasty.
  5. Lips. Average lips are what research said. Whatever, that is stupid. One pro tip: keep your lips kissably soft so they’re not cracked and crusty by adding a dab of Vaseline before you go to bed nightly.
  6. Jawline. Research shows that a square jaw is sexy. Everybody knows that, and it doesn’t take rocket science or face-mapping technology to know that. If you don’t have an angular jaw, do not edge your beard wrong. You will appear to have a double chin if you’re carving up underneath into the neck fat meat. Even if you have a double chin, it must be covered to help strengthen your jaw. Reduce the amount of subcutaneous water you’re retaining in your face. Drink at least one gallon of lemon water a day, which the lemon is a natural diuretic. Another step is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and salt you consume to make your jaw look stronger and more angular.
  7. Hair color. The hair color that is viewed as most attractive is brown. Most men start to thin or lose their hair by age 30, so if you’re still rocking a nice hairline, congratulations. If your hairline is beginning to recede, don’t hide it. Embrace it. If you’re going bald, roll with it. If you don’t want to, go to Bosley to help stop hair loss or regain your natural hair.
  8. Facial symmetry. Research demonstrates the more symmetric your face, the more attractive you’re perceived. Facial hair, hairstyle, and glasses can offset asymmetry by helping to balance. Research reveals that if your face is perfectly symmetrical, you’re more attractive. The truth is that 99.99% of faces are not symmetrical, so what does the study even know?!
The ULTIMATE Grooming Habits Ranking {BEST to WORST} Wed, 28 Jun 2023 05:15:28 +0000 In 2008, I posted my first grooming video on YouTube. Over the years, I have published thousands of tips and tricks to be well-groomed and look fantastic. But all of these tips are not created evil. So today, I will go through the best to the worst. The top is the (S) sex machine level all the way down to (F). These tricks and tips fall into different categories depending on if you’re doing something right or wrong.

Determine what works for you because what works for me doesn’t necessarily mean that’s right for you. Identify the steps that you need to do and then implement them on a routine basis always to be sexy and smelling and looking incredible.

Grooming Routine Tier Notes

Beards. Beards can make a man look sexy, but they can also make a man look super stupid if it’s not trimmed or edged correctly. Men can look like wild savages if their beards are not well-maintained or groomed. Beards are the quickest and easiest step men can take to have sexier faces and more structured jaws. Think of a beard as a female equivalent to makeup. But don’t trim underneath the neck where the fat meat is hanging out, creating a double chin appearance. Also, have a good grooming tool which I recommend the Brio Beardscape V2 for your beard and body. Brio’s Zero Blade will take skin bald, so if you suffer from razor burn or bumps, this is a perfect option for not using a razor. Do not use the Zero Blade on your testicles or scrotum because you will cut your nuts.

Eyebrows. Again, this can be (S) sex machine or all the way down to the (F) tier. If you have wild, crazy eyebrows, this is not sexy. But on the flip side, if you overly groom or even shave your eyebrows, you will look potentially worse.

Skincare. You need to care for your skin, but all skin care tips and products were not created equally. Moisturize daily with an SPF before leaving the house, wash your face twice daily, and exfoliate twice weekly. Also, eye creams and anti-aging serums depend on your age.

Body hair management. Shaving your legs is less critical than shaving other areas. If you have a lot of chest hair, it’s okay to remove it, but it’s not mandatory. Mandatory is removing your back hair, as most women don’t want to feel a big rug when wrapping their arms around you. Also, butt cheeks are not as essential — but you do not want to shave them. Shaving the hair from your testicles is critical, and shaving your pubes is a personal preference. You don’t want a massive man bush, but how you trim it is a personal preference.

Oral hygiene. Make sure your breath doesn’t smell funky and your teeth are white. A smile is always attractive, but if you’re not smiling because you’re insecure about your teeth, check out some orthodontic procedures. However, veneers look fake, being too big and white. A clean white smile is the best.

Nose hair. You have to trim them!

Shampooing + conditioning. Yes, you need clean hair. How often to shampoo is determined by how much oil you produce naturally and how much product you use. I shampoo daily because I like clean hair, and I’m oily. Also, I condition once weekly (at least once a week is recommended for all men). If you have short hair or your hair isn’t dry, damaged, or brittle, it’s not as important, however.

Hairstyle selection. Your selection should be specific to your face shape. Yes, trends will also dictate what looks suitable and appropriate, but if you’re thinning or balding, don’t try to hide it. Either embrace your hair loss or go to Bosley because you don’t have to lose your hair if you don’t want to.

Body odor management. Shower and use deodorant daily. Ball powder also is a must, especially if you’re single and actively dating. Fragrance is one of the quickest and easiest things you can do to make a great first impression. Smell incredible but don’t wear too much, which can be offensive (optimal is three squirts).


10 Things “Good Looking” Guys NEVER Do! (Grooming Rules) Wed, 15 Mar 2023 05:26:50 +0000 Everybody has a special gift. Something that you do better than anyone else. My gift is grooming, and with this gift comes a little bit of frustration. Imagine being the world’s number one men’s grooming expert, obsessing about butt hair, back hair, boogers, hair, shaving, trimming, plucking, coughing, styling, exfoliating, moisturizing, and more.

I’m always thinking about it and constantly dedicating my life to helping men with their grooming. So you can imagine the shock and frustration when somebody comes up to me and says they love my videos but look like a savage. I am passionate about you all looking super sexy. That being said, here are some of the biggest grooming mistakes still going on in 2023.

Men are STILL doing these in 2023!

  1. Big unmanscaped beards. Congratulations! You can grow a beard. Well done. But if it’s all crazy and nuts with your lips covered with nasty hair — it needs to be trimmed! You have to make sure it’s the proper length and that it’s edged properly. Have you ever seen George Lucas? He has a fat double chin with a crappy-edged beard. Check out my video, where I demonstrate the proper way.
  2. Nostrils filled with funky hair. A lot of times, this funky hair is filled with boogers to boot. Don’t be that guy with boogers hanging out of your nostril, as that’s absolutely disgusting. The simple solution is to use a nose hair trimmer. Pete and Pedro’s Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer is the best because it doesn’t tug, is USB rechargeable, and comes with attachments. You can also use it for your ears or edging your mustache. Check out the reviews.
  3. Too much product. Your hair ends up looking greasy and weighted down.
  4. Whacked skin. If you have breakouts, blackheads, blemishes, oiliness, wrinkles, dryness, or across of these, it’s fixable. You cannot underestimate the value and importance of caring for your face. You must wash your face twice daily, exfoliate twice weekly, and moisturize with an SPF in the morning and a night moisturizer. Tiege Hanley has all of the essentials.
  5. Nasty hands and nails. If you have crusty, nasty, bitten, gnarled, or long nails, it’s sickening. Grab a manicure kit like Pete and Pedro’s 8-Piece Manicure Set, which has all the tools and essential products to have sexy hands and feet.
  6. Monster man bush. You don’t need to go all bald eagle like a 12-year-old boy, but you do need to manage and trim your pubes. A big monster man bush will make your wiener look itty bitty and trap odor, making it smell funky.
  7. Funky nuts. If you have balls, you must powder them daily by dunking them and jostling them after a shower. Then take some powder up the booty crack because you don’t want swamp ass. Pete & Pedro’s Body and Balls Powder has three talc-free versions: fresh, unscented, and frost.
  8. Cheap products. Whether or not purchasing a shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, or powder from a drugstore or grocery store, it’s most likely low quality, meaning it will have EDC chemicals. These chemicals crush men’s testosterone levels and lower sperm counts. The biggest offender is antiperspirant deodorants because the aluminum will clog sweat ducts and cause toxic chemical buildup in the lymph system. Pete & Pedro’s Fresh Deodorant is aluminum-free and natural.
  9. Not exfoliating. Exfoliate in the shower before shaving your chest or any body part. If not, the hair will get trapped, and breakouts and blemishes will result. There’s nothing sexy about chest or back acne.
  10. Back hair. Get rid of that back hair ASAP.

To shave or to use a grooming tool

  • Shaving is appropriate on your chest, shoulders, arms, legs, balls, and base of Big Al.
  • A grooming tool (like my favorite by Brio) should be used for the pubic region because a razor will create ingrown hairs. Also, use the grooming tool on your butt cheeks because if you shave, you’ll feel like you’re sitting on a porcupine when it grows back.
  • BTW, don’t listen to other people. Don’t let people tell you it’s not ‘manly’ if you shave a specific body part, groom a certain way, have a particular hairstyle, or tweeze a certain area. Tell them to suck it.
7 BRUTALLY HONEST Reasons Women DON’T Find You Desirable! Thu, 02 Mar 2023 15:11:36 +0000 The other day one of our friends contacted me through email and wanted to know if I think he is TOO good-looking, and that’s why his friends get more girls than him – even though he’s technically better looking. That being said, I hope you can handle the truth. I will go over some brutally honest reasons women do not find certain men desirable.

You are not as desirable as you think you are

  1. You’re an egotistical douche. You are perceived as an egotistical douche if you are constantly posing, flexing, and taking selfies. This comes across as an arrogant dick. A cool guy who doesn’t have a humongous ego and doesn’t take himself too seriously is desirable. This shows that you’re truly secure and comfortable with who you are.
  2. You look bad naked, and you’re sloppy. You should love yourself and take care of yourself. You need to work out and exercise. Take pride in your temple because you need to be comfortable getting naked. You may also dress like sh!t. Take pride and ownership in your style and what you’re wearing. Dress with intention and purpose. Coordinate your outfits. Dressing all wack, baggy, wrinkled, and stained is not desirable. There’s a direct correlation between a dude who takes pride and ownership and being perceived as stylish and wildly desirable.
  3. Your face is not taken care of. You need to take care of your skin which is one of the easiest things you can do to have a handsome face. Create an incredible skincare routine with Tiege Hanley. Every Tiege Hanley system has the essentials, which include a face wash to use twice a day, an exfoliant to use twice a week, and two moisturizers (SPF morning and night). You can add anti-aging cream to fight puffiness and dark circles for Level 2. And then, you could go to Level 3, which adds an anti-aging super serum along with the eye cream and essentials.
  4. You’re mad at women. This is an unfortunate thing about the manosphere. Men spend so much time being pissed off and trying to prove their point that they’ve made themselves incredibly undesirable. A woman doesn’t want to be with a man who’s whining and complaining. Be a man who doesn’t worry and complain about what women do. Take responsibility.
  5. You are immature and needy. A woman doesn’t want to be with a boy. She wants to be with a man who is sexy. A boy is weak and not attractive. So if you’re sitting there playing video games, smoking weed, or abusing alcohol all the time, you look pathetic and weak. And nothing makes a man look more pathetic than being obsessed with women, simping, and being a puss. You may also be needy; you’re not mentally tough if you beg for attention or approval. You need to develop the mental strength to stop begging and asking for stuff.
  6. You’re rude. People don’t want to date a rude guy. If you talk down to people, whether a peer, co-worker, parent, or woman, nobody will respect you. No woman will want to be with you because rude people are ignorant, unsexy, and not desirable. But if you’re kind, friendly, engaging, and inviting, you are more attractive and desirable. Lift people up instead of talking down to them.
  7. You’re a snowflake. You’re weak and get upset over stupid little things that don’t matter. You try to cancel people that you don’t like when somebody disagrees with you. You get so upset and angry that you think the world owes you something. When you don’t get it, you get pissed off. You’re jealous of other people because life’s not fair. Deal with it! You get out of life what you put into it. If you genuinely want to be desirable, you have to be self-sufficient.
10 Tattoo Rules ALL Men Should Follow {to NOT Look STUPID}! Mon, 13 Feb 2023 06:30:46 +0000 Life is about choices, and if you choose to be a dumbass and get something tattooed on your face, don’t get mad at other people when they don’t want to hire you. Don’t get me wrong; I love tattoos. They can make you look like a huge badass. They’re also a fantastic way to express your individual style. Still, there’s a fine line between badass tattoos and dumbass tattoos.

If you’ve already done some of these stupid ass things I’m about to talk about, you’re not going to like my opinion. I’m also not talking to you. I’m talking to the guys who are thinking about getting inked. I know dumbass tattoos because I had two (bumblebee and moon). Today I will go over a few tattoo rules you should always follow.

Before you get inked, think about these things.

  1. Don’t get a tattoo before the age of 21. Don’t do it if you’re below age 21 because you will regret it. You’re impulsive at that age, and your testosterone levels are cranking. You’re going to think something is awesome and that you will love it for the rest of your life, but you won’t.
  2. Don’t do anything impulsive or spur of the moment. When a tattoo is done right, it’s thought out and planned. You have a good story behind something incredible. But if you go out and get one on a whim, that’s a recipe for disaster.
  3. Have a story and meaning. Don’t just pick a tattoo off a wall. If there’s something that you want, plan and work with the artist or tattoo designer. Think about it so that you have a story when somebody asks you what your tattoo represents. Tattoos are great conversation starters, but if your conversation starts and ends with ‘I don’t know,’ that doesn’t work.
  4. Never on your face, neck, or hands. If you have any tattoos in those places, you will look trashy, and people will not respect you the way you deserve to be respected. Life is not fair; it’s the reality. So if you’re choosing to put a stamp on your body that lets people know about a horrible decision, don’t be mad when they don’t want to hire you, date you, or be your friend.
  5. Tribal tattoos look like white trash. Think of tribal tattoos like the Ed Hardy Affliction version of tattoos. Also, stand-alone bands on your arms make you look white trashy.
  6. Cute tattoos are not cute. This goes for anything funny as well. If something is funny, getting it tattooed on your body is probably a horrible idea. Although it may be trendy right now, it won’t be later.
  7. No portrait tattoos. Having portraits of your family members, children, and dogs is another horrible idea, even though it has a good meaning.
  8. No people’s names. Never get a tattoo of somebody’s name on your body, whether it’s a crush, girlfriend, or wife. At some point, these people may not be in your life, and it will be very difficult to explain why you have her name on your body.
  9. No affiliations with sexual or social groups. Whether or not it’s a rainbow flag, a political party, or other symbols identifying as trans or whatever, if you’re putting these on your body to identify yourself with a specific group, understand that you’re going to alienate a lot of people that don’t align with your belief. Even if you don’t care, know that you’re going to limit and alienate people. Also, you’ll have to work extra hard to overcome people’s perceptions or ignorance. I’m not saying this to be a dick; I am just letting you know that if you choose to wear your stance, perspective, or belief on your sleeve, people will not always agree with you.
  10. Reconsider cover up tattoos. It’s not always a good idea to cover a tattoo with something bigger that you may not like later. People get bad tattoos and then think they’re going to cover it with something bigger when they could have gotten it removed. Tattoo removal is incredibly effective, and I had two removed because I was embarrassed. I felt like a huge douche with mine, and I didn’t love them. It cost me $800 to remove them through a series of treatments.
How to BOOST Your Facial Attractiveness as a Man! Wed, 16 Nov 2022 06:30:33 +0000 The other day I saw this ‘before and after’ of a woman that blew my mind. Women have makeup, lashes, injections, and extensions if they want to look more attractive. They can go from a 2.7 on a good day to 9.8 by doing magical things to their face. Boom! They are spicy. For us dudes, we don’t have the luxury of all that, but we do have some steps we can take to improve our facial attractiveness. Today I will review these actions to make your face look more attractive.

Easy steps to increase your handsomeness level

  • Add facial hair. Adding facial hair will make you more attractive, as beards are a great equalizer. Facial hair is the guy’s equivalent of makeup. Every single one of you will look better with facial hair if it’s not patchy and nasty. Let your facial hair grow for 30 days, and then analyze it. Adjust and modify as needed. Facial hair will add interest, detail, and dimension to your face and strengthen your jaw.
  • Strengthen your jaw. If you have extra meat underneath your jaw, losing 5 to 10 lbs will make a dramatic difference in the angularity and structure of your face. So, reduce the amount of food you eat, cut out the crap food, and drink 1 gallon of lemon water daily. Water will help flush excess fluid you may carry in your face.
  • Take care of your skin. If you have a lot of breakouts, blemishes, oil, and wrinkles, adopt a solid skincare routine. Tiege Hanley has everything you need to take the guesswork out of having a sexy, handsome face. The Level 1 system comes with four-core products. You can add eye cream for Level @ and eye cream + anti-aging super serum for Level 3.
  • Get a balanced and contrasted haircut. Make sure you have a haircut based on your face shape, which can improve your facial attractiveness. Upgrade your haircut after identifying what face shape you have; check out my description in the video. Your haircut is about contrast and balance to improve and maximize attractiveness.
  • Have bright eyes. If you have bags and dark circles, figure out why you have them because it’s not normal. Ensure you get enough sleep, use eye cream, don’t rub your eyes, get checked for allergies and high blood pressure, and stop smoking, whether cigarettes or weed.
  • Properly groom your eyebrows. Make sure you do not tweeze them too thinly or have them overarching, as you will look like a chick. Reciprocally, clean up under the eyebrow but leave the hairs above. Also, ensure to take care of the hairs in the center so you do not have a unibrow.
  • Share a white and confident smile. If you have a jacked-up smile, you can certainly whiten your teeth. Whitening has never been easier or quicker. I use bleaching strips which you can pop on in the car. It’s super easy and will make you look more attractive. If your teeth are jacked up or snaggly, or if you’re insecure about them, go see a dentist or orthodontist to have them fixed. If you have to save up a bit of money, it’s worth it.
6 Signs You Have an UGLY Face {and How to FIX It}! Thu, 02 Jun 2022 05:30:46 +0000 The other day I got an email from one of our friends who sent me a picture and asked if he is ‘ugly.’ He was not ugly; however, his question got me thinking and inspired this video. We as men can take some steps in order to look better and more attractive when we actually feel the complete opposite. So with that, here are some reasons why men can feel ‘ugly’ and how to fix the situation.

Please note if you’re a smoker (tobacco or weed), stop as soon as possible because smoking is a death punch in the throat to your looks. Your teeth will become stained & nasty, your facial skin will prematurely age, your eyes will be affected negatively, and you increase your chances of getting cancers and erectile dysfunction as well.

Why guys can feel unattractive + remedies

  1. Weak jaw or chin – a lot of us were not born with chiseled, Greek godlike jaws. Facial hair is one of the quickest and easiest things that you can do to help strengthen a weak jaw and give your face more balance and angularity. When growing a beard, don’t shave it incorrectly. Check out my demonstration.
  2. Chubby cheeks – if you want a strong and structured sexy face, reduce the amount of subcutaneous water being retained by increasing the amount of water you’re consuming to 1 gallon per day. Also, reduce the amount of junk food you’re eating, which includes those high in refined sugars, sulfates, and salt. Even losing 10 lbs will almost instantly make a difference in the fullness of your face.
  3. Messed up skin – issues such as an oily complexion, blemishes, blackheads, dry skin, crow’s feet, and dark circles under your eyes do not send the right message a lot of times. One of the quickest and easiest steps is starting to take care of it. Tiege Hanley makes skin care easy, affordable, and uncomplicated by giving you all the essentials for washing, exfoliating, and moisturizing.
  4. Issues with teeth – if you can improve your smile, you feel more confident. You can invest in Invisalign, get veneers, or even whiten the teeth that you have. If you need to get a second job and save a bit of money, it is worth it.
  5. Hair challenges – if you’re losing your hair, go see Bosley for a solution. Don’t wait to deal with it because the sooner that you can stop it, the sooner you can fix it. If you’re losing your hair, taking your hair super short will make you look sexier. Also, growing a beard can help balance your face if you have a receding hairline. Frames (eye-wear) can also be an accessory to add interest,  detail, and dimension to your face while drawing the eye down.
  6. Eye problems – your eyes can make you look old, unattractive, sick, and interested. Grab an eye cream from Tiege Hanley because the stuff is literally amazing. Use it twice a day to experience game-changing differences in the attractiveness of your eyes. Also, use Visine when your eyes are bloodshot.
Have You Hit Your “Good Looks” Limit? | ATTRACTIVENESS POTENTIAL TEST Thu, 13 May 2021 05:26:00 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Tiege Hanley | get a bonus Tiege Towel!
What is your attractiveness potential? In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness, and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM AaronMarino Pete & Pedro Tiege Hanley ENEMY asks if you are as good looking as you’re going to get — or is there still some room for improvement? Let’s find out! With each of these categories, score yourself between 1 (worst) to 10 (best). We’ll total the score at the end. Most importantly, BE HONEST.

What is your Attractiveness Potential?

  1. Your physique — how fit is your body? How does your body look?
  2. Your smile — straight teeth, fresh breath, white teeth, gaps between teeth, visit the dentist for regular check-ups.
  3. Your diet — are you eating clean or processed?
  4. Your water consumption — give yourself a 10 if  you drink a gallon or more per day.
  5. Your face — do you wash and moisturize twice a day? Do you exfoliate twice a week? Do you use an eye cream for puffiness, dark circles, and crow’s feet? Do you use an anti-aging serum?
  6. Your hairstyle — do you get regular haircuts? Do you use a high quality shampoo and conditioner? Do you use high quality hair styling products? If you are losing hair, are you doing something about it?
  7. Your personal grooming — do you groom your eyebrows, nose hair, and body hair? Do you groom your butt hair and pubes?
  8. Your facial hair — whether big and bushy or patchy, are you taking care of your facial hair?
  9. Your personal style — is your clothing fitted for your body? Do you dress with purpose and intention? Are your outfits coordinated?
  10. Your confidence — do you feel great about yourself? Do you know the value you bring to the world? Is your self-talk positive?


Add up your score? Out of 100, what did you get? Alpha got an 87 — B+!

Why You Look Better in Real Life Than in Pictures Thu, 05 Mar 2020 06:30:14 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Tiege Hanley
Some people are super photogenic in pictures — but most of us look better in person. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM AaronMarino Pete & Pedro Tiege Hanley ENEMY is talking about why we look better in person as well as how to take a better picture.

Why we look better in person

1. Frozen Face Phenomenon — a picture is processed by our brain as a one-and-done; whereas, we appear more attractive when moving

2. The camera adds 10 pounds

3. The camera warps our proportions depending on the particular camera and lens

4. Your oil

5. Cameras distort the lighting and color

6. Pictures aren’t natural

7. Too many selfies and not enough group pictures

Secret tricks to look better in pix

 Wear the right color — blue is the worst color to wear in pix

Take better care of your face — use Tiege Hanley

Learn the tongue trick — jam your tongue into the back of your teeth

Lift your heels slightly if you’re a shorty like Alpha

Hold your breath — stomach in, chest out, shoulders up

Angle your face to its most attractive side as well as angle your body. Also angle your face up to the camera.

Make your face more photogenic

Two things that are the most important to making your face look its best are washing 2xs a day and applying an SPF moisturizer before you leave the house. Try Tiege Hanley’s Starter System for $15 which includes a 30-day supply of the essentials and an instruction card. If you click now, you’ll also get a bonus gift — the Tiege Hanley SPF 30 lip balm. Also check out the rest of the Tiege Hanley products — Wash Body Bar, Scrub Body Bar, and more. Your kit can be completely customized. But bottom line, if you do these two things every single day (wash and moisturize), you will notice a huge difference in the way your skin looks and feels. Get  yours today Tiege Hanley

The BEST Men's Body Washes of 2018 Wed, 21 Nov 2018 06:30:28 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Pete & Pedro | code BODYWASH20 for 20% off entire order
GOLD Body Wash
SILVER Body Wash
If you smell amazing, people want to get closer. If you smell badly, people will want to run to the hills. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  says the price-point is different for drug store vs premium.

Over the last 6-months, he has been testing and trying the body washes for the new Pete & Pedro Body Washes Gold & Silver.  Alpha says Gold is leathery musky and Silver is fresh and clean. He alternates between showers — they are super hydrating, sulfate & paraben free. Supplies are limited as the run is to see what feedback he gets. He will not be including these in the 2018 Best Men’s Body Wash analysis — although he thinks they are the best body washes currently on the market.

The Run Down

Fresh, not overpowering, and strictly for body washing are the keys to what Alpha is looking for when testing. Do NOT use a 2-in-1 (used on hair and body both).

  • The David Beckham House 99 products are the most over-rated out there right now, according to Alpha. He doesn’t feel hydrated and thinks it’s overpriced at $28 for 10 ounces.
  • Molten Brown is the king of body wash — and overpriced. The price is $32 for 10 ounces. The Black Peppercorn scent lingers longer on Alpha’s body longer than he likes. The Coastal Cypress & Sea Fennel is a Molton Brown fragrance he prefers because it’s not overpowering or lingering. Also the Bushukan is lemony and bright – he also likes this option better than the Black Peppercorn.
  • Wander Body Wash by Dollar Shave Club is similar to the Molton Brown’s Black Peppercorn and more affordable.
  • Grooming Lounge Best Smeller Body wash is also more affordable than the Molton Brown Black Peppercorn.
  • Body Fuel by Keihls -and- American Crew are both 2-in-1 — which you don’t want a cleansing product that can be used on hair and body.


The Bottom Line

Alpha’s favorite premium body wash is Molton Brown because of the fragrance and how his body feels when and after using.

In terms of the less expensive (around $5):

  • Dove Clean Comfort is his favorite. It’s mild and it’s not a 2-in-1. The only problem is that you don’t want to use on the face — your facial skin is more delicate and needs a specific face wash (like Tiege Hanley).
  • Nivea Men’s Cool scent is fresh, bright, and masculine is also a body was that Alpha thinks is great.
  • Aveno Daily Moisturizing has no fragrance and is a solid body wash. It’s nourishing.
  • Alpha doesn’t like the Old Spice or Axe fragrances — smells like a cheap cologne.
Testing EXPENSIVE Skin Care Products to Find the BEST! Thu, 25 Oct 2018 05:30:48 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Tiege Hanley
Alpha’s having fun shopping at Nordstrom to shop for premium skin care products. He’s picking out his favorites that are not Tiege Hanley. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  is creating a Level 3 Tiege Hanley system.  He’ll test it and let you know what he thinks.

Shopping for High End Skin Care

Alpha mentions how he use to love Jack Black and Kiehl’s, but he’s overwhelmed now because there’s so much to chose from. It’s a tricky thing! What’s beautiful about Tiege Hanley is they take the guesswork out and gives you only what you need and nothing extra. He spends $177 at Nordstrom (all purpose moisturizer Anthony, eye cream Jack Black, daily moisturizer Jack Black) + $145 at Kiehl’s (anti-aging eye cream, anti-aging serum, PM moisturizer, AM moisturizer Facial Fuel, exfoliating scrub Face Buff). He’s using these products for 7-days like the Tiege Hanley’s Level 3.

The Outcome & Analysis

First, Tiege Hanley comes with instructions. None of the products Alpha bought came with instructions – no order or quantity. Even with as much experience he has, it was touch-and-go for him when trying to figure out the order and quantity. Next, here’s the comparison outcome:

Level One (face wash, exfoliating scrub, AM moisturizer, PM moisturizer) – $132 versus $25 for Tiege Hanley

1. Kiehl’s Facial Fuel – solid product but dries his face out more than Tiege Hanley’s. It’s clean and refreshing but strips moisture.

2. Jack Black Face Buff – this exfoliating scrub is abrasive. The product is good with a lot of great ingredients but be very gentle when starting to use this product.

3. Kieh’s Facial Fuel (SPF 15) and Jack Black Double Duty (SPF 20)moisturizers – both were tested. Alpha liked both, but he prefers the Kiehl’s because lighter and better scent. Jack Black felt greasier.

4. Kiehl’s Super Multi-Corrective Cream – it’s very GOOD. The ingredients are high quality but it”s incredibly greasy. Tiege Hanley with amazing ingredients and no greasiness.

Level Two (eye cream + face wash, exfoliating scrub, AM moisturizer, PM moisturizer) – $172 versus $35 for Tiege Hanley

5. Kiehl’s and Jack Black eye cream – Alpha pick’s Jack Black Protein Booster Eye Rescue

Level Three (eye serum + eye cream, face wash, exfoliating scrub, AM moisturizer, PM moisturizer)-  $219 versus $45 Tiege Hanley

6. Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate – intended to be used at night because it is literally an oil (super oily). It’s a decent product but Alpha doesn’t love it. Tiege Hanley Super Serum is phenomenal used 2xs a day. The lab says it should cost $100 but Tiege Hanley charges $10!

What’s the Real Difference?

The difference between the other brands versus Tiege Hanley is the direct-to-consumer. Tiege Hanley makes a superior product without charging an arm & leg. You simply get what you need and nothing extra at an amazing quality, price, and value. Use the discount link to try out Tiege Hanley.

5 {Amazing} Blackhead Removal Hacks EVERY GUY Should Try! Wed, 29 Aug 2018 05:30:40 +0000
Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Tiege Hanley
Blackheads are disgusting, and Alpha hates them! If clean or hygienic you are but you have blackheads, you look nasty. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  is presenting five {crazy} ways to remove them… and then prevent them from coming back.

What Causes Blackheads?

Dirt, grime, dead skin cells, and oil collect in larger pores causing blackheads. Pore size is determined by genetics with darker skin having larger pores. You can’t shrink the pore size, but a lot of blackheads make the pores look bigger.

{Crazy} Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads

1. Use a bobby-pin for extracting individual blackheads – press and drag

2. Dental floss wrapped around fingers tightly – apply pressure and drag

3. Mint toothpaste + baking soda + water + toothbrush + warm wet washcloth

4. Sea salt + lemon juice + spring water

5. Duct tape? Alpha doesn’t recommend this one.

* BONUS – use your finger by pushing and dragging. Wipe with sterile rag.

STOP Blackheads from Coming Back

If you don’t remove the blackheads, they oxidize. The pore looks larger at this point, but you can remove the blackhead to make the pore look smaller. Thereafter, implement a solid skin care routine to stop blackheads from returning. The Tiege Hanley system is that solid skin care routine. Each Tiege Hanley system arrives with a guide that takes all the guesswork out. Tiege Hanley offers three levels. Level 1 features Wash (use 2xs a day), Scrub (exfoliating that removes dead skin cells 2xs per week), AM moisturizer (use every morning with SPF), and PM moisturizer (nourishment to rebuild). Level 2 adds Eye Cream, and Level 3 adds Serum. If you have acne, Tiege Hanley offers Level 1 and 2 for mild and more severe respectively. Order your skin care today with a discount Tiege Hanley

5 {Grooming Hacks} to STOP Shiny Face and CONTROL Oil Thu, 16 Aug 2018 05:30:45 +0000
Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Tiege Hanley
In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  says oily and greasy skin sucks. (1) You look like a big grease-ball in pictures, and (2) the excessive oil production leads to breakouts, blemishes, clogged pores, and blackheads. He’s now presenting hacks to shine less and produce less oil.

Excessive oiliness can be due to genetics, a poor diet (sugar, sugary drinks, saturated fats), and overly washing face (each time you strip the oil, it makes more). Go back to basics to curb the problem, but using quality products is the key! You need a high quality face wash like Tiege Hanley. It’s great for regular skin as well as those prone to breakouts. Be gentle when washing but exfoliate twice a week (Tiege Hanley’s scrub is an example).

Use a high quality moisturizer twice a day (Tiege Hanley offers both AM & PM) to maintain proper moisture. Another option is the Tiege Hanley Acne cream, with salicylic acid, treats acne whether mild or more severe.

Home Remedies That Control and Reduce Oil Production

1. Oatmeal + {Humectant} Honey paste

2. {Salicylic Acid} Tomato + Sugar mask

3. {Acid} Lemon + {Pore Tightening} Egg White mask

4. Carry blotting papers to pull oil off your face

5. Eat more Omega-3 fats to regulate cortisol production


10 Surprising Things RUINING Your Face! Thu, 02 Aug 2018 05:30:11 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Tiege Hanley
In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  is helping you to maximize your handsomeness by identifying surprising things that are ruining your handsome-ass face.

Stop! Don’t Destroy That Attractive Face of Yours

1. Caffeine – it dehydrates your skin  Drink plenty of water to replace the caffeine.

2. Chlorine – after swimming, shower

3. Long hot showers – strips your body of essential oils and moisture in the epidermis

4. Bar soap – don’t use on your face! The facial skin is delicate.

5. Over-exfoliation – occasionally remove the dead skin BUT don’t do it every day

6. Not having a solid skin care routine – Tiege Hanley has an uncomplicated system

7. Constantly rubbing your eyes

8. Talking on the phone – use headphones or an ear piece

9. Dirty pillow case – change every two weeks

10. Hair products that end up on your face – shower after sweating, build-up, and gunk

Here’s How to End Ravaging Your Face

Tiege Hanley takes all the guesswork out of skin care. With Level 1, the system features wash, moisturizer for AM  / PM, and exfoliating scrub. Add eye cream (Level 2)  or eye cream + super serum (Level 3) if you need some extra help with anti-aging. Tiege Hanley also just launched two levels of their new Acne system depending on how severe your acne is. You’ll never find a better product or an easier system. Use the special discount link for quality products for already unbeatable prices. Tiege Hanley

6 {Young Men's} Grooming Tips to Be MORE Attractive! Thu, 28 Jun 2018 05:30:59 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Tiege Hanley | Do This
Being a young dude in today’s world is tough – hormones, puberty, school, girls, and more. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  says he gets it … so he’s going over young men’s grooming issues.

Young Men’s Grooming Tips

1. Greasy hair – use a high quality shampoo to remove build-up, oil, dirt, grime, and build-up. Also, stop using so much product – less is more. Use a pre-styler for texture and oomph so you can use less hair product and maximum hold & volume

2. Don’t use overpowering body sprays or fragrances – if you ‘need’ them to cover-up funkiness, shower more often

3. Get rid of acne – if you have excessive oil production, have blackheads & blemishes, or experiencing acne, you can try (a) clay masks to extract impurities in your skin (b) solid skin care routing + acne treatment

4. Stop stinky breath! – better oral hygiene to eliminate bacteria

5. Not try to rock a beard if it’s not ready to be rocked

6. Your hands and feet – clean your nails and trim them!

Tiege Hanley | NEW Acne System

Based on your severity, chose Acne Level 1 or Acne Level 2. You’ll get a gentle face wash (2xs per day), scrub (2xs per week), AM moisturizer with SPF, and Acne moisturizing cream. The Acne cream will help you to eliminate your acne and feel more confidence. Level 2 adds an additional Acne cream application in the morning. Keep in mind that these are not spot treatments – they’re all over face and neck creams. Use the link for an Acne discount: Tiege Hanley | Do This
