Abs – Alpha M https://iamalpham.com Men's Lifestyle Coach for Style, Grooming, and Fitness Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:47:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://iamalpham.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cropped-favicon-2-32x32.png Abs – Alpha M https://iamalpham.com 32 32 5 Fat Loss Hacks I Wish I Knew Sooner https://iamalpham.com/aaron-marino-fat-loss-hacks/ https://iamalpham.com/aaron-marino-fat-loss-hacks/#comments Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:47:19 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53721 The secret to having an amazing body is having a low body fat percentage. Even if you have big muscles, if you’re fat, you can’t see any of the muscles underneath. So today, I will review some of my favorite fat-burning hacks that I wish I had known sooner. These hacks are ones that I’ve learned over the years that have really made it easier because I used to be in the mindset that I had to eat perfectly every day and that if I didn’t get enough protein, I wouldn’t lose body fat. The truth is it’s calories in and calories out — as simple as that formula.

Also, your basal metabolic rate should be calculated because it’s important to know how many calories your body uses daily to maintain and survive. If you want to lose fat, it’s a simple math formula. 1 lb of fat equals 3,500 calories. So, if you want to lose 1 lb of body fat a week, you must reduce your caloric consumption by 3,500 weekly. Which breaks down to about 500 calories a day. So you could consume 500 calories less, burn 500 calories with exercise, or do a combination of both. Here’s how to calculate your BMR.

Hacks to increase fat loss

  1. Intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has been a game changer for me because it’s allowed me to maintain a low body fat percentage, and it’s healthy. It allows me to do cardio on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. There are a few different methods in which I use the 16/8, where I don’t eat for 16 hours in a 24-hour period. I’m consuming my calories for the day in an 8-hour period, during which my first meal starts around noon and my last one will be around 8:00 p.m. For 16 hours, I don’t consume anything other than water or coffee. You must ensure your eating window is filled with healthy, clean, high-quality foods.
  2. Specific sleep. How you turn your body into a fat-burning machine during sleep is to turn the temperature to 65° because you’ll burn 7% more calories at night. Also, you will gain body fat if you’re not getting enough sleep. You need to make sleep a priority. Floating weight is when, during the night, your body will metabolize, lose fluids, and lose weight.
  3. Cardio on an empty stomach. Fasted cardio works. When you wake up in the morning, you’ve been fasting since your last meal before you went to bed. When you do cardio, your body utilizes the fatty acids (aka stored body fat). It uses this as energy to keep you going. Choose whatever cardio that you will do and enjoy. I choose cardio that burns the most calories: jumping rope, specifically Cross Rope. The workouts are addictive and engaging.
  4. Drink more water. Drinking water will not burn fatty body fat, but if you increase the amount of water you’re consuming, it will suppress your appetite, make your body process better, not retain as much subcutaneous water, and instantly feel better and leaner. You should consume over a gallon of water daily and add lemon because it’s a natural diuretic. Drinking cold water will also help burn more calories because your body has to heat it up.
  5. Diet. (1) L-carnitine is an amino acid that is a natural supplement you can take, which makes your body use fat as energy. I take it in the morning before I do fasted cardio. (2) Plan your diet. You need to plan prior what you’re eating. This includes when you go out to a restaurant because when you dine out, a lot of hidden, sneaky calories are in the food. Plan your meals in advance if you want to reduce your caloric intake.
https://iamalpham.com/aaron-marino-fat-loss-hacks/feed/ 1
12 Stupidly Simple Ways to Make Your Body Look Better https://iamalpham.com/simple-ways-to-make-your-body-look-better/ Mon, 09 Oct 2023 05:30:40 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53546 Building your triceps is one of the quickest and easiest ways to bigger arms. However, not all triceps exercises are created equal. Overhead triceps extensions with or without cables are one of the best exercises to activate all three tricep heads and get those guns to grow. If you want more of these types of tips, I will discuss tricks to make your body look better right now.

Tips to make you look your best

  1. Build your guns — use triceps exercises, which details are above in the intro.
  2. Enhance shoulder-to-waist ratio — build your shoulders and delts with controlled side raises. Try the different variations.
  3. Look better without clothes — lose body weight through fasted cardio in your target zone, whether through jogging, Stairmaster, spin class, HIIT, or more. Also, engage in intermittent fasting. Check out the different methods, such as the 16:8 I do.
  4. Look leaner, trimmer, slimmer — reduce water retention by drinking a gallon of lemon water daily.
  5. Know what you’re consuming — meal prep to ensure you stick to a plan. I love Factor, which makes meal prepping quick and easy. Use my code AlphaM50 for 50% off your 1st box.
  6. See more definition — shave or trim your arm hair. Women love forearms, and less body hair means looking more defined.
  7. Reflect light — by using moisturizer, your body will look sexier by being hydrated and reflecting light.
  8. Look sexier and leaner — get a tan, but not in a tanning bed. Use self-tanners.
  9. Free Big Al from the bush — trim your pubes to make Big Al look gigantic.
  10. Look trim and sexy — wear all black. Dark and monochromatic is slimming. On the flip side, if you are thin, wear lighter colors.
  11. Show off your arms — expose the triceps by exposing your arms. Also, roll your sleeves (check out my technique for a clean roll) to expose the ever-sexy forearm.
  12. Don’t look chubby and fat — wear tailored clothing to fit right and make you look sexy.
7 Hacks to ALWAYS Have a GREAT Body… and NEVER Get Fat https://iamalpham.com/nice-body-at-any-age-hacks-never-get-fat/ Mon, 10 Jul 2023 05:30:18 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=53147 Consider this video the death punch to the dad bod because if you implement the steps I will share with you, which I have followed over the years, you will be amazed at your incredible body regardless of age. I don’t think getting man boobs is inevitable. You don’t want to be soft and doughy in the midsection and always want to feel confident when you rip your shirt off.

I work out with weights four days a week, do cardio daily, and pay attention to my diet. Twice a week, I’ll treat myself to a nice meal. I drink alcohol about twice a week, which is a few glasses of wine. There’s no magic formula, no magic workout, no magic diet. It’s about consistently doing what you need to do always to look sexy when you’re naked, no matter your age.

Consistently do these every day

  1. Follow a morning routine. (a) Weigh yourself every morning. After going to the bathroom, hop on the scale. This will keep you accountable. (b) Do fasted cardio. I do this every morning. When your body is empty, do some cardio. All night your body fasted. So, if you exercise in the morning in your target zone, you will utilize fatty acids as an energy source. You’re dipping into the fat stores instead of using recently consumed calories.
  2. Strategically drink. (a) Refrain from alcohol. If you’re consistently drinking, this will destroy your body and willpower. You typically will eat empty calories too. (b) Drink lemon water. Drinking this daily will help you stay hydrated, feel better, and not retain as much subcutaneous water, so your abs will look sharper. It will also flush your system so you won’t retain toxins. (c) Eliminate sugary drinks and energy drinks. These are empty calories and nothing but sugar. They will cause insulin level spikes.
  3. Watch your diet. (a) It doesn’t matter what you do in the gym if you have a shitty diet. Eating is one of the things that will destroy your body and make you fat. (b) Don’t go shopping hungry. Don’t buy things you shouldn’t eat because you won’t eat them if it’s not in your house. (c) Meal prep because prior planning will prevent poor diet performance. If you want to avoid meal prep, try Factor. Use code ALPHAM40 to get 40% off your first Factor box.
  4. Make sleep a priority. Your body mass index (BMI) will increase if you don’t get enough sleep.
  5. Increase your BMR. When sleeping, increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR) by lifting weights and eating foods that burn more calories. Consume protein at every meal, which I eat one gram of protein per lean pound of body mass. Protein will also keep you from smacking as much as at night.
  6. Consume low-calorie. Find an eating program that works for you. But don’t follow anything extreme because it’s not a lifestyle. You need to eat in a way that you can continue long-term to keep your fat low and muscle mass sexy. Your body needs carbohydrates, fat, and protein, so don’t deprive it of any of them, such as a low-carb diet. Eating a well-balanced, healthy diet
  7. Lift weights. You need to use your body and work your muscles. Find a program that works for your lifestyle and happiness. You could try CrossFit, HIIT training, or whatever you enjoy. There’s no right or wrong because it’s your journey. You need to take care of your body forever and not get fat.
How to Lose MORE Belly Fat While You Sleep {Get Abs FAST} https://iamalpham.com/how-to-lose-more-belly-fat-while-you-sleep-get-abs-fast/ Thu, 06 Apr 2023 05:30:03 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=52725 Abs. We will talk about this today, specifically how to get yours to show better by burning more body fat while you’re sleeping. The video will be divided into two parts, including scientifically proven ways to lose more body fat while snoozing and Alpha M. approved hacks to get your abs to show better and faster.

Burn more body fat while you sleep

  • Get more sleep. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. Research has demonstrated that you will gain weight if you’re not sleeping enough. Other studies have shown that sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night will burn 400 more calories than sitting.
  • Sleep in a cold environment. Sleeping in 66° F temperatures has been shown to help you burn up to 7% more calories a night because you’re in a colder environment. Your body has to heat up and work harder to maintain its core body temperature.
  • Take cold showers. Take a 30-second cold shower, including your head. You will potentially burn up to 400 more calories a night. That means over seven days, that’s almost a pound of fat.
  • Green tea. Drink three cups of green tea a day. The flavonoid in green tea has been shown to increase metabolism and burn body fat by 3.5% overnight. Green tea does not have much caffeine and will keep you hydrated.
  • Increase water consumption. Drink plenty of water, specifically a gallon a day. Drink the water while it’s cold to burn more calories. The water has to heat up. Also, drinking adequate water will help you lose more weight while sleeping as it will facilitate the fat loss process.
  • Lift weights at night. Lifting lights, in general, will increase your metabolism because, for every pound of lean muscle, you will burn 60 calories extra per day. This includes when you’re sleeping. And then, when you lift weights at night, your metabolism gets cranked up for 16 hours, which means when you go to sleep, your metabolism is an inferno.
  • Try intermittent fasting. Restrict or eliminate calories for 16 hours. If you stop eating around 7:00 at night and then don’t eat until 11:00 in the morning the next day, your body will not be releasing as much insulin, which is the main driver for storing fat. Many people make the mistake of eating close to bedtime when their insulin spikes. Body fat will be stored. Restricting calories and not allowing insulin to spike while sleeping will facilitate fat loss.
  • Perform fasted cardio. Doing cardio the first morning when you get up will shred fat because your body is empty, and you will dip into fat stores or fatty acids as the energy source. If you do cardio when you’re not fasted, you will have a lot of glucose and glycogen in your bloodstream, which will be your body’s first choice for energy. Your body technically doesn’t want to get rid of body fat because it’s stored energy.
  • Increase protein intake. Protein is amazing for your body, including your muscles needing it to rebuild. For your body to break down and store protein, more calories are used than when breaking down carbohydrates. It has a higher thermic effect, meaning you’ll burn more calories just by eating protein instead of anything else. Protein also does not spike insulin levels, so your insulin levels will be kept lower, so you will not store as much body fat. Your body will burn it and use it to shred abs.
  • Consume apple cider vinegar. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and water before bedtime benefit weight loss. The acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar will help regulate blood sugar and reduce cravings. It will speed up fast loss and reduce potential fat storage.

Reduce water-weight retention

  • Drink a lot of water. Drink a gallon a day to flush out and not retain water. When you eat a diet high in crap, salts common carbohydrates, you’ll retain water which will also be in your face as well as your abs. You’ll retain less water if you give your body what it needs to be properly hydrated.
  • Stick to a low-carb diet. Stick with proteins and vegetables that aren’t starchy. You’ll lose 5 lbs in a day. It happens because carbohydrates absorb water like a sponge, and when you’re eating a lot of carbs, you’ll retain more water.
  • Switch to distilled water. Drinking distilled water instead of regular water helps you to retain less water.
  • Skip weight loss suits. These are not great for you and can potentially be dangerous. Sweating heavily from these weight loss suits will cause you to lose necessary nutrients. Ensure you’re eating enough iodized salt, as iodine is one of the essential nutrients that helps regulate the thyroid. If your thyroid isn’t working correctly, you could gain weight. If you’re sweating due to sitting in a sauna or doing a lot of cardio, sprinkle some iodized salt on your food.
9 Food Hacks to Get LEAN & Get Your Abs to Show QUICK! https://iamalpham.com/food-hacks-to-get-lean-abs-quick/ Fri, 15 Apr 2022 05:30:39 +0000 https://alpham.com/?p=51011 How are your abs? Seriously, on a scale of one to sexy, how sexy are they? If the answer is ‘not so much’, that’s great news because I’m going to go over a few of my favorite food hacks to get your abs to show better. Keep in mind the stricter and tighter you can be with your diet, the better off you’re going to be and the faster you’re going to see those abs to shred.

Before I go further into this video, I need to cover a few truths. You cannot spot reduce fat. It’s going to come off where it wants to come off. Next is that we have to prior plan. You cannot wing a healthy diet. Last, the truth is you have to exercise. I am a firm believer doing cardio is important not only for your body fat but also your heart and lungs.

Get those abs super sexy!

  1. Stop drinking alcohol (or reduce) – not consuming alcohol on a regular basis or even a few times a week will make a dramatic difference on how your abs look. Opt for club soda or seltzer with lime when you go out.
  2. Cut out or reduce dairy – when I eliminate dairy from my diet, I almost instantly see a difference in my body fat or the way that I look with my shirt out. Opt for almond milk. It has become one of my favorite diet hacks.
  3. Cut out pasta – When you cut out pasta, you will reduce the subcutaneous water that makes you look softer.
  4. Add lemon to your water – not only do you need to drink enough water but add lemon to that water. It acts as a natural diuretic to flush excessive water and make you look leaner. Diet sodas are bad although they have zero calories. Opt for seltzer or sparkling water.
  5. Batch cook – one day a week, cook batches of food such as chicken, salmon, beef, and more. You can also batch carbohydrates like barley, quinoa, or wheat berries. When you’re finished cooking, portion and package meals individually in containers or baggies. This way, you can grab-and-go to have something healthy if you don’t have the opportunity or time to cook.
  6. Use Factor – these pre-made meals are never frozen and delivered right to your doorstep. I have been obsessed with these delicious and healthy meals that don’t involve any prep work. Plans range from calories smart to keto to vegan and more. Use code ALPHAM120 to get $120 off.
  7. Shop around the perimeter – the perimeter of the grocery store is where the freshest food is. Inside the aisles is where all the crap is.
  8. Add flavor – season & spice and use condiments to give a little pizzazz and life to your otherwise bland healthy foods.
  9. Don’t have it in your house – this hack has helped me the most as I don’t have amazing will power. If you don’t have it in your house, you’re not going to eat it.
{Six Pack} HACKS to Get Your Lower Abs to Show QUICK! https://iamalpham.com/six-pack-hacks-lower-abs-show-quick/ Wed, 15 Aug 2018 05:30:05 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=36796 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Special Alpha M. BodyBuilding.com Page & Discount
Alpha M. 6 Week Workout Plan
When it comes to your super sexy six packs, not all abs are created equal. Upper two are like the gateway drug because they are the first to you’ll see. You keep exercising and eating right, bang, a four pack. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  says that to get the lower abs means taking it to the next level.

How to Get Those Lower Abs to Show

1. Work your abs properly – speed, control, and contract are key with hanging leg raises (20 reps / 3 sets) then pelvis leg lifts (20 reps / 3 sets)

2. Supplementation – L-Carnitine + CLA = fat shredding! Alpha takes them 3xs/day for the last three years.

3. Quality versus quantity – no counting calories. Cut out alcohol too!

4. Fasted cardio in your target zone – it’s made the biggest different in losing body fat and maintaining low body fat percentage. Alpha does fasted cardio 7xs/week in his target zone (220- your age = N. Then multiply that number (N) by .65 and then also by .80 which will give your up and lower target zone ends).

5. Stay consistent! There is no quick fix! Not over night or even 6 months to ultimately result in you having great abs for ever. You have to develop a lifestyle.

Supplements Alpha Truly Believes In

Want to learn more about or order the supplements that Alpha uses for fat shredding? Use the LINK for find Alpha’s top ten supplements for building a better body – Alpha truly believes in these supplements. Bodybuilding.com is the greatest website for fitness, supplementation, information, workouts like Alpha’s ‘Tailored’ Alpha M. 6 Week Workout Plan, and workout gear & clothing. Also, Bodybuilding.com launched their new Signature Series products which Alpha loves their whey protien. It infuses your body with proteins after working out with an incredible amino acid profile. Check out the Special Alpha M. BodyBuilding.com page & discount

The {Build a BETTER Body} 6 Week Plan! https://iamalpham.com/build-a-better-body-6-week-plan/ Fri, 23 Feb 2018 06:30:44 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=35463 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Special Alpha M. BodyBuilding.com Page & Discount
How is the diet going? Cardio? Ab work? The first video {Get Six Pack Abs by Summer} was all about getting the fat process burning. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  is now talking about muscle building. He shows his 2 week progress where he’s lost fat and gained muscle. He uses the scale along with body fat measurements.

FAT BURNING :: The fat burning supplements he uses are Quadracarn (3 times a day) and CLA (3 capsules 3 times a day). He explains how they work with the CLA breaks down fat, and the L-Carnitine takes the fat to be used as energy. They are a fat shredding dynamic duo. He won Natural Nations with this method. He also uses a whole food multi-vitamin (he uses New Chapter).

MUSCLE BUILDING :: For muscle building, 150 grams of protein a day (gram per pound) in 3 main meals (25-30 grams per serving). Then in between he takes whey protein after working out. Instead of eating meat (ie: chicken breast), the amino acids help the healing start faster because it’s already broken down. He’s super excited about Glutamine (amino acid). Muscles lose it after working out strenuously, but this Glutamine supplement is incredible for cell voluminzation and anti-catabolic properties. He takes it twice a day, before & after workouts. There are tons of benefits of Glutamine: better workouts, better pumps, low cost, all natural.

WORKING OUT :: If you are starting this plan with Alpha, you should start working out with weights.

  • Monday – chest, triceps, 30 minutes cardio post workout
  • Tuesday – back, biceps, abs, 30 minutes cardio post workout
  • Wednesday – active rest with 60 minutes of cardio
  • Thursday –  legs
  • Friday – active rest with 60 minutes of cardio
  • Saturday – shoulders, abs, 30 minutes cardio post workout
  • Sunday – rest


DEVELOP YOUR DIET :: For your diet, look for a diet online for different options as not all diets are one-sized-fits-all. Lifestyle aspects and restrictions vary for various people. For the next 6 weeks, cut out the amount of times you eat out. Clean up your diet by removing processed foods. And plan your meals and snacks ahead of time.

Write down your plan and record your workout & diet. If you start taking care of yourself and you follow the plan, you will be amazed at how you feel!

Get SIX PACK ABS by Summer | The alpha m. 6 Pack Plan https://iamalpham.com/six-pack-abs-by-summer-plan/ Fri, 09 Feb 2018 06:30:18 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=35356 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Special Alpha M. BodyBuilding.com Page & Discount
Alpha’s TOP 10 Supplements to Build a Better Body
Today is February 10th — 3 months until summer. And Alpha feels fat! That’s a ‘chick thing’ to say, but after the holidays, Alpha feels like he can’t get his ass into gear. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  says he doesn’t feel super sexy and ready to take his shirt off.  But he has incentive — big incentive!

BodyBuilding.com and Alpha have decided to take their collaboration to the next level – developing a 6 week workout plan, diet and lifestyle. The incentive is that he’s going up to BodyBuilding.com to get videoed while working out and put out on their website for 30 million people to see. He’s in good shape but not BodyBuilding.com shape.

Keep in mind that everyone has abs – the problem is that many people have them buried under fat. You have to reduce the body fat but also develop them by working out. You make deeper separations, and the deeper the separations means a greater amount of fat can be retained while still having abs show.

Currently, BodyBuilding.com has a custom page for Alpha’s viewers which includes his top 10 supplements. The site has great deals, workout advice, and workout gear. The info is free! The custom page also contains a code for purchasing off of the site – they have everything!

Alpha’s Summer Abs Plan | PART ONE

Alpha invites you to join him for the next 8 weeks – you will look better than ever if you follow through. He’s excited, and he hopes you join him!

During the next two weeks, KEEP A DIET JOURNAL everything your eating, the time, and quantity (along with calories). After two weeks, a new video for this series will be published. Muscle building and the diet aspect will be discussed further. Also take a BEFORE PICTURE. He’s currently 155 pounds. He wants to get down to 145 pound, but that depends on the amount of muscle Alpha adds.

  1. WORKOUT Alpha’s abs workout is a 7 exercise super set (click the special BodyBuilding.com link). Do the circuit 3 times, 3 times per week with a day skipped between.
  2. CARDIO Perform fasted cardio every day, 7 days a week. Do what you can if you never have done cardio. You can do it later in the day if you can’t do it in the morning. And if you can’t do fasted cardio, maximize the results by waiting 3 hours after eating.
  3. SUPPLEMENTS Take these two products before cardio (1) Quadracarn (2) CLA. Both can be found via the special BodyBuilding.com link. For the other supplements that are important, check out Alpha’s TOP 10 Supplements to Build a Better Body


CRAZY Home Ab Workout | Get Your Abs to Show https://iamalpham.com/home-abdominal-workout/ Wed, 09 Nov 2016 06:30:59 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=31604 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Alpha M. Diet Plan
Awesome Abs Workout | Abdominal Six Pack
The 4 {Best} Ab Exercises | Aaron Marino’s *Go-To* Ab Routine
Tiege Hanley | Uncomplicated Skin Care for Men
No body part has gotten more attention, admiration, or is more sought after than abdominals. Every fitness magazine has something on the cover about abs. What they fail to tell you is that you need to diet and lose the body fat to see the abs– but everyone has abs!

Abs are a pain in the ass to get AND a pain in the ass to keep! That is fact. Is it worth it for you? You have to decide. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro is recommends a good diet with fasted cardio to melt the body fat off of your abdominals.

You also need to train them to develop the separations. The more you work them, the deeper the cuts. The deeper the cuts, the higher body fat you can have. You don’t need a fitness membership to kick your abs’ ass! This is the mother of all home super sets.

Home Six Pack Superset

Perform ten (10) reps of each. Get through 1 set? Try 2 sets. Get through 2 sets? Try 3 sets. If you get through 3 sets, then increase reps per exercise (instead of 10 reps, do 20 reps):

  1. Slow crunches – legs up and crossed and at 90 degree angle. Fingers behind the head with chin up. Only lift shoulders about 2-3 inches off the floor. Contract your stomach. Up and hold each for 3 seconds.
  2. Faster crunches
  3. Pulse up to your toes – extend feet
  4. Plank up to pike with a pause – works all of stablizing muscles
  5. Pike pulses
  6. Crunches – legs bent with feet crossed and hands behind your head



The 4 { Best } Ab Exercises | Aaron Marino's *Go-To* Ab Routine https://iamalpham.com/best-abdominal-exercises/ Fri, 24 Jun 2016 05:30:16 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=30394 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Freeletics FREE Gym App
Alpha M. Diet and Healthy Eating
Empty Stomach Morning Cardio
In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaMAaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro  is taking a field trip to the gym so he can show you his favorite 4 abdominal exercises to get your abs to show.

In order to have your abs to show, you need to reduce your body fat (have a decent diet that facilitates your body fat reduction) and perform cardio the 1st thing in the morning. Now that you have the body fat reduced, you need to develop the abs and create separations. Here’s how…

Alpha’s Go To Ab Routine

  1. Basic bench crunch – after getting into position, keep legs slightly bent, come up and pause. Alpha gives alternates for less and more intense options. 15 reps with dumbbell then 15 reps without the weight. Do three (3) sets of 30 reps.
  2. Hanging Leg Raises – Alpha gives options to perform this exercise with pros and cons. It’s about control, that little squeeze, and that little pause. He gives options to make the exercises less and more challenging. He also gives an option to hit the obliques. Go for three (3) sets.
  3. Cable Crunch – it’s a personal favorite of Alpha but is more difficult to feel. Your butt doesn’t move. Only the upper body moves with a pause. Go for 15 – 20, three (3) sets.
  4. The Ball Crunch – not the most masculine looking but one of the most effective. Chin to ceiling with the ball in the small of your back, go up, pause, and down. If you quiver, all of your muscles are engaged. You don’t need to go super fast. Go 10 slow with a pause. Then go for 10 pulses. It’s a great way to finish off those abs!


String of two of these together for a superset. Alternate back and forth for 3 sets. Perform twice a week with a few days in between. If you squeeze, go slow, and contract, you’ll feel it for days. Freeletics FREE Gym App is an option that Alpha has been using too. It’s the best fitness app he’s ever seen. Remember, no abs were ever seen without a low body fat percentage!

How to Get Your Abs to Show | 6 Tips to Get a Six Pack https://iamalpham.com/get-six-pack-abs/ Fri, 11 Mar 2016 06:30:38 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=28964 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Alpha M. Diet Plan
Number One Way to Burn Body Fat | Cardio on Empty Stomach
How to Build An Amazing Body at Home with No Weights
Work Your Abs | 40+ Video Abdominal Playlist
Abs are the six elusive muscles that all men are in search of. You are diligent with weekly workouts, but your abs are not happening! Your abs are a no-show. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro talks about how to unlock your abdominal destiny.

Alpha unlocks the ‘secret’ to getting abs: making smart lifestyle choices to reduce body fat. Eat clean, take it easy on alcohol, drink plenty of water, do your cardio .. then strengthen and develop the ab lines. They are yours for the taking. Keep in mind that abs are over-rated and aren’t for everybody. Just live the healthiest lifestyle you can because you are amazing with or without them.

Six Steps to Six Pack

  1. Think of your abs as a bi-product, not a muscle you build
  2. Decide how badly you want them as they are overrated. Alpha describes in detail what you have to do and give up: food & alcohol (no bad diet decisions) and reduction of free time watching TV & playing video games
  3. Get body fat percentage down – eliminate alcohol to reduce your body fat percentage
  4. Eat a cleaner and better diet like the Alpha M. Diet
  5. Perform cardio 1st thing in the morning on an empty stomach – there’s no better time than in the morning. You don’t need a gym. Put on those sneakers and walk, jog, jump rope. You can use the Freeletics app to find workouts you can do at home. including cardio, abs, muscle building. It’s the best fitness app! It’s easy to use! You have no excuse!
  6. Work your abs – create separations between the ab muscles. You don’t need 2% body fat if you’ve developed the separations.
The 'No More Excuses' Abs Workout | Home Workout Series https://iamalpham.com/abs-home-workout/ Wed, 16 Sep 2015 05:17:05 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=28075 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
So for those of you have ever used the excuses of not having a gym membership or not having time to workout, Alpha is presenting a home workout with a chair. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro is showing you how to workout at home.

Home Abdominal Workout

Do three sets to start and modify to fit your specific needs:

  1. Crunches – Alpha finds his ‘sweet spot’ on his butt and hits 15 crunches slowly and controlled. The chair is used for better range-of-motion.
  2. Heels on the chair, lay back with hands behind head, chin to ceiling. Go up and pause. It’s a small contraction. The elevated legs takes away your ability to cheat. Go for 10 reps. Then perform 10 reps faster in same position.
  3. Keep shoulders elevated and lift your hips for 15 reps. Follow with feet up for 15 pulses.
Awesome Abs Workout | Abdominal Six Pack https://iamalpham.com/abdominal-workout-six-pack/ Wed, 17 Jun 2015 05:30:34 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=27392 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
The Alpha M Diet Plan 
Back on Track with Diet and Workout 
Plan Your Snacks | Healthy Eating
Preparing Meals in Advance |  Healthy Eating
Diet Advice for Building Muscle and Losing Fat 
Fat Burners and Fat Loss | CLA and L-Carnitine
Number One Way to Burn Body Fat | Cardio on Empty Stomach
We’re at the Smith Machine. What are we doing? Today it’s all about abdominals! This workout is tough! You are working the entire abdominal wall by focusing on the negative aspects. Remember that to have six pack abs, you need to have the proper diet and cardio to get rid of the layer of fat over your abs.

Aaron Marino of alpha m. displays the set up with the Smith Machine, bench, and 5# to 10# dumbbell. Complete four sets as follows:

  • Crunches with the dumbbell – Alpha displays how to perform. Pause slightly at the top. Start with 15 reps.
  • Crunches without the weight – 10 reps
  • Lifts with Pulses – use bar as a stabilization tool. It’s all about control and negative resistance on your abs. Bend your knees if too difficult. Go for 15 reps.
  • Pulses – straight up. Go for 15 reps.
Rubber Band Burning Abs | Abdominal Workout https://iamalpham.com/rubber-band-burning-abdominal-workout/ Wed, 11 Feb 2015 06:06:16 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=26485 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Aaron Marino of alpha m. say that as long as men have wanted abs, they have done different things. We have come up with some crazy exercises in attempt to get a better abs workout. Alpha is now about to give you some inside info- his secret weapon that utilizes the decline bench. You need a rubber exercise band too.

You will not believe how much tougher this exercise is from the negative resistance. The band wants to pull you back. Alpha developed this to increase the intensity and mix things up when he owned his personal training studio. This ab exercise changes the game from a alright workout to a great workout.

Where you put your hands and how hard a resistance band you are using determines how tough the exercise is. Alpha demonstrates how to set-up for the exercise. He then demonstrates the incredibly tough exercise, instructing how to adjust resistance. This exercise is crazy tough! Go nice and slow. Go for 12 to 15 reps. Go for 3 to 4 sets.

Badass Abs Superset | Abdominal Workout https://iamalpham.com/abs-superset-abdominal-workout/ Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:30:25 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=25939 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Are you ready to work your abs? This superset is going to destroy them! Your abs will be so sore when you’re done. Aaron Marino of alpha m. says all you need is your body / abs, a bench, and a 5 pound dumbbell.

Modify this superset according to your ability. Shoot for 4 sets of the following:

  1. Lie back with knees at 90 degree angle with ankles crossed. Hands behind head and chin to ceiling for a small contractions. Up, pause, down for 10 slow reps.
  2. Follow with pulses for 10 reps.
  3. Sit up, grab 5 pound dumbbell held with feet, find sweet spot, and lift legs. Hands by butt. Perform 10 reps.
  4. Bring knees to chest for 10 reps.
  5. Lie back for 20 pulses.
Awesome Abs and Obliques Workout https://iamalpham.com/awesome-abs-obliques-workout/ Wed, 08 Oct 2014 05:51:28 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=25543 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
Who’s ready to shred those abs!? We are killing those abdominals today! Aaron Marino of alpha m. is taking you through one of his favorite ab workouts that also targets the obliques.

You are probably seen a ton of guys really targeting the obliques with weights. The problem is the thickening of your waist. These exercises won’t build and thicken– just strengthen and tone.

Use the hanging leg raise machine or use straps to hang on a pull-up bar (which is a heck of a lot tougher than the machine). The secret is not focusing on the abs but keeping your body up and straight. If you sink, the exercise is going to end poorly. Perform 4 sets:

  1. 10 leg lifts with a pause
  2. 10 twist to center – one side
  3. 10 twist to center – other side
  4. 10 leg lifts
  5. Stretch
The Flex Belt Review | Ripped Abs or Ripped Off? https://iamalpham.com/the-flex-belt-review-ripped-abs-or-ripped-off/ Thu, 04 Sep 2014 05:32:21 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=24186 The Flex Belt
The Alpha M. Diet Plan
The Number One Way to Burn Body Fat Fast
Cardio on Empty Stomach | Catabolic State and Fat Loss
Six Pack Shortcuts
Can this simple black belly blasting belt give you the chiseled six pack of your dreams or is it a scam? Aaron Marino of alpha m. was contacted by Flex Belt to give a review. He has seen ab toning super products for years. He has never tried to them because he’s chalked them up to BS. This is Alpha’s chance to take it for a test drive to see if his assumptions are correct or if he’s been missing out.  There were no strings attached!

About EMS Systems

There have been a ton EMS systems (Electric Muscle Stimulator) ranging from therapy to rehab situations. An electrode is connected to the muscle to give it juice and cause it to contract. Over the years, the systems got in trouble with the FDA: the products didn’t stimulate a *hot turd* and were being sold as a weight loss, side reducing wonder product. The Flex Belt got FDA clearance for ab toning, firming, and strengthening.

How it works

Essentially, you have an adjustable belt, electrodes, replaceable pads, and a battery pack. After putting it on, set the program (1 -10) and increase the intensity levels (1 -150). Alpha started feeling it on program 5 / intensity 30. He starts getting ballsy from there– he cranks it up. Contractions last 2 seconds with relaxation for 5 seconds for 30 minutes. He used it for 1 week and has been really sore (mainly his obliques).

Does the belt work? Absolutely.

The muscle engages and contracts causing toning and firming. Your abs will  strengthened and toned. To get to see your abs, however, you need a healthy diet with cardio to get rid of your layer of fat.It’s not a shortcut; it’s something to add. It would be great to supplement to an ab workout in the gym. Flex Belt is a great product, and he’s glad Flex Belt contacted him!

Alpha M. Abs of Steel Superset https://iamalpham.com/alpha-m-abs-of-steel-superset/ Wed, 30 Jul 2014 05:30:49 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=21383 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
The Alpha M. Diet Plan
Alpha has a special treat- we’re doing abs. Everybody loves abs. You can’t get a six pack in three weeks however, BUT if you stick to a healthy diet, do your cardio, and reduce that body fat, you can have a six pack. It takes a lot of work. The key to having those abs show is developing separations between each abdominal muscle. How? Use resistance to get shredded and separated.

You need a decline bench and a 10 pound weight plate. The more elevated your feet are, the more difficult the exercise.

  1. Plate Bench Crunches– keep weight off of your chest and don’t go all the way down. Alpha demonstrates.  If you feel lower back pain, decrease angle or get rid of weight altogether. Perform twenty (20) reps.
  2. Pulses to Ceiling – straighten arms and go up to the ceiling. Don’t go all the way down. Ten (10) slow then ten (10) fast.
  3. Leg Lifts – with a pulse, go for ten (10).


Six Pack Shortcuts | Abs Superset https://iamalpham.com/shortcut-six-pack-abdominals-abs/ Wed, 30 Apr 2014 05:01:12 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=20192 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
The Alpha M. Diet Plan
Unlock Your Alpha M. Physique – 5 Simple Secrets
Is anybody else as sick of Mike Chang’s face as Alpha is? He’s the buff Asian dude littering YouTube- his ad is always up on the right corner. His channel is Six Pack Shortcuts, which makes Alpha laugh because there are no shortcuts to six pack abs, size, or getting ripped! For everything in life, you have to put in the time and the effort.

So, if you are looking to have ripped abs, you need to eat right, perform cardio, and do everything that it takes to achieve that. A lot of guys are interested in ripped abs- look at the magazines in the stores! But you don’t need a magazine– you do need to reduce your body fat AND develop those abdominal muscles. As a result, your can still see abs if your body fat creeps up.

One of Alpha’s favorite abdominal supersets is demonstrated. This superset is simple and can be done practically anywhere. All you need is a mat, towel, or blanket. You can perform this superset more than once a week (even every other day). Go through the set four times as follows:

  • Basic crunch – shoulders don’t come all that far off of the mat, and it’s all about the pause. 20 reps
  • Floor crunch – don’t lie all the way down, modify for bad backs, and shoot for 20 reps
  • Toe Touch– slow with pauses and pulses. Support neck if neck problems. Complete 10 reps then 10 final pulses rather fast


If you want to reduce your body fat, follow these videos:


Find your keys to your physique. These videos are a great starting point. It comes down to this: you need to develop a plan, a focus, and keep executing that plan. You may fall off the wagon, but those who get back up and keep going are the ones who are successful. You can do it.

Crazy Abdominal Workout https://iamalpham.com/crazy-ab-abdominal-workout/ Wed, 12 Feb 2014 06:44:46 +0000 https://iamalpham.com/index.php/topics/?p=19231 Subscribe to Alpha M. on YouTube
With diet and working out, your body fat is falling off for the approaching summer. In 3 months, imagine where you’re going to be! Reduce your body fat to see your abs but make sure they’re defined. You will need a flat bench and a light dumbbell. Complete the superset 4 times:
  • Weighted Crunches (15 – 20 reps)
  • Rocky’s holding the bench (12 reps)
  • Pulses (10 reps)
  • Crunches (20 reps)