Grooming – Alpha M Men's Lifestyle Coach for Style, Grooming, and Fitness Fri, 29 Mar 2024 19:53:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Grooming – Alpha M 32 32 6 Ways to Be MORE Attractive than 99% of Men Fri, 29 Mar 2024 19:53:32 +0000 I started posting YouTube videos to help men feel amazing about themselves. Unfortunately, I’ve gone a bit overboard. Some topics I discuss on this channel boil down to six essential steps to look good and feel amazing.

I want to go over these six things because I don’t want you to go down the rabbit hole of self-improvement, not thinking that you’re good enough, and constantly worrying that you’re not doing something you should be doing. If you do these six things, you will be ahead of 99.9% of other guys.

The Essential Six

  1. Have a nice body. Most guys are sloppy and have doughy dad bodies. Looking around the beach or pool, do you look better than most guys? If the answer is yes, you’re ahead of most people. If not, you must get to the gym and eat better. Clean up your diet and stop being stupid.
  2. Dress well. Your style will change the way other people perceive you. It also changes how you perceive yourself when you look in the mirror. If you like what you see, it boosts your confidence and makes you feel better.
  3. Effective body language. A strong stance is critical to master and will set you apart from others whose heads are buried in their phones. Stand up straight and walk like you mean it. Shake people’s hands, smile regularly, and look people in the eye. Give out compliments as well. Engage with people and talk with them. Sound confident and be interesting (as well as interested).
  4. Well groomed. Make sure your body hair is managed, grow a beard, and clean up your eyebrows and nose hair. If you want to regain your real hair if you’re losing it, visit Bosley.
  5. Man of integrity. Are you comfortable in your own skin, or do you put others down? Do you try to act like you’re something you’re not, or are you comfortable being you? Do you follow the herd, or are you your own man? Stand up for what you believe in and be a leader. This will set you apart from others and make you more confident.
  6. Good man. (a) Helping others will improve your self-esteem and confidence. Look for opportunities to assist others, making you look more attractive and confident. It’s good for your soul and will bring you happiness. Happiness should be the goal for everyone. Feel good about life and the man you are. (b) Being a good man doesn’t mean you’re a nice guy or a people pleaser. It doesn’t mean that you’re kissing people’s asses. Have a good moral compass, be a man of integrity, and do what’s right.
The END of Pete & Pedro Products (We Need to Talk) Tue, 26 Mar 2024 23:29:07 +0000 I’ve been putting off this video because I’ve been trying to figure things out with the Pete & Pedro vendors first. We will have to take a loss on some of Pete & Pedro’s products due to a situation I want to discuss today. I want to share what’s going on with Pete & Pedro because you are why we are successful.

Lesson One | Nothing in business is flashy

One thing that sucks is when you do the best job that you can, and it doesn’t matter. That is what’s happening with Pete & Pedro, which has been a grind for the last ten years. My team and I have been doing what we can to make the business profitable and prosperous, growing the company to nearly $10 million annually.

The first lesson I’d like to share is that nothing’s flashy regarding business. It’s not what you see on social media. It’s not fast, and you have to focus on fundamentals. Building a business requires you to be profitable, which means you need to manage inventory. Inventory is the lifeblood of any business, which brings me to the problem I’m having.

Lesson Two | Cash flow is king

About a month ago, one of our most prominent vendors announced that they were killing off a large portion of their business, which included about 700 businesses. Pete & Pedro is large enough that we were not killed off in the process, but the vendor raised their minimum order quantities to an astronomical amount. For our hero products, it’s okay, but it’s a non-starter for many of our other products that don’t move in significant quantities. We want to avoid tying up our cash in inventory.

We will have to discontinue some products, including ones I love. The critical issue is that some of these products are mid-level, where we need to sell more to justify the unit order. So we’re having to make some hard calls. We’re going to have to move some of these dead soldiers out the door and be able to afford some bigger orders coming up.

Lesson Three | You’re going to get punched in the face. Get back up!

Last year, we had our best year ever. We were starting on a great track this year and moving in the right direction. Then, this bomb dropped on us, presenting another business lesson. In business, you need to be able to get punched in the face repeatedly and get back up. You need to be able to move forward. You will get smacked in the knee with a baseball bat when you think everything is good and moving in the right direction. You need to pick yourself back up and figure out what to do.

Running a business involves systematically solving problems that never stop. When you think everything is cool and comfortable, you must adjust and be nimble. Unfortunately, Pete & Pedro will lose some of its outstanding products. The good news is that we have a lot of amazing products, and we’re going to do our best to bring back some of the other SKUs that we’re having to kill right now or in the near future.

5 Tricks to FIX Bad Genetics Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:35:07 +0000 I am genetically predisposed to being a pork chop. This may surprise you, but I got a little porky when my wife and I moved in together. I learned how to beat my genetics and would like to help you. I want to cover some of the most common genetic issues men face that can make them insecure and less sexy, including muscle, face, hair, height, and Big Al.

Tell your genetics to F-off

Physique. My entire family is short and fat because they’re Italian, and they don’t take care of themselves.

  • You want to avoid being skinny or fat by being consistent at the gym and with your diet.
  • It’s all about prioritizing certain muscle groups, as some groups could be better and need extra work to help them grow and catch up. Some of us will always have imbalances, which should be embraced and worked on to create an aesthetic physique.
  • Diet is also something you need to improve by making healthy choices.


Facial attractiveness. Although most people were not born with Greek god-like bone structures, you can create a more angular and aesthetic face.

  • Reduce body fat. Even a reduction in body fat by 10 pounds will result in a significant reduction in your face. This weight loss also translates into a reduction in man-boobs and love handles.
  • You can also decrease the amount of subcutaneous water by increasing the amount of water you consume while reducing sodium intake.
  • Further, decrease processed junk food.
  • You can strengthen jaw muscles by having a better head posture.
  • Working those jaw muscles by chewing gum.
  • Beards are also a way to add interest, structure, and strength to a weak jaw. It’s the male equivalent of female makeup. If you’re struggling with a patchy beard, wait. A lot of times, just waiting will increase the formation of your hair follicle.
  • Lift heavy weights to increase your testosterone. Exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses will release testosterone to help create a thicker beard.



  • Unfortunately, when you have high testosterone, you may experience thinning on the top of your head. This is because of the conversion from testosterone to DHT. Bosley can help.
  • If you’re losing your hair or going bald, adding a beard will absolutely make you look better.
  • Contact Bosley if you’d like to get thicker hair or regain the hair you’ve already lost. Get TWO MONTHS FREE at BosleyRX. To get started, use coupon code ALPHAM to claim this exclusive offer on any solution. Not sure which solution is right for you? Grab The Complete Guide to Hair Restoration and a free $250* off Gift Card, or schedule a Free Consultation with a hair restoration specialist.


Height. If you’re a short dude, you can take steps to maximize the illusion of your height.

  • Make sure you stand up straight because posture is critical.
  • You can also wear boots for shoes with a bit extra height or a heel.
  • Dressing dark, monochromatic outfits to look taller, longer, and leaner.
  • Clothing that fits your body correctly also helps. Wear clothes that are tailored whenever possible.
  • Anything that breaks the visual line from your head to your toe must be modified and eliminated. Do not wear horizontal stripes, for example.
  • Stick with solids as well.
  • On a side note, if you’re thin, use lighter colors to make you appear larger.


Big Al.

  • Pumping works.
  • Surgical procedures are also available, but I do not recommend them. I cover each of these in the video.
  • You could also try using L-carnitine or l-citrulline, which are amino acids that increase nitric oxide to relax your blood vessels and increase blood flow to Big Al, increasing solidness, thickness, and hardness.
Top 10 Men’s Shaving DON’TS {THIS MUST STOP} Sun, 10 Mar 2024 16:58:31 +0000 I love everything about grooming, from the trimming to the shaving to the tweezing. But I don’t love ingrown hairs, razor burns or bumps, and cutting my balls. Technically I didn’t love that time when I got too close to the old rosebud with a grooming tool and cut my butthole. So, needless to say, I have learned a few things over the years. I want to share those shaving notes that you should never do.

First, I want to talk about razors because one of the problems why men suffer from ingrown hairs, burns, and bumps is because of the modern razor. The modern cartridge razor is good because you’ll get super smooth, but it’s bad for several reasons. The cartridge razor has five blades and one head, which means every stroke is like five passes, and the problem is hair getting pushed or shaved below the skin’s surface. When it grows back, unless you’re exfoliating, it will get stuck and trapped.

Never do any of these when shaving or removing body hair

  1. Do not shave before you trim. If you grab your razor and go to town shaving, it’s a great way to cut yourself, but it also irritates you. Trim it down as short as possible before shaving.
  2. Don’t skimp on your grooming tool. Every guy needs a grooming tool to maintain a sexy beard and body. Whatever I’m trimming, I use the Brio Beardscape 2.0. It is the best tool I’ve ever used. You can take it in the shower, but honestly, trimming wet hair is not something that you should be doing. Brio also has skin-safe technology, including titanium rakes, ceramic blades, LED displays, and many double-sided attachments.  The Brio Beardscape is amazing for trimming your beard, fading, shaping, and manscaping. Special limited-time offer includes a FREE Zero Blade ($24.95 value).
  3. Don’t shave off your sideburns. Sideburns are sexy and give your hairstyle a finishing edge. They also provide detail and dimension, but you don’t look good when you shave them off at the top of your ear or when they are too short.
  4. Always shave your balls but not your butt cheeks. You do not want to look like a troll doll in a headlock. But before you shave your balls, ensure your hair is short enough. Also, never shave your butt cheeks. When your hair grows back, it’s like sitting on a cactus. You’ll also get a crazy amount of ingrown hairs and bumps because the hairs will get trapped. Using a grooming tool is a better option.
  5. Leg & arm shaving is a personal preference. If you want to shave your legs because you feel cleaner or more aesthetic, shave them. You’ll see more definition with shaved legs. This is also why I shave my arms. Shaving your arms with a razor is fine. Shave your armpits with a grooming tool. I shave my armpits because I feel like I’m cleaner & drier, and I don’t smell. I also don’t like hair that gets clumpy with deodorant stuck in it. Again, it’s personal preference.
  6. Exfoliate whatever you shave. Exfoliating will keep the pores open and prevent hairs from getting stuck and ingrown. It will help to eliminate bumpy and infected areas. Exfoliate with a puff or some type of rag.
  7. Never shave your brows. Pluck them instead. If you shave them, you’ll have fat cross-sections that look like a 5 o’clock shadow of stubble on your brow. Remove hair with tweezers by plucking from the root so the hair will grow back at a fine point. Also, don’t shave a widow’s peak. The more natural you leave your hairline, the better.
  8. Do not shave your pubes. After shaving, you’ll wear pants or underwear, which will start to rub the hair that is growing in. They’ll become ingrown unless you’re exfoliating diligently. I use a grooming tool and trim it up. I take it as short as possible.
  9. Groom your Happy Trail to Big Al’s base. If you have stomach hair, I recommend trimming it short but not shaving it. You run the risk of problems if you’re not exfoliating. Shave the base of Big Al because it’s more aesthetic and clean-looking. Also, shave your nipple hair.
  10. Don’t shave your face. Every dude should have facial hair, making you look more rugged and aesthetic. Unless you’re a Greek god with a chiseled bone structure like Adonis, hair on your face will help strengthen a weak jaw and make you look better.
10 Men’s Hairstyles Women HATE Sun, 04 Feb 2024 23:23:14 +0000 A few weeks ago, I published a video talking about the best men’s hairstyles of 2024. Today, I will flip it around and review the worst hairstyles that women absolutely hate. Keep in mind that the popular hairstyles for men in 2024 have more natural flowing textures and are not crunchy.

It’s about embracing natural texture if you have curls or longer hair. If you’re losing your hair, either stop it or fix it. Ensure you condition your hair at least three times a week and upgrade your products. Remember that your spicy senorita wants to run her fingers through your luscious locks; if it’s dry, brittle, or crusty, she can’t get her hands through it.

First, I will demonstrate how I fix my hair after I shower. Check it out. Sea SALT Spray is a game changer that every man should be using. It adds weightless volume and more texture. My Laifen Swift hair dryer is the best on the market. It takes literally 60 seconds to get my hair dry. Save up to 35% at Amazon OR on the Laifen site. To get an additional discount on the Laifen SE Model, use code 10LFVD. And last, Texture Powder is one of my favorite products because you can style your hair without adding many other products. My hair looks more natural, and I can restyle my hair easily throughout the day.

Women say ‘no’ to these men’s hairstyles.

  1. The mullet. I’m not talking about the modern mullet that’s tapered on the side with some length in the back. I’m talking about the classic mullet. This style looks terrible.
  2. Wild hair. Untamed and unkempt hair is not desirable to women. She does not want you to look like a wildebeest.
  3. Harsh cuts. A fauxhawk is stupid, so stop it. Also, the undercut was super popular years ago, but it looks terrible now. A hard undercut stops abruptly. To maximize your sexiness, you need to blend softly with a gradual transition.
  4. Harsh styles & colors. She will hate it if your hair is hard, crunchy, and doesn’t move. And if it’s greasy, that isn’t good, too. Spiky, hard-gelled hair is also not desirable. Weird colors are also a ‘no.’ If your hair is pink or blue, get rid of it. It doesn’t look cute, fun, or festive; it looks trashy and nasty.
  5. The bowl cut. This look is terrible.
  6. TikTok hair. Young dudes are growing their hair long and curly everywhere. It looks like hell.
  7. Camouflaging thinning. If you’re losing it, shave it or go to Bosley. Do not try to hide it. Do something about it, or shave it off.
  8. Man bun or top knot. If you’re rocking a man bun, it’s time to lose it. She doesn’t love it if you’re rocking a tiny top knot, which is even worse.
  9. Shaved-off sideburns. Sideburns help frame your face and finish your hairstyle. If you’re somebody getting a bald fade, you don’t need them. But you need sideburns if you have any hair and are not rocking a beard. Instead of cutting them straight across, a pro tip is to angle them slightly to follow your jawline to enhance your hairstyle and frame your face. Your jaw will appear more substantial.
  10. Dandruff. If you have flakes, you need a stronger shampoo. If you have an itchy scalp or look down at your black shirt with flakes, eliminate them with coal tar.
8 Hacks to Have a Better Looking Face Fri, 02 Feb 2024 02:19:11 +0000 If you’re ready to take your looks to the next level, you’re going to love today’s video because I’m going to share with you some of my favorite handsome enhancing hacks to make your face look better. Using these tips you will become more attractive and aesthetic.
  1. Use cold to your advantage. (a) Ice roller. This is the secret weapon of the ultra-handsome and beautiful. Freeze it and then use it in the morning when you’re a little swollen and puffy. When you roll it over your face, hold it for about 5 to 10 seconds, and then move on. You can apply a little gentle pressure. The cold will shrink blood vessels and help push a lot of the fluid retention out of your face. (b) Ice compress. You can wear an ice pack mask on your eyes in the morning to reduce puffiness and dark circles. The cold will shrink the capillaries and reduce a lot of the puffiness you’re experiencing. Poor Man’s version of this bad boy is using a bag of frozen vegetables. (c) Cold spoons. Run your spoons under water and then put them in the freezer. Take them out when frozen and put them on your eyes. Keep in place until the spoons get warm, which is around 3 minutes.
  2. Clean up your eyebrows. Eyebrows enhance the strength and structure of your face and having nice, clean eyebrows is a great way to do this. But, you need to find the right boundaries. Check out my example on how to use a comb to determine your boundaries. Keep in mind you need two eyebrows, not a unibrow. And you want to pluck sparingly and not overdo it.
  3. Reduce breakouts and blemishes. Use a clay mask at least once a week. Put it on and let it dry; thereafter, rinse it off to extract impurities and toxins that have built up in your skin. Tiege Hanley has a clay mask that is the best. Also, larger pores end up with more clogged pores and blackheads. You can use Biore Strips or knockoffs from Amazon. Keep them on hand but don’t use them all the time — about once a month if you are prone to getting clogged.
  4. Reduce clogged pores. You need a good skincare routine. Wash your face twice a day, morning and night, to remove oil, dirt, and grime that builds up. Twice a day you need to moisturize. In the morning use a moisturizer with an SPF of 20 to protect you from the sun’s harmful rays, and then at night before you go to bed, use another moisturizer. You also need to exfoliate twice a week to keep your pores free of buildup. All of this comes with Tiege Hanley’s Level 1 System.
  5. Use retinol for clear skin. Retinol has also been used to help people with bad acne scars. It also will even skin tone, shrink pore size, and reduce blackheads. It reduces oiliness, reduces wrinkles, and is the single best product on the market. I use Tiege Hanley’s Retinol Stick every night after I wash my face.
  6. Be mindful of what you consume. (a) Increase the amount of water you’re drinking. You need 120 oz a day minimum. Add a bit of lemon to give you a boost of vitamin C and a natural diuretic. (b) Eat low-carb. Your face will become more chiseled and defined if you reduce the amount of carbs you’re eating. Starchy carbs cause water retention, which a lot of times is in your face. (c)Eat low sodium. Foods that are processed have a lot of sodium and sulfites which will hang out on your face. The water will stay and not flush. So, drinking a lot of water will help to flush everything out, allowing your skin to be clearer.
  7. Use facial hair to your advantage. (a) Grow a beard and edge it properly to give your face more definition, strength, and structure. It will help to define your jawline, so make sure you’re edging it properly. Even if you can’t grow a beard, any kind of facial hair will make you look so much better. But if it’s super long and straggly or patchy, keep it a bit shorter. (b) Have proper sideburns. Don’t cut them off at the top of your ear. Properly cut sideburns help frame your face, finish your hairstyle, and enhance the visual strength of your jaw. Instead of cutting them off straight or blunt, cut them at an angle that will follow your jawline and give the illusion that your jaw is stronger than it may be. Check out my demonstration of where the sideburns should land.
  8. Throw on a pair of cool frames. Glasses are a great way to add detail, dimension, and attractiveness to your face. They will make you look more intelligent as well. Women find guys to me more attractive and look smarter when they’re wearing glasses. Glasses can also help balance a symmetrical face and strengthen a weak jaw.
7 Mistakes KILLING Your Manliness Sun, 21 Jan 2024 22:22:31 +0000
Manly men protect people. Being masculine is not about physical features; it’s not about being twisted steel with sex appeal; it’s not about having a deep voice. It’s about being an amazing human and doing what he needs to do daily to be a leader, self-assured & self-reliant, and confident. A manly man has high self-esteem and treats others with courtesy and respect.
A manly man is the best he can possibly can be. But some everyday things are attacking your ability to be a man — and manly.

All of these destroy your masculinity.

  1. Not being accepting of everyone — it doesn’t matter if someone is gay, straight, or whatever.  Man is a leader, and the world needs more leaders. The world doesn’t need more sheep.
  2. Not being strong and masculine — this includes thinking he needs lots of money and girls around him. Being a chauvinist is not manly.
  3. Putting others down for being different — men don’t oppress or exhibit toxic behaviors. Being a pussy (weak mentally and physically) is not manly and destroys your masculinity.
  4. Not taking care of yourself (a) Being obese. If you don’t care for yourself, you don’t respect yourself. Take care of yourself for others as well as you.  (b) Abuse of alcohol, drugs, or anything bad for you — this includes technology, which is killing dopamine. Technology is also killing sperm and fertility (don’t put your phone or laptop next to Big Al & the Twins).  (c) Not exercising destroys masculinity (and fertility). (d) Having a crappy diet.
  5. Using products with EDCs — EDCs are in plastics, grooming products, and more. They’re destroying testosterone. Upgrade your products.
  6. Sloppy personal presentation — real men understand the importance of looking put together. You’ll have an advantage over competition.
  7. Not lifting others up — real men lift each other and others. They build a community to surround themselves with like-minded people.
The PERFECT 60 Second Skincare Routine for Men Mon, 15 Jan 2024 01:53:16 +0000 Do you want to hear something crazy? I’m almost 50 years old. Something crazier is that my anti-aging skincare routine takes 90 seconds or less. Today, I will review my anti-aging skincare routine, and then at the end of the video, I will cover a few things you need to avoid to not jack up your face.

Take that minute to take care of your skin. It doesn’t take a ton of products or time to take care of your skin. If you take these steps and actions, you will have amazing skin that glows and radiates with handsomeness. It takes little time to see a difference — your skin can look better overnight, and you’ll get compliments. I use Tiege Hanley products because I love them, and they’re also my company. I love my skin looking back at me in the mirror. It’s clear and sexy.

One-minute skincare routine

Wash your face. Ensure you’re using lukewarm rather than super hot water, which will dry your face. Use a high-quality face wash and, with your fingers, massage all over your face. You need to make sure you get down into the neck beard. Wash for 30 seconds to remove the oil, grime, and dirt. Then, gently rinse and pat your face. Make sure you don’t rub or scrub.

Moisturize. Use a daily moisturizer with an SPF of 20. An interesting study showed a truck driver who drove for 30 years. One side of his face near the mirror aged prematurely, and the other did not. Protect your face as well as stay hydrated.

I also use an anti-aging super serum and eye cream before I apply my moisturizer. I wait about 5 seconds after applying to put on my eye cream. I pat it around my eyes. Ensure you don’t rub because the skin underneath your eyes is very tender. My moisturizer goes on top of all of that. At night time, I use a moisturizer as well. But I also use the retinol stick nightly. After I wash my face, I use retinol to help with skin tone, irregularities, and pores. It works wonders.

How you can jack up your face!

  • Dirty sheets. When you sleep on that funky nastiness, you’re rubbing your face in it, and it will cause breakouts and blemishes.
  • Dehydrated. Make sure you hydrate correctly every day. This means drinking enough water — and only water.
  • Hot water. As I said before, hot water is not good for your skin.
  • Over-exfoliating. Do not over-exfoliate.
  • Caffeine. Drinking a lot of caffeine, including coffee and energy drinks, will dehydrate you.
  • Boozing & smoking. Alcohol is terrible for your skin. Also, don’t smoke anything because it will prematurely age your face as well.
  • Consuming crap. Don’t have a diet that is filled with processed junk. Consume omega-3, 6, and 9. Eat lean proteins and leafy vegetables. Avoid saturated nonsense and sulfites that are in processed foods.
  • Being sedentary. You need to work out. Go to the gym and live a clean lifestyle, which is the best for your face.
10 Everyday Things BAD For Your Health Fri, 12 Jan 2024 03:14:49 +0000 I am not a big health conspiracy theorist, but I don’t believe everything is terrible for you and that everything is going to give you cancer. The truth is some research findings are alarming and surprising. Some everyday things we are doing are damaging our health, and the truth is, your health is your number one most valuable asset.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how many women are on your junk; if you’re not healthy, nothing else matters. My goal is for this video to help open your eyes to some lifestyle modifications that could improve and make your life healthier.

  1. Get more sleep. Getting less than 7 to 8 hours of sleep increases your risk for heart attack. If you get over 9 hours of sleep, this also increases your risk for heart attack. You need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep to feel and look good, and your body fat won’t increase. This also helps with stress levels and makes your mind as sharp as possible.
  2. Improve your diet. (a) Eat more fiber. To reduce the amount of precancerous polyps one could get, you should reduce the amount of alcohol you’re consuming and increase the amount of fiber you consume. (b) Improve your diet. If your diet sucks, you can destroy your body. Processed meats are terrible with sulfites and nitrates, which increase cancer. Sugar, including artificial sweeteners like aspartame, is also awful.
  3. Decrease screen time. Being on your devices too much is bad for your serotonin levels and brain. Dopamine is needed, but our brains can get overwhelmed through unhealthy means like surfing our phones. When you spend time on devices, you get a hit of dopamine, which prevents you from seeking it from healthy means and causes a lack of motivation. You must reset your dopamine levels and become mentally clearer by limiting your screen time.
  4. Reduce EDCs. EDCs are damaging men’s testosterone levels and fertility. It’s critical to upgrade the quality of your products because the EDCs are sneaky in many products, such as BPA and plastics. These can leach into beverages we are consuming. Grooming products also can have them from anything from shampoos to soaps to body washes to hair products. These can destroy the endocrine system. Opt for high-quality versions such as Pete & Pedro.
  5. Eliminate toxic people. Toxic people can damage your mentality and physical health by increasing your stress levels. This increases cortisol and could cause anxiety and not allow you to live the best life. Somebody is toxic if they make you feel worse when you’re around them as opposed to better. If they do not have your best interest in mind, run the hell away because you’re too amazing.
  6. Stop sitting on your ass. Your circadian rhythm can be messed up if you’re not going outside and getting in the sun. Vitamin D from being outside for approximately an hour boosts testosterone production.
  7. Take care of your teeth. Oral hygiene is essential for social interaction because funky breath and disgusting teeth turn people away. Also, visit the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and check-up.
  8. Care for your mental health. (a) Don’t isolate. We’ve all experienced this in our lives, such as during the pandemic. You will not feel as good mentally when you cannot connect with people. (b) Deal with your issues. Even though you think you may have it under control, if you have not dealt with past issues that are deep-seated, they can manifest in a lot of unhealthy ways. I recommend speaking to a therapist.
  9. Refrain from drugs and alcohol. Just because your friends are doing it and it’s normalized on social media doesn’t mean it’s healthy or suitable. Smoking cigarettes is literally one of the worst things that you can do to your health. Vaping is also extremely unhealthy. Your lungs are one of the most precious things in your body; take it from me, someone with asthma. Live the cleanest life possible and avoid things that can destroy your health.
  10. Drink enough water. Stay hydrated for all your bodily functions and your skin’s health.
10 Beard Growing and Grooming DEADLY SINS Tue, 02 Jan 2024 16:05:34 +0000 If you want to increase your attraction level, grow a beard. It’s simple because a beard automatically makes a man look more attractive. It’s the male equivalent of women’s makeup. But grow it correctly because, unfortunately, many men have a whacked-out beard. That said, I would like to review some mistakes men make with grooming and growing a beard.

Pro tips to make your beard the best it possibly can be.

  1. Don’t compare your beard to others. No beard was created equal. Everybody has different hair follicle formations and densities. Many men think that their beards should look like other guys and will get discouraged if they don’t.
  2. Don’t shave for 30 days. Let your hair grow uninterrupted for about 30 days. Sure, you should trim high up on your cheeks and under your neck, but let your beard have a chance to grow and fill in. After that, you’ll notice thinner areas, which you can camouflage patchy areas.
  3. Keep it natural. Trim your beard properly because the more natural you can leave your beard regarding growth pattern, the better. Two exceptions include high up on the cheek and underneath the neck. Many men make mistakes, so please watch this video on properly trimming and shaving these areas. You don’t want to look like you have a double chin.
  4. Trim and edge precisely. But don’t go too thin, because that looks stupid. This includes your mustache. Ensure you trim your mustache because no one wants to make out with a guy with hair all in his mouth. It’s not sexy. You can use your Brio and edge it up to keep your lips exposed.
  5. Don’t use cheap products. Invest in a Brio Beardscape, which I’ve talked about a lot because it’s the best tool on the market.
  6. Don’t just trim one length. You need to utilize your facial hair by creating angles with micro-adjustments. Your hair should be longer on your chin and gradually fade to your temples.
  7. Don’t screw up your sideburns. If you’re bald or have a skin fade, do not cut your beard square at the top of your ear. You must blend and fade, which you can do with your Brio.
  8. Long beards need attention, too. Make sure to trim your long beard. Even if you want a longer beard, you must ensure it’s trimmed and looks good. You need to condition and moisturize it.
  9. Moisturize your beard and underneath. You need to moisturize both the hair and the skin underneath, which is critical to look soft and sexy. Stubble can be very abrasive, so moisturize or use beard oil. Get down to the skin with it to prevent chin flakes, too.
  10. Have a thicker beard. (a) Dye your beard to make it look fuller. Don’t go too dark because it looks unnatural. Your beard typically has a lot of different hair colors. When you dye it, the hair will be the same color, making it look twice as thick. (b) Microneedle to make your facial hair grow faster. Using the roller with tiny needles punctures your skin, bringing more nutrient blood to the surface to promote growth. (c) Use minoxidil on your face. This topical solution helps to treat thinning and baldness, which can also used for a thin or patchy beard. (d) Transplants for your beard. You can have a procedure to fill in patchy areas by harvesting hair from underneath your neck and then implanting it into the patchy areas to create a thicker and sexier beard. (e) Lift heavy weights. A direct correlation exists between lifting heavy weights and having a thick beard because when you lift, testosterone is released. A beard thickens as you get older for the same reason.
7 Signs Your Hair Is NOT Healthy… Even If It Looks Good! Thu, 21 Dec 2023 02:15:51 +0000 A few years ago, I noticed that I was starting to thin. My widow’s peak changed, and I saw more of my scalp in pictures and videos. I noticed more hair on my pillowcase and in the drain. At that point, I freaked out. My first step was to purchase Finasteride to stop it, but I never took it because I was worried about taking the drug route.

I wanted to know if I modify behaviors to stop, fix, and reverse the thinning. I’m pleased to announce my hair is now as thick and amazing as always. That being said, I want to review a few warning signs that your hair is unhealthy even though it looks good. I also want to cover things you do daily that are damaging your luscious locks.

Listen to these warning signs if you want to keep your hair.

  1. Dandruff. Dandruff is not only embarrassing, but it’s potentially damaging your hair. Dandruff could be caused by a dry scalp or seborrheic dermatitis, a yeast-like fungus that feeds on oil. I have dandruff and have tried all standard shampoos, but nothing cured it. That is until I found the active ingredient Coal Tar in Neutrogena T-Gel. I ultimately manufactured a better version, Pete & Pedro Control, with ingredients I thought needed to be included. I doubled the Coal Tar and added other active ingredients such as tea tree oil and glycerin.
  2. Dry, brittle, frizzy hair. Your hair strand is made of two parts: the cortex and the cuticle. The cuticle can get cracked and damaged (not appearing smooth or uniform along the strand) from not being conditioned or protected. You can damage it through hot showers, not applying conditioners, using cheap products, and utilizing high heat. Applying conditioner helps to replace hydration lost through shampooing. Cheap products contain much-drying alcohol, and utilizing heat is also drying. If you’re using heat, upgrade your hair dryer to the ionic Laifen Swift. Make sure you pat your hair dry to reduce breakage rather than drying it with a towel.
  3. Hair loss. Most men will experience hair loss or thinning throughout their life. The truth is that it’s less common than you think. If your hair starts to fall out, you should check your testosterone levels, which can be affected by EDCs in your products.
  4. Thick roots, thin ends. This is a sign that your hair follicle is changing, as your hair starts to get thinner and finer before you start losing your hair.
  5. Poor hair nutrition. Make sure to increase your nutrition to have as healthy hair as possible. I started using a natural product called Nutrafol for Men to give my hair and scalp all the natural vitamins they need. Also, taking a biotin supplement is unbelievably beneficial for your skin, nails, and hair. It will help grow hair thicker, faster, and to the next level.
  6. Dirty scalp. If you don’t shampoo properly, your scalp can get neglected. Scrub your scalp to remove buildup and ensure it is stimulated. You can use a shampoo brush to cleanse your scalp deep and stimulate blood to the surface.
  7. Unconditioned. Use conditioner on your hair by applying it and then chilling it out for about 2 to 5 minutes before rinsing. This process will allow the conditioner to penetrate the hair strand to make it healthier, smoother, and stronger.
I Went to Bosley for a Hair Transplant Mon, 18 Dec 2023 01:13:37 +0000 Welcome to beautiful Beverly Hills. I’m excited for you to be here with me today because we’re doing something really cool and special. We’re getting a hair transplant! This video has been in the making for years, and I’m excited to make it happen finally.

Bosley is America’s number one hair restoration expert, and I have an incredible relationship with them. They are the only place I recommend for someone dealing with hair loss. They have a solution at any stage, whether or not you’re losing a few or are completely bald.

It’s an action-packed day, starting with meeting Pete, who will allow us to go into the operating room with him to observe his procedure. We’ll also talk with the world-renowned hair restoration expert, Dr. Deutsch, about the latest methods and answer all my questions about hair restoration. After that, we will sit down with MMA Legend Clay Guida to discuss his two procedures. We will get the ins and outs, highs and lows, and everything you need to know about returning your natural hair.

Speed is of the essence because the sooner you catch it, the sooner you can do something about it. Technologies and procedures have evolved over the years. Hair restoration was an afterthought, and now it’s really come to the forefront of what people want to do. Surgical techniques have improved, and many more surgeons are doing procedures. 

What makes Bosley different is they have been around for almost 50 years. Over that period, they’ve treated hundreds of thousands of people with excellent results. They also have very close follow-ups, with 20-plus doctors nationwide discussing the latest hair restoration developments. There’s a camaraderie with the Bosley team that shows through with first-rate patient care.

If you’re ready to take action on yours or see the various options, check out Bosley, the best in hair transplants and restorations. Get a free Info-Kit + a $250 Gift Card towards a Bosley procedure. You can help slow, stop & restore your hair with America’s #1 hair restoration experts.

8 Best Men’s Haircuts of 2024 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 02:15:20 +0000 As you know, I own a hair salon, Salon Posta, and a men’s hair product company, Pete & Pedro. Naturally, I love seeing the evolution of men’s hair from the front lines. What I’ve been observing over the past few years has been inspiring as men embrace many natural textures and more flowing styles. However, they’re also reverting to some classic styles I grew up with.

Hairstyles change and evolve. Like the undercut, styles that were popular before are not so popular anymore. Overly stylized hair is also less popular because guys are gravitating towards more natural and loan maintenance styles. Men are having fun and being playful while definitely looking sexy. That said, I want to cover some styles that will blend different styles more than ever.

First, I want to mention two products you will want to upgrade to maximize your hairstyle and make it look as fresh as possible. First, a sea salt spray adds volume, texture, and dimension. Second, you should upgrade your hair dryer to a quality device. I recommend the Laifen Swift, which is as high quality as a Dyson, works better than a Dyson, and the price is a fraction of the cost. Get a Laifen Swift now for $80 off! It ends December 20 at either Amazon or their website. The special discount will be applied automatically at checkout.

Men’s Hairstyles for 2024

  1. Buzz cut, crew cut. You take the super short all the way down for a buzz cut, and the crew cut is a little bit longer and faded on the temples. The faded crew is one of the sexiest styles out there. Add a beard for a rugged and manly look if you want to elevate it. The French crop is like a crew but a bit longer and styled on the top. The sides are tighter and tapered, with a fade depending on your preference. It’s like a modified and modern Caesar cut.
  2. Classic side part. This style is old-money perfection and will always be popular because it looks great on everybody. A few options for styling depend on the product you’re using, whether a pomade, a matte product, or a texture powder.
  3. Modern mullet. This bad boy won’t quit and is getting better with age. It’s shorter on top with fringe or a bit more textured. You could also go curly. Then, the back is grown out. One key to making this look incredible is tapering and fading the temples. It’s almost a faux hawk meets mullet. If you want to combine a mullet with a beard, that’s amazing.
  4. Messy fringe. It’s more stylized, and many more guys will be going low fade on the temples and back. It will give it more shape and a more stylized look. It’s casual, and whether you have curly hair or a lot of texture, it will look sexy as hell.
  5. The flow. This is letting your hair grow slightly longer and then pushing it back. You could slick it back or do some curtains. It’s a more natural, free-flowing look that looks crazy sexy. You’ll see more man buns returning this year than ever because of the last few years of guys letting their hair grow and embracing the length. You also see some messy buns, top knots, and sumo styles.
  6. Slickback. This style is perfect for guys with medium-length hair who want to be a bit more polished and have an old-money aesthetic without doing a side part. You need a high-hold product to keep the hair back. The style is easy to do right out of the shower. After you apply product, you push it back. It will fall down as it dries, so you’ll need a high-quality product with a medium shine. I would not recommend hair gel because you’ll look like you’re wearing a helmet, but you could hit it with some hairspray to lock it into place.
  7. The quiff. Your hair texture, length, how tight you want the sides, and expected maintenance will determine what you do with the sides. You could go with a tight fade that’s tightened every two to three weeks. Or you can go with something more natural with longer sides.
  8. Luscious locks. If your hair is longer than medium but not down your back, this is more like surfer hair. It will be messy, textured, and a bit more playful. The style only works well with guys with super thin or straight hair because you need to have a bit more texture and wave for some natural volume. Sea salt spray and a texturizing power powder will make it look insanely sexy.
5 Ways to Have a BETTER Looking Face Thu, 16 Nov 2023 01:54:22 +0000 Being handsome and attractive takes work! And as a man ages, maintaining that handsome and attractiveness takes even more work. You have to feed, water, and take care of yourself, including your skin. So, let’s start there.

Be as handsome and attractive as you can be!

One step that can instantly make you more attractive is having amazing skin. If your skin is oily, blemished, broken out, wrinkled, scarred, or nasty, you will not be as handsome or attractive as possible. Your skin care should start with a foundation of basic steps to perform daily. I’ve talked about Tiege Hanley 6 million times because it is an extremely effective step-by-step system that will leave your skin amazing. Every man must wash his face twice daily to remove the oil, dirt, and grime that builds up — making sure to exfoliate twice a week. Also, everyone should moisturize twice a day. Moisturizing gives your skin hydration, but your morning moisturizer should also have an SPF 20 to protect it from UVA rays.

If you want to take your skincare to the next level, retinol is a must. Retinol will even out your complexion and skin tone. If you have irregularities or scarring from acne, fine lines, and wrinkles, retinol will be the best way to make your skin look better, like a filter. I use it nightly after I wash my face. Retinol shrinks pore size and reduces oiliness.

Also, you must deal with dark circles, bags, and puffy or red eyes to look better. First, you must ensure you’re getting 7 to 8 hours of solid slumber not only for your eyes but also because not getting enough sleep will cause your body to have an increased risk of cancer, heart attack, and more. If you have eye bags, you can use frozen spoons under your eyes to reduce puffiness. Good eye cream is another way to ensure your eyes look amazing. Make sure it’s high quality. It will help reduce fine lines and help make dark circles disappear. Make sure you pat it on rather than rub it. Use it twice a day, once before bedtime and once before you leave the house in the morning.

A clay mask is an incredible way to detoxify your face and remove impurities. Paint it all over your face, avoiding your eyes. The clay mask will help reduce oiliness and breakouts and make your face feel extremely clean.

Many guys don’t have a strong jaw or a lean, chiseled face. You can do a few things to hack the system, however. Increase the amount of water you’re consuming and add a bit of lemon to act as a natural diuretic. Water will help to flush out your body. If you combine this with a low carbohydrate diet that is not filled with salt and processed crap, you’ll be amazed at how much more to find your cheeks and job will be.

Grow a beard, which is equivalent to makeup for women, to make yourself look better. A beard can help strengthen a weak jaw, but all beards aren’t created equal. Make sure your beard is tapered down to your chin to enhance the angularity of your face and neck. Check out the video for how to properly edge and create boundaries. You should not carve up too high underneath your jaw because it will make you look like George Lucas.

Eyebrows can make you look masculine or feminine. Do not pluck too much, remove the hairs in the center if you have the unibrow, and keep the natural shape of your eyebrows. Clean up your eyebrows a little bit underneath, but don’t go too crazy.

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5 Beard Mistakes That KILL Your “Good Looks” INSTANTLY! Mon, 13 Nov 2023 00:07:56 +0000 Beards are the six-pack abs for your face. They make every single man look more attractive if they don’t make any of these mistakes. Unfortunately, many men think they will grow a beard and then mess it up because they make some of the mistakes I’ll cover in this video.

A beard opportunity can be turned into a liability, so I want to help you and your beard look better. At the end of the video, I will cover tricks to make your beard look thicker and your facial hair grow faster.

Tips to make your beard look the best it can

  • Stop comparing. Don’t compare your beard with other guys’ beards because you don’t want to feel bad about your beard. Don’t shave it.
  • Don’t give up too soon. Many men allow their beard to grow for a little and then think it’s not coming in the way they want, so they shave it off. You need to let it grow past the 30-day mark. You will be amazed at how much thicker and fuller it will get. You can also brush and train the hair to cover patchy areas.
  • Be careful with shaving. I hate seeing a dude shaving his beard up on his cheeks and underneath his jaw.
  • Use the proper tools. All beard grooming tools were not created equal. There’s a direct correlation between beards looking amazing and the grooming tool used. I use the Brio Beardscape 2.0, the best grooming tool on the market. Get the special Alpha M. offer with a FREE Zero Blade {$24.95 value}. Check out my routine in the video.

Biggest beard mistakes

  • Growing it wild. Don’t be a savage. Make sure you taper, tame it by training, and create a nice light angle, which means a little bit longer on your chin and faded on the sides.
  • Not fading sideburns. Not blending your sideburns kills your beard’s game. One thing that looks horrible is when a guy has a shaved head and just cuts his beard off at the top of his ears. You need to fade and blend. Check out my demonstration in the video.
  • Bad cheeks edging. One of the biggest mistakes I see men making is not knowing how to edge cheeks properly. Draw an imaginary line from the top of your ear down to the corner of your mouth. Then you’ll shave everything above and leave everything below. This will be the most aesthetic and help strengthen your job. It’s all about following that jawline.
  • Bad underneath edging. The single biggest mistake that drives me absolutely crazy is seeing a dude with an amazing beard and then seeing that they’re shaving up into the underside. This instantly kills the beard and makes them look horrible. It makes you look like you have a double chin with the fat meat area exposed. Check out my demonstration on how to find the proper line.
  • Mouthful of mustache. You will look horrible if your hair goes into your mouth and over your lips. Also, don’t think for a second that a spicy senorita wants to kiss that. She does not want a mouthful of fuzz.
  • Not conditioning. You’re making a mistake if you don’t condition your beard and, thus, have beard flakes. Beard flakes are horrible and nasty and happen to most dudes because the skin underneath the beard gets neglected. Make sure your moisturizer gets down to the skin, and then use a little extra on your beard itself. Beard oils will make the hair soft and shiny and also condition the skin underneath. You don’t want a bunch of nasty dandruff on your black shirt.

Pro tips to make your beard look darker, fuller

  • Color. When you color your beard, it will look twice as thick and dark as it normally does because you’re covering the lighter hairs.
  • Train your hair. Using a bore bristle brush twice daily, at morning and night, will train your hair to grow in a specific area and make it lay nicely. You can camouflage patchy areas by stimulating the blood to come to the surface carrying the nutrients and speeding facial hair growth. Exercise also improves facial hair growth, increasing blood flow and testosterone release. A healthy diet and good sleep with less stress will also help facial hair growth.
  • Alternative treatments. If you’re worried or insecure about your facial hair growth, you could do some of these alternative options. Minoxidil can be used in the beard. Facial hair implants are also an option. This is painful and expensive, however.
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10 Mistakes KILLING Your {Package} Wed, 08 Nov 2023 20:09:27 +0000 The amount of research is disturbing about how much of men’s bodies are being messed up by the environment, the things they’re consuming, and more. That being said, here are mistakes killing your package.

Don’t do these to Big Al & the Twins!

  1. Not ejaculating 21x a month. Data from research shows that if you’re not reaching that 21 times a month, you’re increasing your risk of prostate cancer and fertility reduction.
  2. Being overweight. For every 20 pounds, you’re decreasing your fertility by 10%.
  3. Smoking. Research shows that if you smoke once a week, you’re fertility and sperm count will drop by 29%.
  4. Laptop on lap. If you sit with your laptop directly on your junk, your sperm will be destroyed by the heat and radiation. Also, don’t keep your phone in your front pocket beside your balls. This can reduce fertility and sperm count.
  5. Plastics and Parabens. (a) BPA is destroying the endocrine systems, testosterone levels, sperm counts, and fertility. (b) Parabens, found in shampoos, styling products, body washes, and more, are also EDCs. Look for paraben and sulfate-free products.
  6. Tight pants. Skinny jeans, tight underwear, and other tight pants lower sperm count and fertility because your package can’t breathe and effectively regulate temperature. However, they should always be supported, so never wear boxers. Urologists are recommending Sheath underwear, which I’ve been wearing for years. They have a dual chamber design, putting the Twins in a pouch and Big Al through a hole. You’ll stay dryer and fresher.
  7. Alcohol & Dairy. (a) Alcohol adversely affects Big Al and the Twins as well as your prostate. Alcohol reduces testosterone, fertility, and sperm count because of phytoestrogens & hops and contributes to man boobs. Keep in mind that when you’re drunk, you can make bad decisions that could potentially expose you to a disease or pregnancy. Make sure you wrap that rascal. Alcohol also increases your risk of developing prostate cancer, which is on the rise. Go for regular screenings and get your PSA level checked. (b) Also, drinking a third cup of dairy a day increases your risk of prostate cancer by 25%. Also, drinking one diet soda a day with aspartame will increase your risk of developing prostate cancer by 50%. Also, the more sugar you consume, the worse your body will be. Cut back and get healthier.
  8. Unhealthy diet. (a) Processed meat like hot dogs and cold cuts are horrible and will increase your risk of developing cancer because of the nitrates and preservatives. (b) If you’re not eating a healthy, clean diet but consuming a lot of saturated fat from trash food, Big Al will not be as hard as it can be. And make sure you consume enough omega-3, -6, and -9.
  9. Not using Big Al. Routinely filling it with blood to become bigger, harder, and firmer. It’s like doing bicep curls.
  10. Nicotine. Smoking also affects Big Al because it’s a vasoconstrictor. Instead, increase blood flow by consuming L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, our natural amino acids that increase blood flow. Your body converts them to nitric oxide, a vasodilator, allowing more blood flow to Big Al.
How Much to Shave OFF Your Beard? Hitting the Streets to Find Out! Fri, 03 Nov 2023 00:07:58 +0000 Today, I am going to answer a question. How much cash will it take to let me shave off your beard?

$20? $40? $100? $200? $500? $1,000? I’m hitting the streets to find out. Come along!

I Own 500 Fragrances — THESE 5 Get The MOST Compliments From Girls Sun, 29 Oct 2023 22:41:11 +0000 I own over 500 fragrances, but these are the top five that you’ll get the most compliments. One of them is under $2. A few things you need to understand upfront is that I do not consider myself a fragrance expert. I am a novice, but I know what smells good to me. I also know what smells good to spicy senoritas because all of the fragrances I’m going over have gotten me the most compliments from women every time I wear them. Also, you need to know that I buy my fragrances at They have an amazing inventory of super-premium fragrances.

I will start at the most expensive and then work backward toward the most affordable. Four of these fragrances are under $100, with the code AM30 for 30% off at FragranceNet. I will also have a fragrance expert weigh in on what they think about the fragrance.

  1. Creed Aventus. This one is the number one compliment getting fragrance out there, period. But it’s a game changer. I’ve been wearing this for years and got my first bottle from It’s been a mainstay, and I get multiple compliments every time I wear it. It’s a superstar. It smells citrusy, woody, cool. It’s sexy and masculine with a strong, musky vibe.
  2. Versace Eros. Typically, I like all of Versace’s fragrances because I like lighter, brighter, fresh fragrances. Eros is a classic fragrance that works. You’ll get mint, candy apple, lemon, Mandarin orange, and sage. Then you’ll get vanilla, sandalwood, cedar, patchuli, leather, and bitter orange. It’s very good up close if you put your nose against it. But it’s also good when you get a whiff of it in the air.
  3. D&G Light Blue. This is a fragrance for every guy because women freaking love this fragrance. I always get a ton of compliments. I really love light and fresh fragrances, even in the colder months. It has lemon in there, along with florals, pepper, and a citrusy fresh blast.
  4. Monte Blanc Individuel. This fragrance projects and is one of the best all-time fragrances. The price is insane. You can get it for $27 after my discount. There is a little controversy surrounding this fragrance because Creed allegedly copied Mont Blanc’s scent profile. Individuel is one of the best affordable fragrances you can pick up. It has raspberry, vanilla, cinnamon, and lavender.  It’s sweet and almost a little powdery, but it has a clean, sexy vibe to it.
  5. Nautica Voyage. This one is under $20 for a very powerful scent that projects for a long time. It’s fresh and bright with musk, cedar, oak, and amber. A woody aquatic fragrance with herbiness and apple, it’s a loved fragrance and very much praised.
How to ALWAYS Be a “Good Looking” Man {NEVER LOOK UGLY} Mon, 16 Oct 2023 05:30:55 +0000 Handsome faces just don’t happen. That is a fact. If you implement the step-by-step no BS guide that I’m about to go over with you today, the good news is that your face will always be handsome. You will always be attractive.

Simple steps to always be attractive

  • Get enough sleep. If you’re not getting 7 to 8 hours of solid slumber every night, there is zero chance your face will look as good as possible. Your eyes will look rough as well.
  • Stop rubbing your eyes. When you rub your eyes, you break the delicate and sensitive skin underneath, causing dark circles to become more prevalent. If your eyes are puffy, you may need to reduce the amount of processed and crap food you eat. A diet high in saturated fats and salt will retain water under your eyes, so you must also increase your water intake. A direct correlation exists between being correctly hydrated and looking fantastic. Drink one gallon of water daily to see your skin become clearer and the bags under your eyes reduce. Your body will also be sexier because you will not retain water underneath.
  • Pluck your unibrow. You need two eyebrows. If you look like Bert from Sesame Street, you’re definitely decreasing your ability to look handsome all the time. But if they’re too thin, you will look like a chick, which is not sexy. Leave the natural shape of your eyebrows, but clean them up.
  • Grow facial hair. Facial hair is the male equivalent of female makeup. But keep it trimmed, and ensure you’re edging up the boundaries. Don’t carve up underneath your neck, however. It will make you look like you have a double chin.
  • Have clear skin. Make sure your skin is clear of blackheads, blemishes, and zits. Use Biore Strips, which are cheap and affordable, to remove blackheads. And then, make sure you wash your face, exfoliate, and use a.m. and p.m. moisturizers. The am moisturizer should have SPF in it. Tiege Hanley has all of the products you need, plus a new Retinol product! Retinol is one of the best anti-aging products that helps irregularities such as shrinking pores, reducing scarring, and minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. Make sure you also use it on your neck.
  • Whiten your teeth. Pick up some bleaching strips that are affordable to whiten your teeth. Also, brush your teeth twice daily with a sonic toothbrush and go to the dentist every six months for a deep cleaning to ensure you don’t have any gum disease or gingivitis.
  • Check that nasty nose. Make sure you’re nostrils are free from hair and boogers. Use a high-quality nose hair-trimming tool.
  • Handle hair loss. If you’re losing hair and don’t want to, use Minoxidil or Finasteride, which can help regrow hair. You can go to Bosley for these prescriptions or to get help with hair transplants if you don’t want to be bald anymore. They can help at any stage of hair loss. If you’re bald and want to look better, shave it short, grow a beard, and get some cool frames.
  • Get your diet in check. A direct correlation exists between what you consume and how you look, which includes man boobs and love handles. If you’re eating a diet that’s too high in starch, saturated fats, and sugars, you’ll be prone to breakouts and have oilier skin & clogged pores. Your face will age prematurely. But you’ll look much better if you eat a clean diet high in lean proteins and good fat with vegetables and fruits. Also, reduce or eliminate alcohol because it will dehydrate and age you prematurely.
6 Rules to ALWAYS Smell Good AF as a Man Mon, 02 Oct 2023 05:00:10 +0000 How you smell is one of your most powerful nonverbal communication tools. You have 100% control over it, unlike your height, hair color, or even skin color. Unfortunately, a lot of men don’t realize that they stink. Just because someone has showered or is wearing fragrance or deodorant doesn’t mean they actually smell good. Other factors play a huge role in a man smelling goods, so today I will review a few ways always to smell good.

Less obvious reasons why men can stink

  1. Clothing. Wearing clothing made of polyester or other synthetic fibers will repel water, but the downside is that the fabric holds onto bacteria that cause odor. The material will trap the bacteria inside, and although it’s been washed, exercise and activity will heat it up, causing the smell to come back. It’s not that you stink, but your clothing does. A couple of options are to wear natural fibers like cotton when exercising to reduce odor-causing bacteria that get trapped. Or, if wearing performance gear, make sure you hang the shirt up to dry or lay it over a bathtub rather than wanting it up and throwing it into a laundry basket. Also, you can turn it inside out when you wash it and use high-heat hot water on the most aggressive setting. Make sure to use sport detergent that was designed to eliminate bacteria.
  2. Environment. Whether your car or the place where you live, make sure the environment doesn’t stink. Odor sticks to your bed sheets, carpeting, and more. If you’re lying in your bed all night, your body odor penetrates your sheets, so you must change them at least once a week. Also, with your carpet, vacuum it. Don’t leave food or stinky trash lying around.
  3. Breath. Ensure your breath doesn’t stink and your oral hygiene game is strong. There’s nothing that instantly kills your good smell, like stinky breath. Floss every day and make sure you’re brushing correctly twice a day. Use mouthwash that does not have alcohol because it can dry out your mouth and make it stinky. Make sure to scrape your tongue daily, too. Bacteria grows on your tongue, and you need to remove it.
  4. Fragrance. You should always wear a fragrance, but you should not wear the same scent daily. Switch it up because people will get used to how you smell. I love Scentbird because I can build my fragrance arsenal monthly. Smell differently, so try some niche fragrances the masses aren’t wearing. Another tip is never to apply fragrance to dried skin. Use moisturizer first that is fragrance-free. And regarding body sprays, do not use them.
  5. Showering. Most guys do not wash their legs in the shower. They think that the soap running down is good enough. Use an exfoliating tool, such as an exfoliating washcloth, to get all the nooks and crannies of your body. Also, use a loofah/brush on your back or some exfoliating gloves for your body. The bottom line is that you need to not only wash and clean but also remove the top layer of dead skin, especially in your crotch and butt areas. And remember your funky, nasty feet. Use a foot file about once a week in the shower to remove the dead, crusty layer of skin and calluses. Feet will smell if you don’t properly wash and care for them. You also need to make sure that you’re wearing no-show socks and use some powder in your shoes to help absorb odor and wetness to prevent your feet from stinking when you wear your shoes. Lastly, the groin is one of the worst-smelling places on a man’s body. Odor and bacteria build up there because it’s hot, dark, and wet. Make sure you trim your bush because it can trap odor and make it hotter and wetter in your pants. Also, powder every day with a high-quality non-talc balls powder.
  6. Hair. Hair can trap odors, especially if you’re not washing your hair with a deep cleansing shampoo. Also, oil build-up can stink your hair and scalp after a while. Further, your hair will stink depending on what environment you’ve been in, so you need to make sure you wash and scrub. Make sure your hair doesn’t have a bunch of flakes, either.

Build your fragrance arsenal

Use ALPHAMSCENT to get 55% off your first month at Scentbird. This month I received:
