Supplements – Alpha M Men's Lifestyle Coach for Style, Grooming, and Fitness Wed, 28 Feb 2024 23:38:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Supplements – Alpha M 32 32 12 Red Flags You’re NOT as Healthy as You THINK! Wed, 28 Feb 2024 23:38:36 +0000 This video is one of the most important you will ever watch from me. I will review warning signs your body is giving, indicating you’re not as healthy as you believe. Take good care of yourself, and do not bury your head in the sand. Know what’s going on because you can take preventative measures. Your health is your number one valuable asset. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, what car you drive, or how many spicy senoritas you kick it with; your health matters most. Catch things early so they can be fixed. 
  • Keep in mind that I’m not a health nut weirdo. I don’t think that everything is going to give you cancer. I also don’t believe alkalized water can cure everything that ails you. Your body and health are your most valuable assets, and I would optimize health instead of going to the doctor for medication.
  • Our health system is also broken. BUT, if something is wrong with you, go to the doctor immediately.
  • You should also perform preventative maintenance, such as getting blood work done to have a baseline. It’s simple. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how good you feel, or how amazing you look; you need blood work done. It’s like looking under the hood, so to speak. You can have those markers checked to see what has changed.

Know what’s going on with your body.

You need to know what’s going on with your body because it doesn’t tell the whole story just because it looks good. Check out Merrick Health, which is blowing my mind. Experience a truly revolutionary approach to your healthcare with Marek Health. USE code ALPHAM for a special discount. You’ll be impressed with Marek Health, as the entire process blew me away. Get started today.

Pay attention to these warning signs that your body is not as healthy as it needs to be.

  1. Mouth issues. (a) Bad breath could mean that you have reflux, which could lead to esophageal cancer. (b) Brittle teeth. This is a sign you aren’t getting the micronutrients you need. (c) Bleeding gums. This is a sign of issues with your gums and deficiency in certain micronutrients.
  2. Odd eye colors. (a) Red eyes could mean allergies, not getting enough sleep, or high blood pressure, which could lead to heart attack or stroke. (b) The whites of your eyes turning to yellow color could mean liver issues. You could take a holistic approach to help repair your liver.
  3. Changes with Big Al & the Twins. (a) Smaller nuts. If the Twins feel like they’re getting smaller, this could be a sign of dropping testosterone levels. (b) Smaller load. When you shoot a load, if it’s smaller, this could be an indicator that your testosterone has dropped. (c) Softer big owl. This is another sign that your testosterone level could be low.
  4. Lethargy. This could also be a sign that your testosterone level has dropped too low.
  5. Anger, hostility, or pissed off all the time. Even if life is stressful, you need to address these feelings.
  6. Hair challenges. (a) Brittle hair and hair breakage are signs of micronutrient deficiency. (b) Losing hair. Any hair loss could be another sign of testosterone levels not being where they should be. It could also be an issue with micronutrients.
  7. Fat & muscle challenges. (a) Gynecomastia is a sign of low testosterone or weight gain. (b) Love handles are another sign of low testosterone. (c) Difficulty building muscle. If you have difficulty packing on muscle or have low muscle mass, this could be a testosterone warning sign.
  8. Tired, sluggish, not sleeping well. If you also don’t want to get frisky, this is another warning sign up to testosterone level.
  9. Distended stomach. If this is not from fat, something could be going on with your gut health.
  10. Odd-looking deuces. If it’s black, it means you’re bleeding. If it’s bloody, you could have hemorrhoids or something else like an ulcer. If your deuces are hard, you may need more fiber. If they are too liquid, that’s not normal.
  11. Weight gain. If you’re gaining weight, something’s going on with your body.
  12. Funky nails. If your nails are yellow or discolored, have white specks, or are brittle & cracking, something is happening at the micronutrient level. 
5 Fat Loss Hacks I Wish I Knew Sooner Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:47:19 +0000 The secret to having an amazing body is having a low body fat percentage. Even if you have big muscles, if you’re fat, you can’t see any of the muscles underneath. So today, I will review some of my favorite fat-burning hacks that I wish I had known sooner. These hacks are ones that I’ve learned over the years that have really made it easier because I used to be in the mindset that I had to eat perfectly every day and that if I didn’t get enough protein, I wouldn’t lose body fat. The truth is it’s calories in and calories out — as simple as that formula.

Also, your basal metabolic rate should be calculated because it’s important to know how many calories your body uses daily to maintain and survive. If you want to lose fat, it’s a simple math formula. 1 lb of fat equals 3,500 calories. So, if you want to lose 1 lb of body fat a week, you must reduce your caloric consumption by 3,500 weekly. Which breaks down to about 500 calories a day. So you could consume 500 calories less, burn 500 calories with exercise, or do a combination of both. Here’s how to calculate your BMR.

Hacks to increase fat loss

  1. Intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has been a game changer for me because it’s allowed me to maintain a low body fat percentage, and it’s healthy. It allows me to do cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. There are a few different methods in which I use the 16/8, where I don’t eat for 16 hours in a 24-hour period. I’m consuming my calories for the day in an 8-hour period, during which my first meal starts around noon and my last one will be around 8:00 p.m. For 16 hours, I don’t consume anything other than water or coffee. You must ensure your eating window is filled with healthy, clean, high-quality foods.
  2. Specific sleep. How you turn your body into a fat-burning machine during sleep is to turn the temperature to 65° because you’ll burn 7% more calories at night. Also, you will gain body fat if you’re not getting enough sleep. You need to make sleep a priority. Floating weight is when, during the night, your body will metabolize, lose fluids, and lose weight.
  3. Cardio on an empty stomach. Fasted cardio works. When you wake up in the morning, you’ve been fasting since your last meal before you went to bed. When you do cardio, your body utilizes the fatty acids (aka stored body fat). It uses this as energy to keep you going. Choose whatever cardio that you will do and enjoy. I choose cardio that burns the most calories: jumping rope, specifically Cross Rope. The workouts are addictive and engaging.
  4. Drink more water. Drinking water will not burn fatty body fat, but if you increase the amount of water you’re consuming, it will suppress your appetite, make your body process better, not retain as much subcutaneous water, and instantly feel better and leaner. You should consume over a gallon of water daily and add lemon because it’s a natural diuretic. Drinking cold water will also help burn more calories because your body has to heat it up.
  5. Diet. (1) L-carnitine is an amino acid that is a natural supplement you can take, which makes your body use fat as energy. I take it in the morning before I do fasted cardio. (2) Plan your diet. You need to plan prior what you’re eating. This includes when you go out to a restaurant because when you dine out, a lot of hidden, sneaky calories are in the food. Plan your meals in advance if you want to reduce your caloric intake.
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6 Tricks for a Flat Stomach… FAST! Fri, 14 Jul 2023 05:32:42 +0000 Before I get into tricks for getting a flat stomach fast, I want to address that spot reduction doesn’t work. It’s all about calories in versus calories out. If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you will shred. If you consume more than you burn, you’ll gain body fat. 

Keep in mind that you need to burn calories to reduce body fat. Eat less to cut calories, exercise to expend more calories, and work out to help develop separation in your abs. To lose one pound of fat, a caloric deficit of 3500 calories is necessary, which you can do a combination of eating less and burning more.

That said, I will review some of my favorite flat stomach hacks that do not require you to go to the gym. But remember, it’s my data, research, and actions I have taken over the years to make my stomach flat… fast! 

How I flatten my stomach FAST

  1. Lower carb consumption. Stop eating sugars, starchy carbohydrates. These will bloat you. Increase the amount of fiber to reduce bloat, literally overnight.
  2. Eat four or five small meals. Don’t eat three big meals. I’m a huge fan of intermittent fasting. If you want to crank up your metabolism while flattening your stomach, eat smaller portions throughout the day and more frequently.
  3. Increase water consumption. Drink one gallon of water a day with added lemon. When you’re dehydrated, your body will retain water. Also, crappy food that contains salt and sulfites will cause water retention. Increasing the amount of water will reduce bloat by reducing the amount of subcutaneous water retention. Lemon is a natural diuretic as well. You may pee like crazy the first day or two, but you’ll look leaner and flatter. 
  4. Improve your digestion. Your gut health and microbiome are critical. That flora needs to be rocking and rolling in your gut. Synbiotic+ by Ritual helped me feel better. I wasn’t as gassy or bloated. It’s a pre, pro, and postbiotic which will maximize your microbiome game and support good health.
  5. Increase fiber intake. Using psyllium husk powder is natural. By using two scoops a day, your system is cleared out quickly and effectively.
  6. Drink apple cider vinegar. Do not drink it straight; add it to a large glass of lemon water. It’s excellent for digestion and gets the juices flowing. Incorporating apple cider vinegar into your day is an optimal way to help digestion, as it’s helped me.
7 BEST Foods to BOOST Testosterone Levels {and 6 That Actually LOWER It}! Wed, 10 Aug 2022 05:28:46 +0000 Today we’re taking a field trip to the grocery store to talk about foods that will naturally boost your testosterone levels. I want to review some of the standard products in the grocery store that destroy testosterone levels.

Testosterone destroyers

  • Beer – hops is a plant-based estrogen.
  • Dairy – 1/3 of a cup a day will increase your risk of prostate cancer by 25%. Dairy cows are pregnant, which pregnancy releases hormones. These hormones are responsible for increasing the risk of prostate cancer and reducing testosterone levels.
  • Plastics – chemicals from plastics can leach into the water you consume, reducing testosterone levels.
  • Junk food – The higher your body fat percentage, the lower your testosterone level.
  • Shampoos – parabens in low-quality shampoos contain EDC chemicals.
  • Deodorants – chemicals in some of these can clog your sweat ducts. Try Pete and Pedro’s Super Fresh deodorant, which is aluminum-free, paraben-free, sulfate-free, and vegan.
  • Body and ball powders – many of these contain talc, which is horrible for your body. Try Pete and Pedro Body & Balls Powder which is talc-free.

Superfoods that boost testosterone

  1. Fatty fish – Salmon is amazing for boosting testosterone levels because it’s power packed with zinc and vitamin d. Fatty fish is also packed with omega-3, omega-6, and Omega 9 fats which are also fantastic for your brain and boost your testosterone levels.
  2. Green leafy vegetables – anything and everything from kale to collard greens to spinach to dark green leafy vegetables. These are all power pack-full of magnesium which is testosterone boosting.
  3. Avocados – these are full of good fats and essential for your body functions, including testosterone. Also, avocado has boron which has been shown to facilitate testosterone production and reduce testosterone degradation.
  4. Eggs – they are the best muscle-building foods and a complete protein. They contain an abundant amount of selenium which increases and facilitates testosterone protection.
  5. Oysters – these contain zinc which helps with your libido and testosterone levels.
  6. Shellfish – they have selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, and a ton of zinc. All of these nutrients are critical for testosterone production.
  7. Beans – kidney, black, and white beans contain zinc and vitamin d, which boost testosterone levels.

Basic building blocks

I suggest that each and every one of you take a high-quality multivitamin every single day to give your body the basic building blocks that it needs to support all of its healthy functions, including testosterone levels. Many multivitamins on the market are crap because they use synthetic ingredients. Look for a multivitamin that is sourced from whole food ingredients like Pete and Pedro’s Complete Whole Food Multivitamin.

7 Everyday Things LOWERING Your Testosterone Level! Thu, 30 Jun 2022 11:09:27 +0000 I am not some crazy conspiracy theorist, but I am into health. This focus on health started when I read a study about diet soda and how drinking one a day can increase prostate cancer by 50%, which was alarming to me. The more I researched, the more I understood that products we use daily are some of the biggest toxicity offenders and testosterone level reducers.

I am going over some of the biggest offenders, but first, know that an EDC is an endocrine-disrupting chemical that regulates hormone production, among others. These chemical compounds can be found in some foods & drinks we consume and can mimic estrogen.

What’s causing men’s hormones to dive-bomb

  1. Bisphenol — it’s an EDC found in plastics like water bottles and is horrible for your testosterone levels. BPA is used to make plastic, and when water sits inside a plastic container, chemicals can leach into the water you will later consume. BPA-free plastics are available, but switching to a metal drinking container is safer.
  2. Parabens — it’s also an EDC chemical that destroys testosterone levels, increases certain cancer risks, and reduces fertility. Parabens can be found in some shampoos, body lotions, hair products, and deodorants. Higher quality products may be paraben-free, which you can read on the label.
  3. Antiperspirants — aluminum stops sweating through a chemical reaction with sweat ducts, which is unhealthy. Sweating allows your body to release toxins, which can build up in your lymph glands if blocked. Aluminum has also been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. I kept these factors in mind when creating Pete & Pedro Fresh Deodorant, which is sulfate-free, paraben-free, aluminum-free, and naturally derived. Plus, it’s clear and doesn’t leave a greasy residue.
  4. Beer — beer is made with hops, a phytoestrogen ( plant-based estrogen). It will increase estrogen levels and increase the risk of man boobs.
  5. Talc — talc has been linked with cancer because of the asbestos in talc powder. 99% of ball powders are derived from talc, so it’s critical not to rub talc powder on the boys. BUT, I solved this problem by creating the Pete & Pedro Body and Balls Powder that is TALC-FREE, keeping you friction-free, fresh, and dry.
  6. Dairy — 1/3 a cup of milk daily increases the risk of developing prostate cancer by 25%. The culprit is the sex hormone in the dairy.
  7. Processed meats — whether hot dogs, ham, salami, beef jerky, or low quality meats, the nitrates increase the risk of lower volume of testosterone, decreased sperm count, and colorectal cancer. Check out this video I published about this issue, my colonoscopy, and Chadwick Boseman.
7 Workout {Rules} You Need to IGNORE … to Build MORE Muscle! Mon, 30 May 2022 05:30:48 +0000 Nothing will change your life like working out and taking care of your body. At the age of 12, my mom gave me a fitness membership and that was the point in my life when everything changed. My confidence went through the roof, and since then, I’ve been hooked (so much so that I wanted to make it my career). Working out has been the one thing that has been consistent in my life since I was 12 years old. Today, I am going to go over specifically how to make muscles bigger and better by breaking some common rules. I am sure most of these are contradictory to what you’ve heard before.

You need to stop thinking that …

  1. Someone’s workout plan and diet will work for you – just because they have a great body doesn’t mean that their workout plan and diet will work for you or that they’ve figured it out. Find what’s going to work for you and your body.
  2. Steroids, performance enhancing drugs, or TRT are necessary —  you can have an amazing body without the use of these things. It will take longer, and you will have to work harder, but the natural gains will last longer. Plus, most importantly, you will be healthier in the long run. The reason why I still look good at 46 is because of consistency and taking care of my body.
  3. Strength doesn’t matter –  building more mass is all about progressive overload, which is constantly and consistently increasing the workload in order to get bigger, stronger, and sexier muscles. The Alpha Progression app is a trick that I found that changed my game. Customize it to your needs and the equipment that you have. Focus on what body parts you want and how often. Try the Alpha Progression app for FREE with the code ALPHAM.
  4. You can only workout specific muscles once a week – actually, twice a week is optimal. If you have a body part that is lagging in terms of size to your other body parts, I recommend hitting it twice a week. Give it about 3 days in between.
  5. You can’t take a day off from the gym – workout at the gym, break down the muscle fiber and tissue, consume protein & amino acids when you get home to rebuild those damaged muscle fibers bigger, stronger, sexier. And then you must give your muscles time enough to rest and fully recover to see progress. That’s when the growth happens.
  6. More protein is needed to get bigger muscles – your body can only assimilate 35 to 40 grams of protein per meal. So, if you’re eating more than that, you’re literally wasting it. 1 g of protein per lean pound of body mass is what you’re aiming for. Check out the video for how I calculate this.
  7. Dirty bulking packs on muscle – dirty bulking only makes you chubby and fat. Don’t get sloppy fat! Sure, you will gain a little bit of muscle, but the truth is that you’re not gaining much lean muscle mass. It’s not just about eating enough calories in order to facilitate muscle growth. Dial in your diet by figuring out your calorie needs to gain muscle. Figure out your basil metabolic rate with this calculator, which is the amount of calories that you’ll burn during the day to breakeven. Then, increase the amount of calories by 3,500 per week to gain 1 lb of muscle. Break that out over the week.
  8. Cardio will destroy your gains – if you do your cardio before you work out, you won’t be as strong lifting. But after you work out, doing 30 minutes of cardio is amazing for keeping your body fat in check. The lower your body fat, the more muscles will show.
10 POWERFUL Ways to BOOST Energy Levels {NATURALLY}! Fri, 11 Feb 2022 06:30:23 +0000 You may have noticed that I have a lot of energy. It’s not an act. I have ways that I boost my energy levels, and I am sharing them (and more) with you today. You will see a big difference when you implement these!

How to be as energetic as possible

  1. Get quality sleep
  2. Bask in the sun early in the day
  3. Exercise in the morning
  4. Drink a gallon of water a day
  5. Don’t drink energy drinks
  6. Leave Big Al alone until later in the day
  7. Reduce stress by managing people, your job, and yourself
  8. Supplement with Omega-3
  9. Lose love handles and man boobs
  10. Eat a healthful diet

VERB Energy

  • New customers click and use code ALHPAM for 50% off Starter Kit (12 bar pouch in the flavor of your choice + 3 additional sample bars + free shipping).
  • Returning customers click to get 30% off one of the Caramel Macchiato bundles + free shipping on orders over $30.



7 EVERYDAY Things That Are a Total RIP-OFF {IMO} Wed, 23 Sep 2020 05:30:54 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Get your first 3 months of Ritual vitamins for 10% off here: + code ‘AlphaM10’
In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness, and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM AaronMarino Pete & Pedro Tiege Hanley ENEMY says these are his opinions. He feels you’re getting screwed by buying these things — you need to be aware! Here’s the rip-off report.

You are getting screwed!

  • Gym membership — the reality is that 90% of the people who pay for a gym membership never use it. They join, use it for a week, intend to use it again, but they never do and never cancel.
  • Most workout supplements — you have to rely on the honesty and integrity of the companies because the FDA doesn’t regulate them. Wild claims can be made, but Alpha believes in certain supplements but he says you need to work out and eat a healthy diet.
  • Multivitamins — poor quality vitamins get peed-out. But you need to fill in the nutritional gaps from your diet, so you need to take a high-quality version that your body can absorb. Alpha uses Ritual that has essential nutrients for men. There are no synthetic fillers or shady additives; they dissolve in your small intestines which you will absorb more nutrients than typical vitamins. For a dollar a day, you’re worth it.
  • Expensive razors and blades — a ton of online companies sell high-quality versions at a fraction of the price of designer blades in the grocery stores. Alpha also warns of companies trying to sell replacement blades for a motorized trimmer every 3-months. He’s never replaced his motorized trimmer blades.
  • Brand name drugs — the only difference between the brand name and generic is the price. It’s a huge scam — so opt for the store brand.
  • Pets from pet stores — adopt not shop! Pet stores often sell pets from puppy mills and then finance the pets to buyers.
  • Starbucks and bottled water — Alpha occasionally buys bottled water but uses a metal bottle with a filtration system most of the time. The majority of bottled water is not any better for you than tap. Also sexy designer coffee is a huge rip off — you can get pounds of coffee for the amount you pay for one cup.
6 Things Guys with {Good Bodies} NEVER Do! Wed, 22 Jul 2020 05:30:03 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Get a FREE gift with your first purchase valued at more than $20! Click
Alpha started working out when he was 12-years old to have a good body. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM AaronMarino Pete & Pedro Tiege Hanley ENEMY says he now realizes that having a good body means more than what you look physically and aesthetically. A good body means you’re strong, flexible, and healthy.

Guys with GOOD bodies …

1. Don’t make excuses why they can’t workout — functional strength is key, and resistance training is recommended, specifically these three exercises: deadlifts, bench press, and squats for total body.

2. Don’t take on fad or strict diets — daily intake should be a diet that is sustainable long-term. It’s all about a balanced and well-rounded diet. But no matter how clean and ‘perfect’ you eat, gaps will happen. Alpha fills the gaps with Athletic Greens that covers the four pillars of health: gut, immune, energy, and recovery with its micro-nutrients. It’s a nutritional insurance program, and it tastes delicious.

3. Don’t forget leg day — your goal should be to have a well-balanced physique. Alpha won natural bodybuilding shows because of his symmetrical, proportioned, and lean body.

4. Don’t forget to stretch — start today as your entire body will benefit.

5. Don’t forget about their heart and lungs — you need to perform cardio at least 3xs per week and elevate your heart rate which will ultimately strengthen your heart and lungs.

6. Go to the doctor for a check-up — go once a year to get evaluated and some blood work done as your health is your #1 asset.

BEST HOME CHEST WORKOUT {NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED} Mon, 30 Mar 2020 05:30:47 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Stuck at home? No better time to work out! Exercise is outstanding for your body as well as an outstanding tool to help handle stress, which this situation lately has been stressful for many. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM AaronMarino Pete & Pedro Tiege Hanley ENEMY is taking you through one of his favorite chest + triceps home workout. Your triceps help the chest so it’s great to pair them together when working out. All your need is two chairs, and remember, it’s all about form!

EXERCISES | At Home Chest + Tricep Supersets

Perform each set 3xs before moving on to the next exercise. If you’re new to this, listen to your body. If it hurts, you don’t need to be doing it so modify.


Push Ups — hands shoulder width apart with the body straight. Go down slowly and pause for 10-15 repetitions. A modification is going to your knees.

Close Grip Push Up — down and squeeze up for 10-15 reps. Pause on the down and up.

Tricep Dips — Use two chairs, and modify if necessary by using your feet to assist you. Rest for about 60-seconds between which you can do an active rest if preferred. If you have any shoulder issues, this exercise is not for you.


Chair push-ups — chairs shoulder width apart. You can modify (go to knees) or make more challenging (with 3rd chair).

Tricep push-ups — hands should be more narrow than regular push-ups. Complete 10 to 15 reps per set.

Isometric chest squeeze — palms together and squeeze your chest for 10 seconds. Rest 5 seconds in between each. Shoot for 5 of these.


Body weight dips — this is Alpha’s favorite chest exercises. Make sure your chairs won’t tip before proceeding.  Where you place the chairs increases / decreases the intensity. Do as many as you can, between 8-15.

Regular push-ups — form must be super solid with straight body and hands a bit wider than shoulder width. Shoot for 10 – 12 reps.

Incline push-ups — feet up on the chair to go down and up.

Alpha’s New Supplements

When we eat protein, the amino acids in protein rebuild the muscle fibers bigger and stronger after we’ve damaged them from working out. Alpha protein choice is Beam which is a new supplement company he’s fallen in love with.
  • The best pre-workout that he’s ever used — get super energy without nervous jitters (no synthetics).
  • The protien is farm to table.
  • Probiotics are infused into all of the protien.
  • Beam even has vegan protien which is deliciously smooth, and the absorb-ability is better than other vegan proteins due to using mung bean.
  • The Collagen Peptide is another Beam supplement that Alpha has been loving. He adds a scoop to his protien shake to help with his connective tissue, hair, and skin.

All of Beam’s products are quality and will help you build stronger — grab at a discount! BEAM | special discount code Alpha

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10 WORST Supplements You Should NEVER Buy! Fri, 13 Sep 2019 05:30:56 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
SPECIAL Alpha M. Page + Discount
10 BEST Supplements to Build a Better Body
DISCLAIMER: Everything Alpha is presenting are his own opinions! In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, Pete & Pedro, Ollie, and ENEMY says ten supplements are a waste money and potentially dangerous. They are popular but are worthless.

These Supplements Are Complete Trash!

  1. OTC diuretics — you can potentially get dehydrated and cause damage to your body. Instead drink more water to flush your body.
  2. Quick fixes — fitness is not a simple, quick thing
  3. Testosterone boosters — some natural supplements are supportive, but if you give your body hormones it doesn’t need, the results can be very negative. Visit a doctor for a testosterone level blood tests.
  4. Beef protien powder — these amino acids versus whey isolate suck! The higher the bioavailabilty index, the better. Signature Series is amazing! Tastes great, absorbs instantly, and the amino acid profile is optimum.
  5. Colon cleansers — just eat a high fiber diet. Meat doesn’t hang out in your intestines.
  6. Synthetic multi-vitamins — New Chapter | Every Man, which Alpha has taken for years, is a whole food multi-vitamin and highly recommended because it’s absorbable.  Even a proper diet doesn’t provide all the nutrients you need daily. Take it at night before going to bed.
  7. Any herb that doesn’t say ‘standardized’ — standardized means a process was used to determine how much of that respective ingredient is in the capsule rather than winging it.
  8. Fat burners — these are dangerous because they’re stimulants and raise your resting heart rate. They can also have adverse effects on their adrenal glands. Black coffee is what Alpha consumes as well as natural L-Carnitine, specifically Quadracarn by Beverly International, before doing cardio.
  9. Weight gainer shakes that have a ton of sugar (empty calories)– get your calories up with Whey protien + banana + peanut butter + almond milk instead. Your body can only assimilate a certain amount of protein at a time.
  10. Grocery / drug store vitamins — all of them! They are crap! Rely on the integrity of the company manufacturer these products, so buy high quality from a reputable company that is in the business of manufacturing oils, vitamins, and herbs.
5 Exercises MOST Men Do WRONG at the Gym! Mon, 22 Jul 2019 05:30:09 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Special Alpha M. Page & Discount
10 BEST Supplements to Build a Better Body
Word on the street is that you’re killing in the gym — well done! Nothing will benefit your confidence more than working out. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, Pete & Pedro , and Ollie says that all workouts are not created equal. To truly maximize your fitness potential by doing them properly.

How to Do Alpha’s Five Favorite Exercises

  1. Dumbbell Side Raises — favorite shoulder exercise. Don’t use weight that is too heavy — you need to control it through the exercise. You also need a pause before the down. Head up with chest up, the range of motion needs to be controlled throughout.
  2. Body-weight Dips — elbows out and then straight down & up. Don’t keep your elbows close to your body.
  3. Bicep Curls — focus on keeping your upper part of  your arm tight against your body. Don’t rotate your elbow forward. Also, go slowly and squeeze + pause at the top. Don’t worry about the weight you’re lifting — worry about how well you’re working the muscle.
  4. Tricep Push-downs — this is a must-have. Don’t stand under the pulley. Instead, step back at an angle. Hold the bar at 90 degrees, keep the tension on the muscle, and go slowly.
  5. Dumbbell Flies — come down nice & wide with a pause. The bend in his arms stays consistent throughout the entire range of motion. It’s a similar motion to a Pec Deck. Don’t lock your elbow. Also don’t allow your elbows to drop.

Are You Doing the Right Program?

If you’re performing the exercises properly BUT you’re not seeing the results that you’re looking for or fast enough, you could have the wrong program. If any of you are looking for a new workout, great plan, or new diet guys, is offering a one-week free trial of ALL ACCESS which means you can grab Alpha’s program Tailored Six Weeks to Living Lean that he developed with totally FREE:  Special Alpha M. Page & Discount

Alpha’s program has everything you need in terms of workouts, reps, sets, when to do what exercise, and even a diet plan. Alpha follows this program which has allowed him to build muscle, stay lean, and look incredible at 43 years young. Even if you have a solid program and you’re seeing results, you can always learn from other people who have more experience more knowledge. On this landing page, you’ll also see his picks for the ten best supplements to build a better body. And if you’re looking for a super high quality protein that tastes amazing, Alpha uses the Signature Series whey protein. In his opinion, it is the best on the market period. That landing page will also give you a discount on anything that sells.

How to Build a BADASS Body! | 5 Tips to JUMPSTART Results Mon, 07 Jan 2019 06:30:55 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Special Alpha M. Page & Discount
Alpha M. 6 Week Workout Plan
THIS is the year that you build a badass body and super sexy physique! In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro says you need to follow these five fitness hacks to get that badass body in 2019.

1. For bigger arms, work your triceps — triceps make up 2/3 of the arm’s mass.

2. Perform supersets — try Alpha favorite bicep-tricep superset: tricep pushdowns 10 reps with pause + 10 reps without pause then bicep curls 10 reps slow + 10 reps faster. Next, pushups with elbows against your body 10 – 20 reps + hammer curls 10 reps. Repeat series 3xs. Want more? Go to Alpha M. 6 Week Workout Plan

3. After your workout, take a high quality protien. Alpha uses 1 scoop of Signature Series which is 25 grams with an awesome amino acid profile which you can find here Alpha M. Page

4. Intermittent fasting is one of the easiest ways to get leaner and then maintain low body fat percentage — 5:2 Diet, Eat Stop Eat, and 16/8 method are the main three main strategies. Alpha uses the 16/8 method which you fast 16 hours then eat within an 8 hour window. Along with fasted cardio + CLA + L-Carnitine, these have made Alpha lean and symmetrical.

5. Do 100 push-ups and 50 pull-ups a day — your body will change in 30-days! Get yourself a pull-up bar. It’s a great investment.

10 Workout Tips Aaron WISHES He Knew in His 20s Fri, 28 Dec 2018 06:30:53 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
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Alpha M. TOP 10 Supplements to Build a BETTER Body!
Alpha has been working out for 30-years! He’s competed in a ton of body-building shows — he hasn’t been the biggest, but he was always the leanest and most symmetrical. He even won the Super Natural Nationals 2001 for his height class. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro says there are many things had he known he would have done to have better results, not waste his time, and not bust his has so much.

Ten Lessons Alpha Wished He Knew Back Then

1. Just because someone looks good with his shirt off doesn’t mean he knows what he’s talking about — there are tons of idiots with amazing bodies spewing misinformation. This is dangerous! Find your fitness Yoda with knowledge base and education to help.

2. If you workout and look good, people may accuse you of taking steroids

3. There is no such thing as spot reduction in regard to losing body fat

4. You don’t have to kill yourself to lose body fat — instead perform fasted cardio and take L-Carnitine (Quadracarn) + Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) which will work instead by breaking down body fat to be used as energy.

5. You don’t need to eat excessive protein to gain muscle —  1 gram of protien per 1 pound of lean muscle mass is all you need. For example, you can get protien from chicken (25 grams medium breast) during meals and protien shakes after workouts (25 grams easily digestible, already broken down amino acid blend).

6. Dirty bulking equals getting fat — don’t consume crappy calories. Focus on eating healthy calories.

7. You need balance in your life (balance looking good and living)

8. Nobody cares on how much you lift — concentrate on the exercise, range of motion, and muscle contraction

9. Train legs just as much as you train chest (even if you hate it) — it’s important for functional strength (glutes, quads, hams, hip flexors and stabilizers)

10. Your metabolism will dip at age 30 — tighten up your diet to look good decades ahead. Exercise, eat right, perform cardio, and drink water.

What You Can Know NOW

Over at, Alpha goes over diets, nutrition, and workouts in his program Six Weeks to Living Lean — he takes out all the guesswork! Use the special link for the plan as well as the supplements to build a better body (will help you get there faster). Also watch some of Alpha’s other videos that he’s done with as well! Special Alpha M. Page & Discount


How to STOP Feeling TIRED All the Time! Mon, 26 Nov 2018 06:30:26 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Special Alpha M. Page & Discount
Alpha M. 6 Week Workout Plan
Why are you sooooooo tired!?!? Well, Alpha feels good and rested — he’s ready to kick the day’s ass! In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro says you will feel tired, not rested, and like you want to go back to bed because you are doing one of these five things.

How You’re Sabotaging Feeling Well Rested

1. Sleeping like sh!t by not getting 8-hours of sleep – get a good mattress, and keep the room dark, and turn the room temperature down.

2. Circadian rhyme is out-of-whack – reset your 24-hour clock by keeping a strict sleep schedule, don’t nap, and get outside in the sun for 20-minutes per day.

3. Your diet sucks — make sure to take a multi-vitamin (Alpha takes New Chapter), B-complex, D3, and Calcium + Magnesium combo before bedtime. Use Alpha’s link for discounts on these products. Special Alpha M. Discount

4. Not exercising – challenge your body! Check out Alpha’s Living Lean program Alpha M. Workout Plan

5. Putting the wrong stuff in your mouth — cut caffeine after 1pm and chill with the alcohol.

{Six Pack} HACKS to Get Your Lower Abs to Show QUICK! Wed, 15 Aug 2018 05:30:05 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Special Alpha M. Page & Discount
Alpha M. 6 Week Workout Plan
When it comes to your super sexy six packs, not all abs are created equal. Upper two are like the gateway drug because they are the first to you’ll see. You keep exercising and eating right, bang, a four pack. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  says that to get the lower abs means taking it to the next level.

How to Get Those Lower Abs to Show

1. Work your abs properly – speed, control, and contract are key with hanging leg raises (20 reps / 3 sets) then pelvis leg lifts (20 reps / 3 sets)

2. Supplementation – L-Carnitine + CLA = fat shredding! Alpha takes them 3xs/day for the last three years.

3. Quality versus quantity – no counting calories. Cut out alcohol too!

4. Fasted cardio in your target zone – it’s made the biggest different in losing body fat and maintaining low body fat percentage. Alpha does fasted cardio 7xs/week in his target zone (220- your age = N. Then multiply that number (N) by .65 and then also by .80 which will give your up and lower target zone ends).

5. Stay consistent! There is no quick fix! Not over night or even 6 months to ultimately result in you having great abs for ever. You have to develop a lifestyle.

Supplements Alpha Truly Believes In

Want to learn more about or order the supplements that Alpha uses for fat shredding? Use the LINK for find Alpha’s top ten supplements for building a better body – Alpha truly believes in these supplements. is the greatest website for fitness, supplementation, information, workouts like Alpha’s ‘Tailored’ Alpha M. 6 Week Workout Plan, and workout gear & clothing. Also, launched their new Signature Series products which Alpha loves their whey protien. It infuses your body with proteins after working out with an incredible amino acid profile. Check out the Special Alpha M. page & discount

The ULTIMATE {Home Fat Burning} Workout! NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED Wed, 13 Jun 2018 05:30:31 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Alpha M. | Special Page & Discount
It’s been 30-days since Alpha launched Living Lean on He’s getting insane feedback on this incredible program. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro put all of his fitness, diet, and workout knowledge into Living Lean. Check out the link Alpha M. for the program, discounts, and supplement recommendations. Other content includes more of Alpha’s videos and behind-the-scenes of Living Lean.

HIIT Workout without Equipment | Supersets to Shred Body Fat!

1. Fake rope – 60 reps as high or low as you want

2. Body weight squats – 15 reps deep

** Set-ups for active rest – 15 reps with hands on hips

** 5 to 8 times through this superset

3. Jump up & down on steps – 30 reps

4. Step touches – 30 reps

** Stepping for active rest – 30 reps

5. Burpees – 15 reps

6. Side hops – 15 reps

** 5 to 8 times through this superset

** Step up and back for active rest – 15 reps

7. Jump squats – 15 reps

8. Reverse lunge – 10 reps per side

9. Jump rope – 30 seconds

** Walking for 15 – 20 seconds

** Hit again, hit it again, hit it again

10. Squat touch – 15 reps each side

11. Touches – 15 reps

** Step ups – 15 reps

** Throw in some push-ups if you would like

Want to Take Your Fat Loss to the Next Level?

Shred body fat fat with Quadracarn by Beverly (L-Carnitine) + CLA. Alpha knows this is what helps him stay lean. He has videos over at (scroll to the bottom) for details why the combination is so incredible and critical.


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NOW LIVE! alpha m's Tailored {6 Weeks to Living Lean} | alpha m. Diet & 6 Week Workout Plan Wed, 16 May 2018 10:23:14 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
NOW LIVE! Alpha M’s Tailored {6 Weeks to Living Lean}
It’s incredible! It’s live and launched! In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  is thrilled to share his new program with you. It’s better than he ever dreamed.

This program is badass and will change your life.

If you commit to 6 weeks, you will look incredible, feel amazing, and become more confident. With the workouts, Alpha tells you exactly what you do for six weeks. And when you’re going through the program, Alpha demonstrates how to exactly perform exercises. The diet plan is for people who don’t want to count calories – it’s real life. It will let you live lean as a lifestyle. He also shares lifestyle hacks, grooming, style tips, and exclusive video content.

It’s for people who are ready to make a change and be the best they possibly can be.

It’s for those who are serious. Alpha provides all the information that he has learned and experienced with personal training, owning gyms and nutrition stores, and body building – his passions! It’s only $8.99 a month, but not just only Alpha’s program but everyone else’s who are best-of-the-best too. You have access to incredible resources, and you can also down the app to make the experience even more amazing!

Alpha is so pumped and proud to be partnered with

… and for you to join the plan. The program is not ‘easy’ – it’s challenging for your mind, body, and diet. BUT if you stick with it for SIX WEEKS, it will change your life! Get to work! Alpha’s proud of you – you’ve got this!

]]> & Alpha M. Program Update Tue, 01 May 2018 05:30:51 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Behind the Scenes of + AlphaM
In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  just wrapped filming of the program and behind-the-scenes video. The experience has been incredible for Alpha!

Alpha’s Lifelong Passion

He’s been into fitness for the past 30 years – he even got his first gym membership at 12 years old. It was the single best decision he’s made in his life. Fitness has changed his life, it’s his passion, and he attributes his confidence to it. With his YouTube channel, he’s sprinkled fitness into it. The truth is that the fitness content is what he knows best – fitness, nutrition, working out, and building muscle. This elements are fundamentally who Alpha is because of how long he’s been doing it.

Fitness + YouTube

The difficult thing for Alpha was how to incorporate fitness into the Alpha M. YouTube content. He didn’t know the mechanism or method, and he wanted to do it ‘right’. Ultimately, he partnered with in the past year, and then wanted to take it to the next level with Alpha. What’s even more compelling is how noted how engaged Alpha M. viewers have been. Alpha thanks everyone.

The Team

The culture of is a refreshing community. The people are what make this thing so special. Alpha was embraced and allowed him to do what he does – he had complete free access to develop the fitness and diet program as well as lifestyle tips. Alpha’s program will change a lot of lives!’s support has been incredibly special since he’s had a relationship with them from the beginning. To see the evolution of the company and to be here now, it’s been very touching for Alpha. The program will launch in May 2018 and will be spectacular. Alpha thanks you and urges you to be ready to jump on the program! It’s a dream come true, and he can’t wait to share it with you.

]]> Why EVERYONE Who Works Out May NEED THIS! Tue, 20 Mar 2018 05:27:59 +0000 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube

Special Alpha M. Page & Discount
The Benefits of Glutamine
Do you workout? You may need this! In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  says that glutamine is an amino acid that he used to take religiously when he was bodybuilding. He just recently got excited about this supplement again and started taking it with his new fitness program.

What Is Glutamine?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and help rebuild muscle. They are natural and needed. Glutamine is an amino acid that is most abundant in muscles. Notably, it drops after working out which results in decreased strength and stamina. 5 to 7 days are necessary to replenish lost glutamine. Other functions of glutamine are protein metabolism, cell volumizing, and as an anticatabolic to prevent muscle wasting.

How Alpha Uses Glutamine

Alpha is using glutamine again and feels better now. He uses 10 to 15 grams per day, which one scoop is 5 grams. It’s tasteless, safe, and dissolves almost instantly. You can mix with water or juice -or- take as a powder shot chased with water. He takes before and after working out.

Glutamine is natural, beneficial, and assists with both muscle building & maintenance. As you age, muscle shrinks at a rate of 1 pound per year after age 30. It’s important to take glutamine, in Alpha’s opinion.
