Facial Hair – Alpha M https://iamalpham.com Men's Lifestyle Coach for Style, Grooming, and Fitness Tue, 12 Mar 2024 02:47:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://iamalpham.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cropped-favicon-2-32x32.png Facial Hair – Alpha M https://iamalpham.com 32 32 Top 10 Men’s Shaving DON’TS {THIS MUST STOP} https://iamalpham.com/top-ten-mens-shaving-do-not/ Sun, 10 Mar 2024 16:58:31 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=54081 I love everything about grooming, from the trimming to the shaving to the tweezing. But I don’t love ingrown hairs, razor burns or bumps, and cutting my balls. Technically I didn’t love that time when I got too close to the old rosebud with a grooming tool and cut my butthole. So, needless to say, I have learned a few things over the years. I want to share those shaving notes that you should never do.

First, I want to talk about razors because one of the problems why men suffer from ingrown hairs, burns, and bumps is because of the modern razor. The modern cartridge razor is good because you’ll get super smooth, but it’s bad for several reasons. The cartridge razor has five blades and one head, which means every stroke is like five passes, and the problem is hair getting pushed or shaved below the skin’s surface. When it grows back, unless you’re exfoliating, it will get stuck and trapped.

Never do any of these when shaving or removing body hair

  1. Do not shave before you trim. If you grab your razor and go to town shaving, it’s a great way to cut yourself, but it also irritates you. Trim it down as short as possible before shaving.
  2. Don’t skimp on your grooming tool. Every guy needs a grooming tool to maintain a sexy beard and body. Whatever I’m trimming, I use the Brio Beardscape 2.0. It is the best tool I’ve ever used. You can take it in the shower, but honestly, trimming wet hair is not something that you should be doing. Brio also has skin-safe technology, including titanium rakes, ceramic blades, LED displays, and many double-sided attachments.  The Brio Beardscape is amazing for trimming your beard, fading, shaping, and manscaping. Special limited-time offer includes a FREE Zero Blade ($24.95 value).
  3. Don’t shave off your sideburns. Sideburns are sexy and give your hairstyle a finishing edge. They also provide detail and dimension, but you don’t look good when you shave them off at the top of your ear or when they are too short.
  4. Always shave your balls but not your butt cheeks. You do not want to look like a troll doll in a headlock. But before you shave your balls, ensure your hair is short enough. Also, never shave your butt cheeks. When your hair grows back, it’s like sitting on a cactus. You’ll also get a crazy amount of ingrown hairs and bumps because the hairs will get trapped. Using a grooming tool is a better option.
  5. Leg & arm shaving is a personal preference. If you want to shave your legs because you feel cleaner or more aesthetic, shave them. You’ll see more definition with shaved legs. This is also why I shave my arms. Shaving your arms with a razor is fine. Shave your armpits with a grooming tool. I shave my armpits because I feel like I’m cleaner & drier, and I don’t smell. I also don’t like hair that gets clumpy with deodorant stuck in it. Again, it’s personal preference.
  6. Exfoliate whatever you shave. Exfoliating will keep the pores open and prevent hairs from getting stuck and ingrown. It will help to eliminate bumpy and infected areas. Exfoliate with a puff or some type of rag.
  7. Never shave your brows. Pluck them instead. If you shave them, you’ll have fat cross-sections that look like a 5 o’clock shadow of stubble on your brow. Remove hair with tweezers by plucking from the root so the hair will grow back at a fine point. Also, don’t shave a widow’s peak. The more natural you leave your hairline, the better.
  8. Do not shave your pubes. After shaving, you’ll wear pants or underwear, which will start to rub the hair that is growing in. They’ll become ingrown unless you’re exfoliating diligently. I use a grooming tool and trim it up. I take it as short as possible.
  9. Groom your Happy Trail to Big Al’s base. If you have stomach hair, I recommend trimming it short but not shaving it. You run the risk of problems if you’re not exfoliating. Shave the base of Big Al because it’s more aesthetic and clean-looking. Also, shave your nipple hair.
  10. Don’t shave your face. Every dude should have facial hair, making you look more rugged and aesthetic. Unless you’re a Greek god with a chiseled bone structure like Adonis, hair on your face will help strengthen a weak jaw and make you look better.
8 Hacks to Have a Better Looking Face https://iamalpham.com/hacks-to-have-a-better-looking-face/ Fri, 02 Feb 2024 02:19:11 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53945 If you’re ready to take your looks to the next level, you’re going to love today’s video because I’m going to share with you some of my favorite handsome enhancing hacks to make your face look better. Using these tips you will become more attractive and aesthetic.
  1. Use cold to your advantage. (a) Ice roller. This is the secret weapon of the ultra-handsome and beautiful. Freeze it and then use it in the morning when you’re a little swollen and puffy. When you roll it over your face, hold it for about 5 to 10 seconds, and then move on. You can apply a little gentle pressure. The cold will shrink blood vessels and help push a lot of the fluid retention out of your face. (b) Ice compress. You can wear an ice pack mask on your eyes in the morning to reduce puffiness and dark circles. The cold will shrink the capillaries and reduce a lot of the puffiness you’re experiencing. Poor Man’s version of this bad boy is using a bag of frozen vegetables. (c) Cold spoons. Run your spoons under water and then put them in the freezer. Take them out when frozen and put them on your eyes. Keep in place until the spoons get warm, which is around 3 minutes.
  2. Clean up your eyebrows. Eyebrows enhance the strength and structure of your face and having nice, clean eyebrows is a great way to do this. But, you need to find the right boundaries. Check out my example on how to use a comb to determine your boundaries. Keep in mind you need two eyebrows, not a unibrow. And you want to pluck sparingly and not overdo it.
  3. Reduce breakouts and blemishes. Use a clay mask at least once a week. Put it on and let it dry; thereafter, rinse it off to extract impurities and toxins that have built up in your skin. Tiege Hanley has a clay mask that is the best. Also, larger pores end up with more clogged pores and blackheads. You can use Biore Strips or knockoffs from Amazon. Keep them on hand but don’t use them all the time — about once a month if you are prone to getting clogged.
  4. Reduce clogged pores. You need a good skincare routine. Wash your face twice a day, morning and night, to remove oil, dirt, and grime that builds up. Twice a day you need to moisturize. In the morning use a moisturizer with an SPF of 20 to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays, and then at night before you go to bed, use another moisturizer. You also need to exfoliate twice a week to keep your pores free of buildup. All of this comes with Tiege Hanley’s Level 1 System.
  5. Use retinol for clear skin. Retinol has also been used to help people with bad acne scars. It also will even skin tone, shrink pore size, and reduce blackheads. It reduces oiliness, reduces wrinkles, and is the single best product on the market. I use Tiege Hanley’s Retinol Stick every night after I wash my face.
  6. Be mindful of what you consume. (a) Increase the amount of water you’re drinking. You need 120 oz a day minimum. Add a bit of lemon to give you a boost of vitamin C and a natural diuretic. (b) Eat low-carb. Your face will become more chiseled and defined if you reduce the amount of carbs you’re eating. Starchy carbs cause water retention, which a lot of times is in your face. (c)Eat low sodium. Foods that are processed have a lot of sodium and sulfites which will hang out on your face. The water will stay and not flush. So, drinking a lot of water will help to flush everything out, allowing your skin to be clearer.
  7. Use facial hair to your advantage. (a) Grow a beard and edge it properly to give your face more definition, strength, and structure. It will help to define your jawline, so make sure you’re edging it properly. Even if you can’t grow a beard, any kind of facial hair will make you look so much better. But if it’s super long and straggly or patchy, keep it a bit shorter. (b) Have proper sideburns. Don’t cut them off at the top of your ear. Properly cut sideburns help frame your face, finish your hairstyle, and enhance the visual strength of your jaw. Instead of cutting them off straight or blunt, cut them at an angle that will follow your jawline and give the illusion that your jaw is stronger than it may be. Check out my demonstration of where the sideburns should land.
  8. Throw on a pair of cool frames. Glasses are a great way to add detail, dimension, and attractiveness to your face. They will make you look more intelligent as well. Women find guys to me more attractive and look smarter when they’re wearing glasses. Glasses can also help balance a symmetrical face and strengthen a weak jaw.
10 Beard Growing and Grooming DEADLY SINS https://iamalpham.com/mens-beard-growing-grooming-deadly-sins/ Tue, 02 Jan 2024 16:05:34 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53870 If you want to increase your attraction level, grow a beard. It’s simple because a beard automatically makes a man look more attractive. It’s the male equivalent of women’s makeup. But grow it correctly because, unfortunately, many men have a whacked-out beard. That said, I would like to review some mistakes men make with grooming and growing a beard.

Pro tips to make your beard the best it possibly can be.

  1. Don’t compare your beard to others. No beard was created equal. Everybody has different hair follicle formations and densities. Many men think that their beards should look like other guys and will get discouraged if they don’t.
  2. Don’t shave for 30 days. Let your hair grow uninterrupted for about 30 days. Sure, you should trim high up on your cheeks and under your neck, but let your beard have a chance to grow and fill in. After that, you’ll notice thinner areas, which you can camouflage patchy areas.
  3. Keep it natural. Trim your beard properly because the more natural you can leave your beard regarding growth pattern, the better. Two exceptions include high up on the cheek and underneath the neck. Many men make mistakes, so please watch this video on properly trimming and shaving these areas. You don’t want to look like you have a double chin.
  4. Trim and edge precisely. But don’t go too thin, because that looks stupid. This includes your mustache. Ensure you trim your mustache because no one wants to make out with a guy with hair all in his mouth. It’s not sexy. You can use your Brio and edge it up to keep your lips exposed.
  5. Don’t use cheap products. Invest in a Brio Beardscape, which I’ve talked about a lot because it’s the best tool on the market.
  6. Don’t just trim one length. You need to utilize your facial hair by creating angles with micro-adjustments. Your hair should be longer on your chin and gradually fade to your temples.
  7. Don’t screw up your sideburns. If you’re bald or have a skin fade, do not cut your beard square at the top of your ear. You must blend and fade, which you can do with your Brio.
  8. Long beards need attention, too. Make sure to trim your long beard. Even if you want a longer beard, you must ensure it’s trimmed and looks good. You need to condition and moisturize it.
  9. Moisturize your beard and underneath. You need to moisturize both the hair and the skin underneath, which is critical to look soft and sexy. Stubble can be very abrasive, so moisturize or use beard oil. Get down to the skin with it to prevent chin flakes, too.
  10. Have a thicker beard. (a) Dye your beard to make it look fuller. Don’t go too dark because it looks unnatural. Your beard typically has a lot of different hair colors. When you dye it, the hair will be the same color, making it look twice as thick. (b) Microneedle to make your facial hair grow faster. Using the roller with tiny needles punctures your skin, bringing more nutrient blood to the surface to promote growth. (c) Use minoxidil on your face. This topical solution helps to treat thinning and baldness, which can also used for a thin or patchy beard. (d) Transplants for your beard. You can have a procedure to fill in patchy areas by harvesting hair from underneath your neck and then implanting it into the patchy areas to create a thicker and sexier beard. (e) Lift heavy weights. A direct correlation exists between lifting heavy weights and having a thick beard because when you lift, testosterone is released. A beard thickens as you get older for the same reason.
5 Beard Mistakes That KILL Your “Good Looks” INSTANTLY! https://iamalpham.com/worst-beard-mistakes-men-make/ https://iamalpham.com/worst-beard-mistakes-men-make/#comments Mon, 13 Nov 2023 00:07:56 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53688 Beards are the six-pack abs for your face. They make every single man look more attractive if they don’t make any of these mistakes. Unfortunately, many men think they will grow a beard and then mess it up because they make some of the mistakes I’ll cover in this video.

A beard opportunity can be turned into a liability, so I want to help you and your beard look better. At the end of the video, I will cover tricks to make your beard look thicker and your facial hair grow faster.

Tips to make your beard look the best it can

  • Stop comparing. Don’t compare your beard with other guys’ beards because you don’t want to feel bad about your beard. Don’t shave it.
  • Don’t give up too soon. Many men allow their beard to grow for a little and then think it’s not coming in the way they want, so they shave it off. You need to let it grow past the 30-day mark. You will be amazed at how much thicker and fuller it will get. You can also brush and train the hair to cover patchy areas.
  • Be careful with shaving. I hate seeing a dude shaving his beard up on his cheeks and underneath his jaw.
  • Use the proper tools. All beard grooming tools were not created equal. There’s a direct correlation between beards looking amazing and the grooming tool used. I use the Brio Beardscape 2.0, the best grooming tool on the market. Get the special Alpha M. offer with a FREE Zero Blade {$24.95 value}. Check out my routine in the video.

Biggest beard mistakes

  • Growing it wild. Don’t be a savage. Make sure you taper, tame it by training, and create a nice light angle, which means a little bit longer on your chin and faded on the sides.
  • Not fading sideburns. Not blending your sideburns kills your beard’s game. One thing that looks horrible is when a guy has a shaved head and just cuts his beard off at the top of his ears. You need to fade and blend. Check out my demonstration in the video.
  • Bad cheeks edging. One of the biggest mistakes I see men making is not knowing how to edge cheeks properly. Draw an imaginary line from the top of your ear down to the corner of your mouth. Then you’ll shave everything above and leave everything below. This will be the most aesthetic and help strengthen your job. It’s all about following that jawline.
  • Bad underneath edging. The single biggest mistake that drives me absolutely crazy is seeing a dude with an amazing beard and then seeing that they’re shaving up into the underside. This instantly kills the beard and makes them look horrible. It makes you look like you have a double chin with the fat meat area exposed. Check out my demonstration on how to find the proper line.
  • Mouthful of mustache. You will look horrible if your hair goes into your mouth and over your lips. Also, don’t think for a second that a spicy senorita wants to kiss that. She does not want a mouthful of fuzz.
  • Not conditioning. You’re making a mistake if you don’t condition your beard and, thus, have beard flakes. Beard flakes are horrible and nasty and happen to most dudes because the skin underneath the beard gets neglected. Make sure your moisturizer gets down to the skin, and then use a little extra on your beard itself. Beard oils will make the hair soft and shiny and also condition the skin underneath. You don’t want a bunch of nasty dandruff on your black shirt.

Pro tips to make your beard look darker, fuller

  • Color. When you color your beard, it will look twice as thick and dark as it normally does because you’re covering the lighter hairs.
  • Train your hair. Using a bore bristle brush twice daily, at morning and night, will train your hair to grow in a specific area and make it lay nicely. You can camouflage patchy areas by stimulating the blood to come to the surface carrying the nutrients and speeding facial hair growth. Exercise also improves facial hair growth, increasing blood flow and testosterone release. A healthy diet and good sleep with less stress will also help facial hair growth.
  • Alternative treatments. If you’re worried or insecure about your facial hair growth, you could do some of these alternative options. Minoxidil can be used in the beard. Facial hair implants are also an option. This is painful and expensive, however.
https://iamalpham.com/worst-beard-mistakes-men-make/feed/ 1
How Much to Shave OFF Your Beard? Hitting the Streets to Find Out! https://iamalpham.com/how-much-to-shave-off-your-beard-hitting-the-streets-to-find-out/ Fri, 03 Nov 2023 00:07:58 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53670 Today, I am going to answer a question. How much cash will it take to let me shave off your beard?

$20? $40? $100? $200? $500? $1,000? I’m hitting the streets to find out. Come along!

10 Mistakes DAMAGING Your Good Looks (and How to FIX Them) https://iamalpham.com/mistakes-damaging-mens-good-looks-and-how-to-fix-them/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 05:14:46 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53417 You don’t even realize how good you could potentially look if you stop making the mistakes that I will review in today’s video. The truth is you cannot afford not to look your best! It is never been any more competitive time, and you need every advantage of your competition. You can control how you look and present yourself, but unfortunately, some mistakes damage men’s good looks.

How to look your very best

  1. Fat face. It’s not that you have chubby cheeks; it’s that you’re retaining water. A diet high in sugars, starchy carbs, sulfites, and salts or insufficient water consumption contributes to water retention, bags, and a weaker jaw. Clean up your diet and increase the amount of water you consume to 1 gallon of lemon water daily. The lemon is an actual diuretic to help flush the body and subcutaneous water.
  2. Grooming goofs. (a) Shaved eyebrows. Do not use a razor to shave your eyebrows. When using a razor, the entire fat hair cross-section of the hair is visible. So, if you remove them all at once, they will give you a 5 o’clock shadow on your eyebrows. Instead, use a pair of high-quality tweezers to remove the hair from the root so it grows back as a point rather than a fat cross-section. Never remove the hairs above your eyebrows either because those are the ones that give your eyebrow masculine shape a natural appearance. Also, don’t make your eyebrows too thin because they will look like a chick. (b) Removing sideburns at the top of your ear. Sideburns help to frame your face and finish your hairstyle. Do not remove them too high by ensuring they come down around the tragus. A pro tip is to slant them slightly to follow your jawline to help enhance the visual illusion of a strong jaw. Speaking of a strong jaw, do not carve up underneath your chin. (c) Edging super tight and thin. Do not edge your facial hair super tight or thin with small little lines. You wanted a more natural look.
  3. Dark circles. Dark circles can be caused by not getting enough sleep or rubbing your eyes. The skin underneath your eyes is very delicate and soft, and you can potentially damage your skin by rubbing your eyes. Puffy eyes can also indicate allergies, sleep problems, or a diet issue. A pro tip is using high-quality eye cream like Tiege Hanley’s. Using it twice daily around the orbital sockets will make your eyes look fresh and bright, reducing dark circles and puffiness.
  4. Not using effective skin care products. Use skincare products to look handsome now and age like fine wine.
  5. Drinking & smoking. Alcohol will dehydrate you, which is terrible for your skin. Any kind of alcohol, cigarettes, nicotine, and weed will destroy your looks.
  6. Neglecting oral hygiene. The quantity and quality of your teeth don’t matter as much as the whiteness of your smile. If your teeth are yellow or discolored, whiten them.
  7. Nasty hands and feet. Nasty, bitten, and crusty hands and feet are not a good look. Make sure your nails are trimmed and exfoliated.
  8. Whacked style. Style is not about wearing the latest trends or being super fashion-forward. It’s all about wearing clothing that fits your body and is coordinated with purpose and intention. Dress well, which is one of the quickest and easiest things you can do to be respected by others and perceived as more attractive.
  9. Bad personal presentation. (a) Poor body language damages good looks. Make sure to stand with your chest up, shoulders back, and head elevated, looking people in the eye. Walk like you mean it. (b) Also, using filler words is poor form. Speak concisely and get your point across without using many filler words.
  10. Game over hair. If your hair is greasy and oily, it’s gross. Everyone can tell if you’re thinning, receding, and trying to hide it. If you want to fix it, go to Bosley. Get a new haircut if your hairstyle does not compliment your face shape.
8 Men’s Body Parts That Look BETTER with Hair https://iamalpham.com/mens-body-parts-that-look-better-with-hair/ Wed, 06 Sep 2023 05:03:31 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53377 I’ve had facial hair for the last 30 years. The other day, I shaved it off and showed it to my wife, and she told me to grow it back. So I started to grow it back because she hated it. My face looks better with hair, and so does yours! Today, I want to discuss a few areas on a man’s body that should always have hair.

Of course, eyebrows should have hair, but hair needs to go in between them. Back hair needs to go, and shoulder hair is not sexy. Other places on a man’s body look better with hair, however. Depending on the length, you will look more aesthetic and attractive when you have hair. But personal preference always comes into play regarding men’s body hair.

Going, going, gone? Body hair that should stay!

  1. Pubes. A recent study polled 300 women and asked what level of grooming they expect from a man. 64 women said they prefer trimming down, and 16 want the pubic region shaved bald. 20% like it natural, as in monster man bush, but 84% of women desire some hair. Remember that pube pruning is a personal preference, whether freeform amoeba, natural, or racing stripe.
  2. Stomach & chest. Shaving your stomach is okay if you’re lean with under 15% body fat. Most men with stomach hair look more aesthetic if groomed super short. With body fat over 15%, leave some hair. For chest hair, trim it short, but leave some because shaving a soft, doughy body will reflect light, making you look softer and dirtier. If you’re lean and remove the hair, you will look leaner and more muscular.
  3. Head. A cool hairstyle can balance your face. If you’re losing or want to regain your natural hair, it’s time to see Bosley. Their counselors are fantastic; they’ve been in the hair loss business for over 45 years, and they have a solution for any stage of hair loss. If you’re experiencing hair loss, you can use glasses to help bring your eyes down and focus on the center of your face. Next, do not shave off sideburns or shave them too high or straight across. Leave your sideburns to frame your face and finish your hairstyle by shaving them at a slight angle about the middle of the ear. This will help to strengthen your jaw because it follows your jawline.
  4. Face. When executed correctly, facial hair is the best thing you can do to boost your sex appeal and attraction level. Facial hair is the equivalent of makeup for women. A beard can help strengthen a weak jaw and bring interest and dimension to a man’s face. If your beard is patchy, let your facial hair grow for 30 days, analyze which areas are patchy, and then modify your hair accordingly. Many facial hairstyles do not require a full, thick beard. Another area that needs hair is underneath your chin. Do not remove the hair under your jaw when edging and shaving because it will make your jaw look weak, fat, and doughy. Check out my demonstration.
  5. Armpits. Armpits look better with hair, but don’t have it super long or unmanaged. Nicely trim your pit hair to be more aesthetic. If you want to shave it, that’s a personal preference, but it looks better with hair.
  6. Legs. I shave my legs, which I have done for a long time because I’m a bodybuilder. I like to work out, and I want to see the definition. I also have a tan. When skin is pasty white and hair is removed, the skin will look even more pasty white and awkward. Hair softens white skin, so I recommend not removing much body hair if you don’t have a tan. If you have super long leg hair, you can take it shorter, but make sure you’ve got a tan or are muscular. The downside to removing or shaving your leg hair is that your legs will look smaller. Conversely, removing the hair is totally acceptable if you work out and want to see definition.
  7. Arms. Arms look better without hair because the man’s forearm is one of the sexiest body parts. Removing the hair will make your forearm look more defined and vascular. If you have a ton of arm hair, your arms will not show vascularity or leanness.
  8. Butt cheeks. I remove the hair entirely because my cheeks get fuzzy, which looks weird. Word to the wise, do not use a razor to shave your butt cheeks because you’ll realize the mistake when it grows back.
I SHOCKED My Wife By Shaving Off My Beard After 30 Years {Did NOT Go Well} https://iamalpham.com/aaron-marino-shaved-thirty-year-old-beard-shocked-wife/ Thu, 31 Aug 2023 05:35:00 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53391 Have you ever woken up and thought it’s time for a change? Well, I have. I have had this facial hair for the last 30 years, and my wife has never known me not to have a beard. So, I thought I’d do something different in honor of the new Alpha M Grooming Kit that Brio just launched.

Grab an Alpha Grooming Kit before they sell out! This deal is the best online, which includes the Beardscape V2, the body blade attachment, the Zero Blade attachment, and a new case for your blades. Get a Kit, or check out the individual items as well.

Going … going … gone!

I will shave my beard for the first time in 30 years. I’m nervous! And I’m also worried about what my wife is going to say. I’ll show you her reaction at the end of the video.

I’m going to be using my Brio to take the length down. It’s literally the best tool on the market. I have the regular attachments, and the micro-adjustments are all the way up. I start by trimming my sideburns at a slight angle, which helps to frame my face. A small angle helps to draw the eye down and strengthen his jaw. I take it to a goatee, then leave the stash for a second. I also carve out my soul patch.

The big reveal

So now, how much younger do I look without any facial hair? I think I look about five years younger. Now for the big reveal. What does my wife think?

8 Male Facial Feature Women CAN’T Resist {RANKED} https://iamalpham.com/ranked-mens-facial-features-women-cannot-resist/ Wed, 30 Aug 2023 05:30:59 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53383 The University of Kent in the UK did a research project that took different faces and ranked them with face mapping technology to measure various points on people’s faces to pinpoint what makes faces attractive based on eight characteristics. Today, I will review those characteristics and discuss their findings. I’m also going to advise how to maximize the handsomeness and attractiveness of your face.
  1. Face shape. If you have an oval face shape, congratulations! You are viewed as the most attractive face shape. Oval face shapes are average and symmetrical. The more average your face and facial features are, the more attractive you’re perceived. When we look at a face, our mind has difficulty putting together different odd pieces. So if your face is even and easy, you’re viewed as more attractive to other people psychologically. Regardless, you can maximize your face shape’s aesthetic of your choice of hairstyle, glasses, and facial hair. I describe each in the video.  Your skin is often overlooked in these studies, but it’s one of the features that will instantly make you more attractive regardless of your face shape or structure. That is one of the reasons I started Tiege Hanley. I wanted a better, simplified skincare system I could use with high-quality products that are effective without spending hundreds of dollars monthly. Each system contains the core for products, including wash, scrub, and moisturizers.
  2. Eyebrows. Eyebrows can instantly change your looks. According to data, men with medium-thickness eyebrows that are straight with curved ends are viewed as the most attractive. Even though your brows are based on genetics, you can maximize your eyebrow attractiveness by maintaining the most natural-looking brow possible by not over-plucking or making them too thin. Pluck with tweezers to clean up the little hairs underneath, but don’t make them too thin. Check out my demonstration of where your brows should start and stop to look their best.
  3. Eyes. Blue, oval-shaped eyes are revealed as the most attractive, but you don’t have to have blue eyes. Don’t wear contacts, but instead, rock the eyes you have — just as long as your whites are white.
  4. Nose. A medium-length straight nose is what research noted, but that’s boring. Women say a big nose is sexy. But if your nose is something you’re insecure about, reduce the amount of oil or shine to make it look smaller, as it will not reflect as much light. You can also reduce your core size using Biore strips to make your nose look smaller. You could also use Scrub by Tiege Hanley to keep your pores open and clean, no matter your nose size. Everyone must treat and remove blackheads, blemishes, and oil because they’re nasty.
  5. Lips. Average lips are what research said. Whatever, that is stupid. One pro tip: keep your lips kissably soft so they’re not cracked and crusty by adding a dab of Vaseline before you go to bed nightly.
  6. Jawline. Research shows that a square jaw is sexy. Everybody knows that, and it doesn’t take rocket science or face-mapping technology to know that. If you don’t have an angular jaw, do not edge your beard wrong. You will appear to have a double chin if you’re carving up underneath into the neck fat meat. Even if you have a double chin, it must be covered to help strengthen your jaw. Reduce the amount of subcutaneous water you’re retaining in your face. Drink at least one gallon of lemon water a day, which the lemon is a natural diuretic. Another step is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and salt you consume to make your jaw look stronger and more angular.
  7. Hair color. The hair color that is viewed as most attractive is brown. Most men start to thin or lose their hair by age 30, so if you’re still rocking a nice hairline, congratulations. If your hairline is beginning to recede, don’t hide it. Embrace it. If you’re going bald, roll with it. If you don’t want to, go to Bosley to help stop hair loss or regain your natural hair.
  8. Facial symmetry. Research demonstrates the more symmetric your face, the more attractive you’re perceived. Facial hair, hairstyle, and glasses can offset asymmetry by helping to balance. Research reveals that if your face is perfectly symmetrical, you’re more attractive. The truth is that 99.99% of faces are not symmetrical, so what does the study even know?!
The ULTIMATE Grooming Habits Ranking {BEST to WORST} https://iamalpham.com/the-ultimate-grooming-habits-ranking-best-to-worst/ Wed, 28 Jun 2023 05:15:28 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53061 In 2008, I posted my first grooming video on YouTube. Over the years, I have published thousands of tips and tricks to be well-groomed and look fantastic. But all of these tips are not created evil. So today, I will go through the best to the worst. The top is the (S) sex machine level all the way down to (F). These tricks and tips fall into different categories depending on if you’re doing something right or wrong.

Determine what works for you because what works for me doesn’t necessarily mean that’s right for you. Identify the steps that you need to do and then implement them on a routine basis always to be sexy and smelling and looking incredible.

Grooming Routine Tier Notes

Beards. Beards can make a man look sexy, but they can also make a man look super stupid if it’s not trimmed or edged correctly. Men can look like wild savages if their beards are not well-maintained or groomed. Beards are the quickest and easiest step men can take to have sexier faces and more structured jaws. Think of a beard as a female equivalent to makeup. But don’t trim underneath the neck where the fat meat is hanging out, creating a double chin appearance. Also, have a good grooming tool which I recommend the Brio Beardscape V2 for your beard and body. Brio’s Zero Blade will take skin bald, so if you suffer from razor burn or bumps, this is a perfect option for not using a razor. Do not use the Zero Blade on your testicles or scrotum because you will cut your nuts.

Eyebrows. Again, this can be (S) sex machine or all the way down to the (F) tier. If you have wild, crazy eyebrows, this is not sexy. But on the flip side, if you overly groom or even shave your eyebrows, you will look potentially worse.

Skincare. You need to care for your skin, but all skin care tips and products were not created equally. Moisturize daily with an SPF before leaving the house, wash your face twice daily, and exfoliate twice weekly. Also, eye creams and anti-aging serums depend on your age.

Body hair management. Shaving your legs is less critical than shaving other areas. If you have a lot of chest hair, it’s okay to remove it, but it’s not mandatory. Mandatory is removing your back hair, as most women don’t want to feel a big rug when wrapping their arms around you. Also, butt cheeks are not as essential — but you do not want to shave them. Shaving the hair from your testicles is critical, and shaving your pubes is a personal preference. You don’t want a massive man bush, but how you trim it is a personal preference.

Oral hygiene. Make sure your breath doesn’t smell funky and your teeth are white. A smile is always attractive, but if you’re not smiling because you’re insecure about your teeth, check out some orthodontic procedures. However, veneers look fake, being too big and white. A clean white smile is the best.

Nose hair. You have to trim them!

Shampooing + conditioning. Yes, you need clean hair. How often to shampoo is determined by how much oil you produce naturally and how much product you use. I shampoo daily because I like clean hair, and I’m oily. Also, I condition once weekly (at least once a week is recommended for all men). If you have short hair or your hair isn’t dry, damaged, or brittle, it’s not as important, however.

Hairstyle selection. Your selection should be specific to your face shape. Yes, trends will also dictate what looks suitable and appropriate, but if you’re thinning or balding, don’t try to hide it. Either embrace your hair loss or go to Bosley because you don’t have to lose your hair if you don’t want to.

Body odor management. Shower and use deodorant daily. Ball powder also is a must, especially if you’re single and actively dating. Fragrance is one of the quickest and easiest things you can do to make a great first impression. Smell incredible but don’t wear too much, which can be offensive (optimal is three squirts).


How to Get a MORE Defined Face & SHARPER Features https://iamalpham.com/how-to-get-a-more-defined-face-sharper-features/ Wed, 14 Jun 2023 05:30:00 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=52955 Certain aspects make a man’s face look a little more feminine such as overly tweezed or arched eyebrows, pouty lips, and a round, soft face. Conversely, a strong, structured jaw or a more defined face will make a man look more manly. Today I want to review a few tricks for a more masculine-looking face.

Strategies for a more masculine facial appearance

Reduce facial fat. Men frequently carry a lot of excess fat on their faces. The more fat a man has on his face, the rounder his face will be. He will look more feminine if his jaw isn’t defined and his cheeks are chubby. A reduction of 10 lbs will show in the stomach and midsection and will make an instant difference in the angularity of a man’s face.

Increase water consumption. When retaining water, retention is frequently near the eyes, cheeks, and jaw. While increasing water consumption, reduce the amount of crap carbohydrates and salts consumed. A drastic reduction of subcutaneous water retention will result.

Strong structured eyebrows. Men look more feminine when they over-arch their brows or make them super thin. Maintain the natural shape of strong eyebrows without over-tweezing, overarching, or making them too defined.

Structured youthful hairline. This hairline type frames and balances a man’s face, making him look more masculine. Many men start to recede or go bald, and their faces soften as the hairline goes back. The loss of hair also causes people to look up. To bring eyes down, grow facial hair to balance the face and add a great pair of frames. Make sure those glasses have a presence: soft and round frames make a face appear round, whereas strong & structured angles will make a face look strong and structured.

Appropriate hairstyle for face shape. A man with a round, soft face with chubby cheeks should not have a soft hairstyle with bangs or fringe that softens and rounds his face even more. Go tighter on the sides with a bit of length on the top. Also, textured hair will elevate and help elongate a round face. A strong or structured jaw can go for a softer style. If a man’s face is more diamond shaped, he can choose any hairstyle due to having built-in facial symmetry. If a man is losing his hair, he should contact Bosley if he wants to do something about it (the sooner, the better). But if hair loss is the way to go, men can shave their heads and look fantastic.

Grow the right facial hair. (a) Sideburns will help finish a hairstyle and frame your face. Trim them properly to give your jawline the visual illusion of length and strength. Check out my demonstration. (b) Facial hair is a fantastic way to add strength, structure, and manliness to a man’s face. Try to ‘let it grow 30 days’ method, where you don’t do anything other than brush it with a boar’s head bristle brush. Train the hair to grow over patchy areas. And see how it looks after 30 days. (c) If you have a thin or blonde beard, you can make it look fuller and thicker by dying it. Your beard will look twice as thick. (d) Make sure you moisturize your facial hair with an argon oil to provide extra nutrients and soften & stimulate the facial hair follicle growth. (e) Keep your boundaries trimmed; check out my demonstration to make sure you’re not carving it where your face will look weak and fat. (f) Full beards will make you look soft and will not accentuate the angularity, structure, and strength of your jaw. You’ll want to taper it down a little longer on your chin and tighter on your sides, drawing the eye down and making your face and beard look better.

Reduce breakouts and blemishes. Pimples will make you look young and not sexy. Develop a solid skincare routine that includes washing your face twice daily, using a moisturizer twice a day, and exfoliating twice a week. These simple steps will create clear and cleaner skin.

6 Hacks to Look More Youthful & Attractive https://iamalpham.com/mens-youthful-attractiveness-hacks/ Mon, 22 May 2023 05:30:45 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=52931 Aging is inevitable, but looking old is optional. This past Friday, I turned 47. I don’t feel or look old except for a few gray hairs in my beard, which I will take care of because I will color my beard for the first time ever. But this got me thinking about other things that happened to us as aging men. We can actually fix and correct things to look more youthful and attractive.

As a baseline, if you always want to look good as possible, you need to do a few basic things such as workout every day, eat right, don’t drink alcohol in excess, don’t smoke or do drugs, and live as clean as possible.

Keep looking younger as you age

  1. Stop hair loss. Hair loss makes men look older quickly. If you don’t want to lose your hair, there are drugs on the market proven to slow hair loss and stop it. You can regrow hair with Propecia and Minoxidil. Early identification is critical. Hair transplants are another option that looks natural and undetectable. Just make sure you go with a reputable company.
  2. Cover gray. When I decided to cover the gray in my beard, I didn’t want just any box of hair color. I wanted to ensure it looked natural, so I researched different options. I found the company Cleverman which allows you to customize your coloring through a simple quiz. I opted for partial coverage. Another feature is moisturization which is scrub is included. Check out my application process and results. What do you think? My wife thinks I look younger!
  3. Tanned skin. If you want to look more youthful, get out in the sun. Pasty white skin is not as vibrant. But make sure you use sunscreen and don’t get burned. Also, ensure you use a moisturizer on your skin with an SPF of at least 20. You could opt for a sunless tanner if you don’t want to get out in the sun.
  4. No puffy eyes. Get rid of eye bags. Grab two spoons, run them underwater, and then stick them in the freezer. When frozen, place them underneath your eyes until they warm up for about 5 to 10 minutes. The cold compress will make the water retention go away. It also shrinks blood vessels. Another hack is to use eye cream; the sooner, the better. Last, get enough sleep.
  5. Stay hydrated. Drink a gallon a day of lemon water. Lemon is a fantastic antioxidant; water will make your skin look amazing. You will not retain as much subcutaneous fluids, and your body will look better.
  6. Update wardrobe. If you want to look young and youthful, you must dress that way — but don’t look like a douche. Opt for clothing that fits and is timeless but stylish. Get jeans that look sexy, shirts that look amazing, and shoes that aren’t worn out and beat up. Dress with purpose and intention. Wearing clothes that make you look youthful by accentuating your positive attributes and minimizing your perceived negatives creates a game over.
10 Grooming Mistakes “Good Looking” Guys NEVER Make! https://iamalpham.com/grooming-mistakes-good-looking-guys-never-make/ Mon, 15 May 2023 05:30:03 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=52840 One of the fantastic things about being well-groomed is it makes an average man good-looking. But also, some guys do things that detract from their ability to look super good. I will review some of the grooming mistakes that men should never make.
  1. Shaving a unibrow. When you shave, you see a fat cross-section of all the hairs, so when it starts to grow back, a 5:00 shadow appears. You don’t want that between your eyebrows. Instead, grab a pair of high-quality tweezers to rip the hair from the root.
  2. Not shaving your nuts. Every dude should shave his testicles, but the man bush is a personal preference. Trimming is mandatory, however. You have to take bulk down.
  3. Shaving your butt cheeks. Shaving causes the hair to grow back as ingrown and bumpy. Instead, use a grooming tool once a week.
  4. Handling hair loss poorly. Either own it or shave it. If you shave it, balance your face with facial hair. Never get a toupee. Don’t try to cover hair loss by combing it forward, either. If you’re not ready to lose your hair, visit Bosley for any stage of your hair loss.
  5. Jacked up jawline. Guys jack up the edging under their jaws and make themselves look fat and like they have a double chin. Check out my demonstration on how to shave this area properly.
  6. Growing big, nasty facial hair. Don’t look disheveled and homeless. Nobody will want to make out with you with hair growing over your lips.
  7. Having yellow teeth. Even if you have snaggle teeth, having a white smile instantly makes you look more attractive. Bleaching strips are affordable for whitening your teeth.
  8. Having unsightly body hair. Shave your back and shoulder hair. Chest hair is a personal preference, but if you’re super hairy, take the bulk down. Shaving leg hair is also a personal preference and the same with forearms.
  9. Having dandruff. And don’t walk around with a bunch of flakes on your shirt from your chin or hair. Use Pete & Pedro Control shampoo that has coal tar. Use it on your chin too, and then apply moisturizer after that.
  10. Neglecting your skin. Moisturizer skin every single day. Use a high-quality SPF moisturizer in the morning and then a nighttime version before bed.
  11. Having nasty nails. Nasty hands and feet are big deal breakers for most women. Make sure they’re not crusty, bitten, dark, and nasty. Don’t pick your cuticles, either. It’s not sexy.
10 BIGGEST Beard Mistakes You Need to AVOID! https://iamalpham.com/top-ten-mens-beard-mistakes-to-avoid/ Thu, 11 May 2023 05:30:16 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=52847 Have you ever seen a woman who looks super spicy, but without her makeup, she looks like a wildebeest? For men, the same thing can happen with a beard. A beard can transform an average dude to Jason Mamoa’s level IF you don’t make any of the mistakes I go over in today’s video.

Beard-growing and maintenance errors

  1. Giving up too soon on growth — proceed through the awkward stage to assess the situation after 30 days. During that growth period, edge and trim boundaries (neck and cheeks included). It will look thicker and fuller with edging and trimming, and you won’t look like a slob.
  2. Not finding proper boundaries — take a straight implement, then draw an imaginary line from the top of your ear to the corner of your mouth. Shave everything above, and leave everything below. The neck is where most men mess up by trimming too high underneath their chins (into the neck fat meat area). This will make you look like you have a double chin. Watch my demonstration on where to place your finger and shave. I use my Brio and its Zero Blade (shaves skin bald).
  3. Using crappy grooming tools — upgrade the quality of your grooming tool. The best on the market is the Brio 2.0, which I use on my face and body. Check out how I groom my 10-day stubble with my Brio and micro attachments.
  4. Having nasty mustache hairs — hairs that curl into your lip need to be trimmed.
  5. Not caring for your beard — don’t just let it grow unattended once it passes the two-week mark. Use a boar’s bristle brush twice daily to train your beard and camouflage thinner, patchy areas. Brushing also stimulates blood flow to carry oxygen and nutrients for a healthier beard.
  6. Not giving it proper nutrition — consume strategic vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids to have your beard look as good as possible. These include Biotin and Omega-3 fatty acids.
  7. Not moisturizing — avoid having a dry beard and dry skin underneath by using a beard or argan oil daily. Rub it in to make it shine and eliminate skin flakes. If your beard is flaky or itchy, you need to hydrate it. I opt for argan oil as I prefer the smell (it doesn’t smell like a lumberjack’s nuts).
  8. Having harsh transitions — if you shave your head and rock a beard, ensure a seamless transition without a big, harsh line. Fade and blend.
  9. Having a full, chubby-looking beard — if it’s fuller on the checks as opposed to transitioning and tapering, you will appear to have a fat face with chubby cheeks. Ensure the beard is a bit longer in the chin area, fading and tapering down to make your face look more angular with a more defined jaw.
  10. Comparing your beard to other beards — yours is unique with its genetics. Some of us have beards at 12, and some take longer. Don’t give up the fight.
How to DOUBLE Your Facial Hair Density in 60 Days {BEARD-MAXING GUIDE} https://iamalpham.com/how-men-double-facial-hair-density-sixty-day-plan/ Mon, 17 Apr 2023 05:30:23 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=52770 If you’re interested in doubling your facial hair density over the next 60 days, you will love today’s video. I’m presenting a step-by-step plan to maximize the sexiness of your beard.

For the first two weeks

  • Commit. You have to be serious about wanting to develop more facial hair because a mistake many guys make is shaving quickly after two weeks. You must go through the awkward phase to see how much better and thicker your beard actually becomes.
  • Lift heavy. Lifting weights will facilitate your body’s release of free testosterone. The more testosterone you have, the faster and fuller your beard will become.
  • Feed your beard. You need micronutrients to grow a more robust beard. This includes biotin and a whole-food natural multivitamin. Also, ensure you increase the amount of protein you consume and consume the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon.
  • Monoxidil. Using a product like Rogaine with the active ingredient minoxidil will speed up facial hair growth.
  • Trimmer. If you’re growing your beard, you’re going to need to trim it. The Brio Beardscape 2.0 is the best facial grooming tool on the market.
  • Brush. A boar bristle brush must be used twice daily to stimulate blood flow, bringing oxygen to nourish the hair and make it grow faster. You can also train the hair to grow in a specific direction.
  • Oil. Argan oil is preferable over beard oil because it is high in vitamin A, which will benefit growth. You just need two tiny drops to massage down into your skin.

For the next two weeks

You will let your hair grow for two weeks, continuing to do the above steps. Let your beard do whatever it’s going to do. 

At the four-week mark

Now it’s time to analyze your facial hair and be honest with yourself. You can start trimming it, strengthening your jaw by trimming it higher on the sides and allowing the chin to be a bit longer. Check out my demonstration.

The thirty-day mark

You’ll have a significantly better beard which will be thicker and fuller. Continue doing the steps for the next 30 days because that’s when things will really kick into gear. The biotin and nutrients will have time to work, the brushing will facilitate growth, and hydrating will encourage even more growth.

The sixty-day mark

At this point, you could color your beard but not super dark. By coloring, you’ll see exactly what is happening with your facial hair, and your beard will look a lot thicker colored.

10 Things “Good Looking” Guys NEVER Do! (Grooming Rules) https://iamalpham.com/10-things-good-looking-guys-never-do-grooming-rules/ Wed, 15 Mar 2023 05:26:50 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=52594 Everybody has a special gift. Something that you do better than anyone else. My gift is grooming, and with this gift comes a little bit of frustration. Imagine being the world’s number one men’s grooming expert, obsessing about butt hair, back hair, boogers, hair, shaving, trimming, plucking, coughing, styling, exfoliating, moisturizing, and more.

I’m always thinking about it and constantly dedicating my life to helping men with their grooming. So you can imagine the shock and frustration when somebody comes up to me and says they love my videos but look like a savage. I am passionate about you all looking super sexy. That being said, here are some of the biggest grooming mistakes still going on in 2023.

Men are STILL doing these in 2023!

  1. Big unmanscaped beards. Congratulations! You can grow a beard. Well done. But if it’s all crazy and nuts with your lips covered with nasty hair — it needs to be trimmed! You have to make sure it’s the proper length and that it’s edged properly. Have you ever seen George Lucas? He has a fat double chin with a crappy-edged beard. Check out my video, where I demonstrate the proper way.
  2. Nostrils filled with funky hair. A lot of times, this funky hair is filled with boogers to boot. Don’t be that guy with boogers hanging out of your nostril, as that’s absolutely disgusting. The simple solution is to use a nose hair trimmer. Pete and Pedro’s Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer is the best because it doesn’t tug, is USB rechargeable, and comes with attachments. You can also use it for your ears or edging your mustache. Check out the reviews.
  3. Too much product. Your hair ends up looking greasy and weighted down.
  4. Whacked skin. If you have breakouts, blackheads, blemishes, oiliness, wrinkles, dryness, or across of these, it’s fixable. You cannot underestimate the value and importance of caring for your face. You must wash your face twice daily, exfoliate twice weekly, and moisturize with an SPF in the morning and a night moisturizer. Tiege Hanley has all of the essentials.
  5. Nasty hands and nails. If you have crusty, nasty, bitten, gnarled, or long nails, it’s sickening. Grab a manicure kit like Pete and Pedro’s 8-Piece Manicure Set, which has all the tools and essential products to have sexy hands and feet.
  6. Monster man bush. You don’t need to go all bald eagle like a 12-year-old boy, but you do need to manage and trim your pubes. A big monster man bush will make your wiener look itty bitty and trap odor, making it smell funky.
  7. Funky nuts. If you have balls, you must powder them daily by dunking them and jostling them after a shower. Then take some powder up the booty crack because you don’t want swamp ass. Pete & Pedro’s Body and Balls Powder has three talc-free versions: fresh, unscented, and frost.
  8. Cheap products. Whether or not purchasing a shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, or powder from a drugstore or grocery store, it’s most likely low quality, meaning it will have EDC chemicals. These chemicals crush men’s testosterone levels and lower sperm counts. The biggest offender is antiperspirant deodorants because the aluminum will clog sweat ducts and cause toxic chemical buildup in the lymph system. Pete & Pedro’s Fresh Deodorant is aluminum-free and natural.
  9. Not exfoliating. Exfoliate in the shower before shaving your chest or any body part. If not, the hair will get trapped, and breakouts and blemishes will result. There’s nothing sexy about chest or back acne.
  10. Back hair. Get rid of that back hair ASAP.

To shave or to use a grooming tool

  • Shaving is appropriate on your chest, shoulders, arms, legs, balls, and base of Big Al.
  • A grooming tool (like my favorite by Brio) should be used for the pubic region because a razor will create ingrown hairs. Also, use the grooming tool on your butt cheeks because if you shave, you’ll feel like you’re sitting on a porcupine when it grows back.
  • BTW, don’t listen to other people. Don’t let people tell you it’s not ‘manly’ if you shave a specific body part, groom a certain way, have a particular hairstyle, or tweeze a certain area. Tell them to suck it.
6 WORST Short Beard Mistakes MOST Men Make + How to Fix Them! https://iamalpham.com/worst-short-beard-mistakes-and-fixes/ Wed, 31 Aug 2022 05:26:37 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=51550 So picture this. The year was 1987, and I was 11 years old, watching MTV. It was the first time I saw George Michael. He was playing his guitar in his super slim-fit jeans. He wore his leather jacket and was doing all kinds of sexy moves. He had on sunglasses, and his hair was perfection. But the one thing that really drew me in and caught my attention was his beard. I had never seen anything like it. It was perfect!

From that moment, I knew I would someday rock the George Michael designer stubble from that moment. Fast forward a few more years, and here we are today. I’m doing a grooming tutorial to show you some of men’s biggest mistakes when rocking short stubble beards.

Biggest short stubble beard blunders

  1. Going too short is the biggest mistake that I see. It’s the difference between a 5 o’clock shadow and a 10-day stubble. There’s a big difference between 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, and 5 mm. 5 mm is the max for a short stubble beard. For it to look its best, make sure you’re using a great tool that has the flexibility to give you what you’re looking for. The only tool I use and what I recommend is the Brio 2.0. 10-day stubble is scientifically proven to be the most attractive beard length, with studies from thousands of women.
  2. The next mistake is not fading and blending your beard into your sideburns. You look stupid when there’s a distinct line between your beard and your hair. I recommend going over your hair to maintain that specific length.
  3. Not detailing the boundaries properly is a mistake I see many guys making. Overly carving or shaping the beard too thin will make you look like a douche. Also, don’t let it grow up your face or down your neck; you will look like a savage. Learn to define the boundaries properly, which I demonstrate. I also demonstrate how to shave correctly underneath your chin. The proper boundary will frame your face and make your beard look the best it can be, and a proper shaving of the jaw doesn’t make it look weak.
  4. Another mistake is neglecting the crook of your nose, leaving long hair.
  5. Failing to edge is another issue. Edge along your lip and make sure that your hair isn’t growing down into your lip which is another huge mistake. Nobody wants a kiss with a mouthful of fuzz. Edge around your ear to ensure that you keep it clean and tidy in between haircuts.
  6. Regarding the soul patch, clean up stray, straggler hairs. Give it a bit of a diamond dimension or triangle. It will draw the eye down to help strengthen your chin.
Do THIS to Get a STRONGER Jawline & MORE Defined Face {IN 10 DAYS}! https://iamalpham.com/men-stronger-jaw-defined-face-in-ten-days/ Wed, 20 Jul 2022 05:30:31 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=51441 Unfortunately, most men were not born with a Greek godlike jaw. The good news is we can do some things to make weak jaws look better. If you implement these tips and tricks, your jaw will be noticeably stronger and sexier within 10 days.

10 days to a more angular jaw

  • Wear v-neck shirts – The v-neck draws the eye down, making your jaw look more angular. Polos and Henleys do the same thing as opposed to crewnecks, which soften the face. 
  • Reduce the amount of subcutaneous water – Drink 1 gallon of lemon water daily to flush some of the subcutaneous water you’re holding in your face. The lemon is a natural diuretic, which will speed the process.
  • Reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed – Your face will become thinner and more angular, and you will lose approximately 5 lbs or more. Most of this weight will be water weight, but that’s excellent news for your face and jawline.
  • Utilize facial hair – A few facial hairstyles make your jaw look weaker, such as a solo standalone mustache that puts emphasis and weight at the lip instead of down at the jaw. A big, round beard also makes a face look fatter and rounder. Don’t let your facial hair grow around your cheeks, so define boundaries. A completely shaved face will also look rounder and fuller. Beards are two men like makeup is to women, and the 10-day stubble is what women find amazing and the most attractive. Check out my demonstration from 15 days’ worth of growth, where I leave it a little bit longer on my chin and fade my sideburns. Also, make sure to catch the part of the demonstration where I stop and start my beard, which 99.9% of men make this mistake. My grooming tool, and the best tool on the market, is the Brio 2.0. Grab the Beardscape bundle that includes the Zero Blade for free ($24.95 value). 
  • Have proper neck posture – With all of us looking down at our phones and computers, our neck tilts down, making our jaws appear weaker. Further, our shoulders are rounded, and our head becomes forward. Instead, have your shoulders back and your head up, automatically elevating your chin and making it look stronger. It’s all about posture.
  • Have proper tongue posture – Mewing trains your tongue not to be lazy. Your tongue should press flat against the roof of your mouth. Check out my demonstration. You can also opt for chewing to strengthen your mandible muscles. My alternative is to chew four pieces of gum at a time, which makes your jaw muscles work harder and helps to slim your cheeks and strengthen your jaw.
  • See a plastic surgeon – If you are super concerned or worried about a weak jaw, you could seek a consultation from a plastic surgeon. A mentoplasty is a silicone implant combined with liposuction and muscle tightening. I believe this is the last resort.
The ULTIMATE Men’s Full Body Grooming Tutorial https://iamalpham.com/the-ultimate-mens-full-body-grooming-tutorial/ Fri, 22 Apr 2022 05:30:55 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=51023 Summer is right around the corner! I thought it would be appropriate to do a body grooming tutorial, so you don’t look savage this season. There is not a one-size-fits-all grooming routine. What works for me might not necessarily work for you and vice versa. You have to find something that you enjoy, which makes you feel confident and sexy. I perform my grooming routine on Sundays weekly as I shave many areas. If you’re somebody that just trims, you can get away with every 2 weeks, perhaps every 3 weeks. You just want to make sure you don’t look like a savage.

Hair removal method is a personal preference

  • Depilatory creams like dare are something that a lot of guys use. You simply squirt it in your hand and rub it wherever you might want to remove hair. After it sits for a while, rinse off in the shower. In my opinion, these creams can be a bit irritating because of the chemicals.
  • Another hair removal option is waxing. You can buy waxing strips at the drugstore or go to a facility to let them handle the waxing. Waxing is super easy, but it can be painful. When I get waxed, I generally will get ingrown hairs because waxing removes the hair all at once from the root. When it grows back, the risk of getting ingrown increases.
  • I prefer razors and trimming with grooming tools, and I love my new super sexy Brio with an LED screen.

Pro Tips before you start

  • Do your manscaping in the shower before turning on the water.
  • Get a mirror in the shower to do your beard in there as well.
  • Before shaving, exfoliate your body with a loofah.
  • The direction to shave is a personal preference, which I detail in the video.
  • I don’t use shaving cream as I find that body wash works just as well.

Manscaping Areas

  • If you have back hair, it needs to go. You can try to trim it yourself or get help from somebody. Or you can grab one of those do-it-yourself tools that has a handle. I really like the baKblade.
  • With chest hair, I recommend that you grab your grooming tool and take the bulk down a bit if it’s a bit long. Make sure you don’t have long and crazy nipple hair, either. That’s not sexy.
  • Most dudes are not comfortable shaving their armpits. But you should take some of the length down. This will help keep you drier, cooler, and smelling fresher.
  • I shave my arms because I can see my veins when I work out. I’m more vascular, and I just like the way it looks. If you don’t want to do that, no problem.
  • I keep my happy trail intact, But I will take some of the bulk or super long hairs down. The new Brio design has a grip action on the side.
  • Now let’s talk about shaving your butt cheeks. Do not make the critical mistake of shaving your butt cheeks. You will itch and then be in agony. It’s like sitting on a cactus. Use your grooming tool and run it up your cheeks and into your crack. Make sure you don’t get too close to the rosebud.
  • In terms of pubic hair, I like a bit of a racing stripe from the happy trail down. I do not shave with a razor, which will cause ingrown hairs. Again, I use my grooming tool.
  • If you’re interested in taking hair off your legs, you don’t necessarily need to shave like women. Simply take some of the bulk of the hair down, making your calves look more defined and sexier.
  • Big Al and the Twins need a nice, clean, and sharp razor. Make sure they are well lathered. Watch the video for more details.
7 Rules {Good Looking} Guys ALWAYS Follow … That UGLY Dudes DON’T! https://iamalpham.com/rules-good-looking-guys-always-follow/ https://iamalpham.com/rules-good-looking-guys-always-follow/#comments Fri, 19 Nov 2021 06:30:13 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=50494 It never fails! Whenever I record a video talking about tips or tricks to be more attractive, I always see a comment that says, “Just don’t be ugly.” Well, there are 7 rules that good-looking guys always follow that ugly dudes don’t — and it doesn’t matter if you have genetically amazing features or bone structure. If you follow these rules, you will be good looking.

Attractive dudes are always …

  1. Dressing with purpose — it doesn’t matter if you have man boobs, a spare tire, love handles, or a beat-up face, wear clothing that makes you look incredible. Clothing is visual smoke and mirrors, which lets other people know how you feel about yourself. If you dress with intention, people are going to notice, respect you more, and perceive you as more attractive.  You will ultimately have more opportunities because of the confidence you develop.
  2. Smiling — people that smile are automatically perceived as warmer and more charming. It’s a secret weapon that you have to start tossing out, giving, and delivering. You will connect with people better, quicker, and more effectively. Make sure to whiten your teeth (simple bleaching strips from the store will do fine) to have a better smile.
  3. Maintaining a solid grooming routine — this regimen includes your face AND body. Don’t rock a big monster man bush, make sure your toenails aren’t nasty, manage your nose hair, and shave your face (if you have a beard, do not up your boundary under your neck!).
  4. Smelling amazing — The study by the International Journal of Cosmetic Science demonstrated that men who wore fragrance deodorant reported higher confidence and self-esteem. Women also viewed them as more attractive. The researchers concluded that these men felt more confident, thus, the women viewed them as better looking. The takeaway is that the more attention you pay to the way you smell, the more you will be received as attractive because you will feel better about yourself and have higher confidence levels.
  5. Being kind and courteous — treat people with respect. Nothing will make you uglier than being rude, ignorant, and disrespectful to others.
  6. Making it happen — being super motivated, goal-oriented, and pursuing his dreams makes a man more attractive.
  7. Understanding that their bodies are their temples-– take better care of your body by putting in the work. When you start paying attention to food quality and exercising, your body will look better, your mind & attitude will soar, and your confidence will go through the roof. When you like the person looking back at you in the mirror, you understand that you bring value to the world.

Dollar Shave Club

Click to to the Dollar Shave Club to get your 1st starter set for $5. After that, the restock box ships regular-sized products at regular price.

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