Confidence – Alpha M Men's Lifestyle Coach for Style, Grooming, and Fitness Sun, 03 Mar 2024 19:14:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Confidence – Alpha M 32 32 Life Advice All Men Must Hear {Might Hurt Your Feelings} Sun, 03 Mar 2024 19:14:33 +0000 Kindness is better than pretty. I learned this lesson the hard way. I also learned other lessons the hard way because I had to experience them rather than follow what I heard. Don’t let life happen to you. Learn from my experiences so you can live your best life and take life by the balls.

Critical lessons I learned

  • Kindness is better than pretty. I learned this lesson the hard way. I dated a girl one time because she was hot. Unfortunately, she was horrible, and I realized this month after dating her. I also learned that it doesn’t matter how beautiful or spicy a woman is; if they are not a good person, you should not be with them.
  • If you act like a pu$$y, you’re going to get fu@#ked. You won’t accomplish anything if you don’t stand up for yourself and grab life by the balls. Life will bend you over and give you the business. Life is not fair, and you’ll get out of it what you put into it.
  • The world does not revolve around you. Fear of other people and what they think of us holds most of us back. But once you understand that everybody else is not thinking about you or concerned about your actions, you will be free to take life by the balls and squeeze. You’ll be allowed to make decisions based on what you want.
  • How you react to adversity is more important than the act itself. A lot of times we are collateral damage in other people’s lives. Bad things and challenges in our lives add context and meaning. How you handle issues and react to them sets people apart. Put down your baggage so life gets beautiful. Use Better Help to get your life on track and to be happy. Get 10% off your first month of therapy and get matched with a therapist who will listen and help.
  • Money does not buy happiness, but it makes life easier. If you constantly worry about money, taking money off the table improves life. You need to figure out a way not to be broke. Join me at the White Label Mpire for a supportive community, course info for starting your side hustle, coaching sessions, and more. Keep in mind that having money doesn’t mean you’ll always be happy, however. Don’t chase external validation. Practice gratitude.
  • Your health is your most valuable asset. Without it, nothing else matters. Protect it. Don’t smoke weed, don’t drink excessively, and stop doing self-destructive things. Eat healthy foods, exercise, and invest in yourself.
  • Invest your time wisely. If you do, you’ll get further ahead than your friends. Stop surfing social media and watching p***.
  • Not all friends are good for you. Outgrowing friends is essential. Surround yourself with people who are uplifting and moving in the right direction. These people need to cheer you on when you’re successful as well. Make sure people are not holding you back from your dream. Don’t kiss other people’s asses, either.
  • Respect yourself. You need to respect your time, body, and mind. Exercise daily, get 8 hours of sleep, and drink 120 oz of water. How you live will dictate where you end up, and it’s nobody else’s responsibility.
  • Do better. If you’re unhappy or think you’re not where you need to be, put in the time and effort required to get there. Do the work. Remember that failure is a good thing. Embrace it as part of the process and understand that until you’re truly pushing yourself and sometimes failing, you’ll never know the next thing you should do. Failure is an opportunity to learn and pick yourself up. It’ll make you stronger.
12 stupidly simple ways to be more confident in ANY situation Wed, 21 Feb 2024 23:19:49 +0000 Today, I am talking about confidence, but more specifically, simple and small things you can do to make you feel and look more confident instantly. Confidence changes your life, so all the tips and tricks will directly impact how you feel about yourself in a positive way.
  1. Give compliments. Complimenting people will make them feel great about themselves and have them look at you as more attractive and confident. Insecure or arrogant people do not compliment others because they are too busy trying to get attention for themselves.
  2. Grow a beard. You will look sexier and feel more confident. It will help strengthen a jawline, and spicy senoritas are drawn to men with beards.
  3. Stand up straight. Walk like you mean it. Non-verbal communication changes you from the outside in. Seeing somebody walking confidently automatically sends a message that they are not someone to mess with.
  4. Make eye contact. Eye contact will instantly make you look more confident and feel more powerful. If you are not afraid to look somebody in the eye, it sends the message that you are confident. Combined with a smile and a firm handshake, you are the man to be taken seriously.
  5. Smile. Get into the habit of smiling at other people to look friendlier, more engaging, and more confident.
  6. Dress better. People notice when you are dressing one level above everyone else. You will appear more attractive and more confident. Pay attention to your style because it’s critical. Dress with intention and purpose.
  7. Maintain grooming. You automatically transcend to the lurking inner beast if you have a white smile, well-maintained facial hair, and clean & neat eyebrows. 
  8. Fix hair loss. If you’re experiencing hair loss, that can be a confidence killer. If so, do something about it by visiting Bosley, the hair doctor. Get two months free at BosleyRX by getting started now. Use coupon code ALPHAM to claim this exclusive offer on any solution. If you are unsure which solution is right for you, grab ‘The Complete Guide to Hair Restoration’ + a $250* off Gift Card for free, or schedule a free consultation with a hair restoration specialist.
  9. Develop financial success. Set a budget. Know how much money is coming in and going out, and fix imbalances. Don’t buy crap, and make sure you’re not impulse buying. Develop financial freedom by pushing down the urge to buy something immediately.
  10. Wear boots. Boots make you taller, and they’re stylish. You can also wear a higher hairstyle to make you look taller.
  11. Wear clothing that fits. Clothing that fits your body will make you look visually taller. Dark colors will make you look thinner and more muscular.
  12. Take care of your temple. Engage in a good diet and fitness. Working out and caring for your body will make you feel amazing and more confident. Better diet decisions will also make you look better naked, automatically making you feel more confident.
14 Types of Men to NEVER Be Friends With Wed, 21 Feb 2024 02:36:21 +0000 Three years ago, I did something extremely challenging. I broke up with a friend I considered a friend but realized that they did not respect me. Whenever I let them back into my life, they would disappoint me and make me feel bad about myself. It was not a healthy friendship. It was destructive, and I had to say that I couldn’t hang out with this person anymore,

That said, I want to talk more about friendship, specifically people you should avoid. The inspiration for this video came from my White Label Mpire Community, where the support, encouragement, and group are amazing. Everybody is cheering each other and uplifting everybody. It’s so inspiring. These are the people you need to surround yourself with.

I met Antonio Centeno under similar circumstances. Being an entrepreneur is a lonely road, and I wasn’t surrounded by other people who understood what I was going through. When I met Antonio, he showed me we were not each other’s competition and that we could help each other. Everything started to get better.

You’ll never achieve what you could if you surround yourself with people who bring you down and hold you back. These people will be holding you down. You should avoid negative people at all costs. Who you surround yourself with will dictate where you end up in life. If you surround yourself with losers or people who have poor character, you will be held back. 

When you shed the deadweight and outgrow these people, you can surround yourself with uplifting and amazing people who are your friends and support you. These people will cheer you on when you’re successful and help you achieve greatness.

Here’s the deadweight you should shed: 

  1. Narcissists. These people are only concerned about themselves. They think the world revolves around them, and there’s no room for them to love or respect others.
  2. Cheaters. Cheaters’ behavior can manifest in different ways. A lot of times, they’re going to use you as an excuse. Also, do you want to surround yourself with someone unwilling to do the hard work? It’s not acceptable to cheat or mess around.
  3. Pessimists. They see the worst and everything and are always blaming and complaining and bitching. They feel that life is out of their control — they are enemy vampires who suck the life out of everything. They will rob you of your positive energy bandwidth.
  4. Losers. This broad term refers to those who are not motivated and are okay with being average. You may have grown up with some of these people, and you must outgrow them because of their self-destructive nature and loser mindset.
  5. Gossipers. They’re always talking crap behind people’s backs.
  6. Liars. You may catch someone in ‘insignificant’ white lies, but if somebody’s lying to you, it means they don’t respect you or something’s happening with them. Little white lies could potentially become significant big things.
  7. Untrustworthy. If you don’t trust somebody around money or your woman, it’s not okay. It may not have happened yet, but it will.
  8. Jealous or competitive. Someone who’s super jealous or is not happy for you when you achieve, or if they’re always trying to compete with you, they do not want to grow together with you.
  9. Assholes. This person is always a jerk to others. They’re also mean to their girlfriends, servers, or their parents. They are nasty.
  10. Unreliable. These people do not adhere to what they say they will do. They are not men of their word and will cancel plans last minute or make excuses not to do things.
  11. Energy vampires. These people always have problems and issues. When you give them advice, they don’t take it. They will suck the life out of you.
  12. Don’t take ownership of their actions. These people don’t take responsibility and play the blame game. When they make a mistake, they don’t own it.
  13. Dumb. These people do not seek knowledge, and they do not look at other people’s opinions. They are one-dimensional and closed-minded. Everything is black and white. Life has a lot of gray areas, so you need to be around people who can constructively think and analyze situations. If someone is rigid and regimented in their belief or ideology, you must eliminate them.
  14. Lacking of integrity. If somebody in your life robs, cheats, and isn’t a good person, they should not be your friend. Surround yourself with those who love and support you. You need quality people that are moving in the right direction.
10 Small Habits that Make You Irresistibly Attractive Sun, 18 Feb 2024 23:23:25 +0000 One of the biggest misconceptions about attraction is that it’s all visual. That’s not true. It does play a part in attraction, but the reality is that many factors make a person attractive and at a deeper level. These factors are more subconscious and psychological. So, if you do this with the attributes I will discuss today, it doesn’t matter if you’re 6’2 250 lb of twisted steel; you will be irresistible.

Factors that make men attractive at a deeper level

  1. Having humility. If you’re humble with a modest view of your importance, this is incredibly sexy. In a world where everybody is boasting about how amazing they are and how they’re all kicking ass, low-key humble is sexy.
  2. Standing up for yourself. If you’re not a people pleaser or a puss, you’re automatically more attractive. People will automatically respect you more if you have principles and stand up for them.
  3. Doing nice things. Doing for others boosts your self-esteem and confidence while making you look good. When we see people doing things nice for others, we automatically think the person is more attractive.
  4. Having discipline. Instant gratification is rampant. Having discipline and the ability to focus when things aren’t fun or exciting will automatically make you more attractive. It also makes you more productive.
  5. Being financially successful. Women will be more prone to date a financially stable man with potential than one who isn’t but is better looking. Make sure that you are financially successful. Get yourself a side hustle by checking out the White Label Mpire Community.
  6. Letting your ego go. You need to learn from people who are better than you. Accept help from others who are better than you and know more than you. You will grow professionally and personally and become more attractive because you’ve expanded your knowledge base.
  7. Being even-tempered. Don’t be a mess and get mad when you can stay calm and cool under pressure, making you automatically more attractive. When you freak out and get emotional, such as in anger, you’ve allowed your emotions to rule your actions. You aren’t thinking things through clearly and calmly. You’ll make better decisions by calming yourself and thinking things through before taking action. You will also be viewed as more attractive.
  8. Talking to strangers. Making conversation is a skill. Being able to meet and engage with people and take it deeper makes you more attractive because you’re open and vulnerable. Ensure you drop the act and not pretend you’re something you’re not. Being real makes you more attractive because you’re authentic. Being authentic makes people feel more special, and your attraction level is boosted when you’re interested in others.
  9. Having manners. Saying yes ma’am, yes sir, and thank you is easy to do and will automatically make you respected. You indicate that you value what people have said or did. Make sure you open the door for others, and if the door is open for you, make sure you say thank you.
  10. Being loyal and faithful. Don’t flirt, and don’t take the bait. Automatically, you will be the sexiest dude in the room.
10 Bad Habits Holding Young Men Back in Life Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:44:50 +0000 I don’t care what your friends are doing. Just because they’re doing something doesn’t mean it’s okay. The truth is your friends are probably holding you back because if you’re hanging out with losers, you’re never going to accomplish anything. That said, I want to review some bad habits holding you back.

Bad habits you need to break.

  1. Hanging out with losers. If you’re ready to level up your life, you must surround yourself with higher-quality people. It’s okay to outgrow people, which this step is a struggle for many men. You need to break away from these people and break the cycle.
  2. Not having a clear and defined goal. You need to have a direction — if you’re unsure of where you’re going in life, you must create a plan. That plan will change and adjust as you start your journey, but you must have a North Star.
  3. Not being able to communicate appropriately. If you’re using filler words or cursing excessively, you need to master communication. You should also master texting and speaking on the phone effectively.
  4. Being obsessive about technology consumption. If you spend a lot of time on devices, you’re wasting time. It also destroys dopamine levels. You get a shot of dopamine every time you’re surfing porn or spanking Big Al. This dopamine release will make you lazy and waste time — and as you know, time is your most valuable resource.
  5. Neglecting your health. It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to be healthier. Implement a few basic things, such as 30 minutes of lifting + cardio + flexibility, drinking 120 oz of water daily, and eating healthier. Use AG1 for your micronutrients.
  6. Not getting enough sleep. If you do not sleep enough, you won’t look good, feel good, or be optimal.
  7. Sleeping around. You could potentially get somebody pregnant, and then you’ll have a kid when you’re not ready to. This will impact your ability to get ahead in life. You also could potentially get an STD. Make sure you wrap that rascal.
  8. Dressing like crap. When you take pride in your appearance, you will feel better about yourself, and others will respect you. You have three seconds to make an impression. If that impression is bad because your style sucks, you’re going to have to work exponentially harder to prove yourself.
  9. Projecting a poor image on social media. Don’t post things that are not respectable and are irresponsible. You don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot just because you think it’s funny to post pictures of you doing something stupid. These posts could impact your dating, potential relationships, employment, and more.
  10. Procrastinating. Do not wait for perfect timing because it doesn’t exist. Take action, and don’t be afraid of doing hard work. Hard work is essential and critical to success. But this does not mean being a people pleaser. Feel free to have an opinion, but don’t be a dummy. Make sure you’re educating yourself and seeking knowledge. You will stagnate and not progress if you do not learn something new daily.
8 Habits That Made Me Get My Life Together in My 30s Mon, 12 Feb 2024 06:43:53 +0000 I am embarrassed by the man that I was when I was in my 20s. I was a mess and something that I don’t talk about that much. Whenever I go down that rabbit hole and think back, it puts me into a painful mindset. I was a disaster because I was self-medicating, I was not happy, and I never dealt with a lot of my issues. I was drinking too much, sleeping around, and doing self-destructive things, including tobacco. I was a two-can-a-day nicotine or dip user.

In my 30s, I decided it was time to get my sh!t together. I felt like if I kept going down the road that I was on, I wasn’t going to be around in my 40s — and I didn’t want to die. I also would not be happy, healthy, and successful. That said, I want to share some of the steps I took to get my life together.

Steps I took to turn my life around

  1. Stopped drinking & tobacco. I stopped drinking, but I also stopped nicotine. I loved chewing tobacco, but I was embarrassed and tried to hide it. It was wildly addictive, and I was worried I was going to get mouth cancer. I didn’t have the willpower to quit, but when I stopped drinking, I stopped using nicotine because drinking was one of the triggers.
  2. Filed for bankruptcy. I was trying to make a business work using my credit cards to pay the staff. I had over half a million dollars worth of debt when the business went down. After filing for bankruptcy, my philosophy was that I would never spend if I couldn’t afford to pay cash, and I swore that I would never get into debt again.
  3. Found a new direction. In my 20s, all I wanted to do was own a fitness center, but as I moved into my 30s, I realized I had to give up that dream. We often chase something longer than we should, which is not good because time is our most valuable asset.
  4. Forgive myself. I forgave myself for not being perfect and for my mistakes in my 20s. I also forgave others and decided I wanted to be happy. If you’re sick and tired of letting your past hold you back, or you’re not feeling the way that you should feel, you need to seek help. One of the reasons I love therapy so much, which I’ve used throughout different phases and points in my life, is my life leveling up as a result. You deserve to be happy! Go to Better Help for 10% off your first month of therapy and get matched with a therapist who will listen and help.
  5. Took action. Instead of thinking and planning, I took action. I found the path I ended up taking with image consulting and my YouTube channel because I was willing to take action. I didn’t allow fear of the unknown or failure to get in my way. One action will lead to another action.
  6. Found a good partner. I found a good woman, and I locked it down. Finding my wife was one of the pivotal moments of my life when everything started to get better and scale. I would have never been successful if I stayed single because I spent too much time and energy worrying about sex, women, and so forth. Getting that off the table allowed me to be more creative and focused.
  7. Found better friends. When I quit drinking, I stopped hanging out with some of the people that I was hanging out with and partying. I ended up networking, and I found my tribe.
  8. Got life moving in the right direction. In my 30s, I took extreme ownership of my life, direction, and happiness. We often blame other people or think issues and challenges are someone else’s fault. When you accept that your destiny is your responsibility and nobody is coming to save you, you’ll be successful and move forward faster. You’ll be happier, more self-confident, and more self-assured.
How to Have a Major Comeback and Prove Everyone WRONG! Thu, 08 Feb 2024 03:31:06 +0000 The key to the Alpha M Comeback Plan is you have unlimited potential. What you’ve done or haven’t done or how badly you have failed doesn’t matter. But it all starts today.

Mindset & Goals | Steps One + Two

Step one is to discard your past mistakes, insecurities, and those who have told you that you’re not good enough, can’t, or shouldn’t.

The next step is to have a goal. You need to know where you’re going or where you want to get, or else you will flounder and be lost. Whatever you want, you have to set the goal. Then, it’s going to take action.

Make a Plan & Take Action | Step Three

The third step is taking action. This is my secret sauce and why I’ve been able to do what I have done with my limited skill set and knowledge. Not to mention, I had zero money. I was willing to take action without knowing the outcome. Hard work beats talent and skill every day of the week. Taking action will set you apart because most fail to launch. People are scared of failure.

Make a systematic plan with systematic actions. The first action is the hardest. Skillshare can help you. If you need help deciding what direction to take, you can discover your purpose, passion, and path. You can also take classes on how to grow a social media platform, set up a Shopify and Amazon store, and more. Receive a one-month free trial of Skillshare.

When developing your plan, take inventory of the friends surrounding you. That’s what will tell you where you’re going to end up at the end of the year or if you’re going to make a comeback or do something extraordinary. If you stay around the same people not moving in the right direction, you won’t either. I can tell you from experience. Ditch the baggage of low-budget people. Look for people who are moving in the right direction and have the right mindset.

You don’t necessarily need a mentor; work on your personal brand and network. Work on yourself to make others want to connect with you. This is part of your personal brand. Look at the pictures you’re posting on social media. Would you like to date or hire you? Look at what you’re wearing. Look at what you’re doing regarding self-destructive things. Self-destructive things will rob you of your energy and bandwidth. Create a solid mindset to be your best self to move forward.

Calculated Risks | Step Four

The next step is to take calculated risks. Nothing ever was accomplished because it was easy or guaranteed. The most incredible things accomplished are the scariest. Remember that failure is part of the equation. Take risks and pick yourself up. Remember that people are so busy worrying about themselves that they’re not thinking about you. So, the fear of failure should not hold you back from doing something because people are not judging you how you think they are. Push down fear.

No matter how much you prepare or think you know, no amount of planning or preparation will ensure that you’re successful. Take action by taking that first step to move forward. You should take one step closer to that goal or dream every day. String all these together, and you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve advanced. Small steps are essential because you’ll eventually get there.

Men… We Need to Talk. Tue, 23 Jan 2024 20:15:32 +0000 The content I’m about to discuss is something I’ve been thinking through for a while because it’s worsening. It’s something that’s been really bothering me, but I usually wouldn’t talk about subjects like this because I don’t like discussing polarizing social issues. I stay in the middle of the road because I didn’t want to alienate anyone. I want everybody to feel included, and I don’t want to piss off people. But today, I will piss off some people. I don’t really care because we’ve lost our minds as a society. I’m talking about the woke, canceled culture that is so incredibly prevalent.

Disenfranchised men

One of the problems with cancel culture is it causes a vast community of men to feel disenfranchised and lost. You are not bad for being a man — quite the opposite. You’re amazing. There’s nothing wrong with being male or masculine. There’s nothing wrong with being feminine, either. If you want to be a dude, if you want to be something else, or if you want to identify as something else, I don’t care.

As a man in today’s crazy world, you should be focused on doing things that will help you improve your life. A real man doesn’t have time to worry about other people. Real men are not oppressing anyone. One of the problems with woke canceled culture is that people are trying to convince the world that men are bad, oppressive, and doing terrible things.

Disagree? You’re the enemy!

If we disagree with them, we are the enemy. If we disagree with them, they’ll come after us. They’re going to cancel us. Men get scared. They see what’s happening to some of the people who are getting destroyed because they disagree with the ideals of the super ultra-liberals.

The other reality is that you can’t argue with them. This is something that I learned a long time ago: don’t try to convince somebody who believes something different from you to believe something else. It’s a waste of time. Instead, focus on you. Focus on me the best you can possibly be, and do not apologize for being a man or for having an opinion that’s different from someone else.

Also, don’t go the other way. You have the woke, cancel culture on one side, with the media included. Then, on the other side, you have these crazy conservatives where the manosphere is pissed off at women and trying to make them the enemy. Women aren’t the enemy. If you’re not happy or successful, the problem is you, not them. Many men are sheep, blindly following somebody and listening to idiots who are saying that women are the problem.

The world’s commodity = your attention

Attention in today’s world is a commodity. People are trying to convince you to believe what they’re telling you. You need to think for yourself and ensure you have your resources straight. Too many people rely on their jobs and other people for funding, and if you do something counter to their culture, you’ll be gone. And then you’ll be broke.

If you genuinely want to be a man, you need to be self-sufficient and have your own money coming in via multiple income streams. Get my free business blueprint of how I started Pete & Pedro, which grew from a $3,000 investment to $9 million this last year. I’ll teach you how to do it. You can also get involved in the community and receive my personal attention. I’m sharing my resources, collateral, and curriculum.

Don’t listen to the noise

Make sure you don’t listen to the noise. If you’re consuming media, don’t let it rot your brain. Don’t believe the hype. Understand there’s an agenda for both sides. Be a critical thinker in today’s world and have principles.

Make sure you have moral character and integrity. Set yourself apart from other men, and don’t allow others to convince you otherwise. Keep your head down and focus on what you can do, knowing you cannot control others. The only person that you can control in this world is you. Don’t waste time scrolling; instead, focus on what it means to care for yourself physically and mentally. Make sure you’re straight financially. Avoid the noise, and don’t follow the herd.

7 Behaviors That MAKE People Respect You Tue, 16 Jan 2024 17:57:04 +0000 Everybody thinks they deserve respect, but have they done what needs to be done to earn it? Respect is built over time through actions and habits. These behaviors that you choose to do daily dictate whether or not you’ve earned respect. I will review some behaviors that automatically make other people respect you.

Remember that once you gain respect, you must continue to do what you did to get there. Live a virtuous life, not worry about other people’s actions, don’t put others down for being different, and be respectable. Be willing to put in the hard work and not expect handouts. Respect means not bitching and complaining about life not being fair. Go out and grab your destiny, and people will personally respect you.

Why I respect you

  1. Communicates well. Communication can automatically make people respect you more or less. People will lose respect for you because you sound ignorant if you use many filler words. If you’re cussing a lot regularly, this also makes people not respect you, as you will seem unintelligent. Effective and clear communication also goes for what you say digitally. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. You need to undo some of the bad habits that you developed.
  2. Physique. People respect you based on your muscularity or if you’re overly fat. You don’t want to look sloppy because that will automatically make people lose respect for you; they think you don’t care about yourself or value yourself the way you should. Suppose you see somebody with a nice physique, musculature, and low body fat. In that case, that shows the person respects and takes care of themselves physically.
  3. Dresses and grooms. Your respect level will drop if you’re sloppy and your grooming is a whack. But on the flip side, if you are well-groomed and have good hygiene, people will respect you more—the same thing with style. If you dress with pride in your appearance, you’ll gain respect. But if you’re dressing sloppy and lazy, people will not waste time on you.
  4. Toughness and resilience. How you handle yourself in challenging situations will dictate how much respect people will have for you. Suppose you’re tough emotionally and mentally when life throws obstacles at you. In that case, you will overcome adversity, and people will look at you with respect. Stand up for yourself, and don’t allow other people to treat you poorly.
  5. Manners. Good manners should be taught more. You need to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ ‘yes sir’ and ‘yes ma’am,’ open the door for people, and let people walk through first. Manners will teach people how to treat you and respect you.
  6. Financial stability. You don’t need to drive a Lambo but must be financially stable. I’ve been broken and not broke, and not broke is a lot better. I respect myself more, others respect me more, and my self-esteem and confidence are stronger. Feeling good about yourself is impossible if you’re stressed out about cash. Everybody should have a side hustle and not have all their eggs in one financial basket. I have a free white label blueprint for those wanting to walk through how to start their side hustle. I want you to steal it from me. Join me for the Alpha Mpire course, where I coach and mentor every week. The community comes along with it, filled with inspiring guys.
  7. Take chances. People will respect you if you’re willing to take risks for success. It’s sad when people fear taking chances and going after what they want. Fear of failure holds people back and reduces people’s respect for you. The only way that you can grow is to make mistakes. Think about where you would be if you started the first time you thought about getting a better job, starting a side hustle, or investing in something. Don’t stay stuck. If you want respect, go out and get it.
7 BEST Positions for a Guy With a Small PENIS Thu, 11 Jan 2024 02:10:43 +0000 So, according to the freakiness handbook, there are 64 recognized positions, but not all positions were not created equal. An article I recently read in Women’s Health says seven of the positions are better for guys that have a small penis. Before we review these seven positions guaranteed to make you feel like you’re big to her, I want to discuss what averages.

One hundred heterosexual women were polled, who said they didn’t care about size. As dudes, we care about size because we are fans of watching ‘the movies.’ We see these guys who are hung like mythical beasts and think that this is normal or even average. According to research, 5.1 to 5.5 inches when hard is technically average. So if you’re between five and five and a half, you’re aces. Now. the truth is size is not equal because 80% of women said thickness is more important than length.

Insecure about your size? Options include

If you are insecure about your size, there are surgical options, one of which takes a silicone sleeve and implants it. Unfortunately, it’s costly. There’s also a lengthening surgery, in which the ligament is cut. Extenders are another option but dangerous as you’re stretched over time. Jelqing is also another way, which is milking when your semi. Usually, this is combined with some pumping. A pump also is an option. I’ve used Bathmate and talked about it in numerous videos.

Realize it’s not just these positions that I will review that enhance her experience. It’s also about her finding that ‘OH.’ It’s not just about hammering away — it’s also about stimulating her and visiting Brenda downtown.

Seven Best Positions for the Modest Stature

  1. Doggy style– to take it further, I have her put her legs together between yours.
  2. Cowgirl – this is her being on top. Hold her hips and let her do her thing.
  3. Face off – she straddles you, and you’re face-to-face. Lean back, and you’re even bigger.
  4. Seashell – this requires flexibility. See the pic.
  5. Standing – this takes coordination and strength.
  6. Knees to chest – on her back with her knees up and legs together.
  7. Spork – a hybrid between a spoon and a fork. You can go a lot deeper because her leg is up.
8 Rules ALL Men Must Break in Life Wed, 10 Jan 2024 02:04:13 +0000 In life, you have a choice of which road you will take. You have two options. One road is the typical road which is safe and what everybody expects you to go down. It’s a nice and comfortable life that could be more exciting. It’s an average life. If you want to be average, take that path.

On the other hand, the other choice is for people who are willing to take chances and risks. These people are not afraid to be uncomfortable and break the rules. At the end of that road are your wildest dreams and the best man you can be. Which road are you willing to take?

Nothing great in life is guaranteed. You have to be willing to fail, and you need to be willing to take chances. You don’t want to look back at your life and think about everything you didn’t go after. To me, that’s tragic, and that is the life I choose not to live. I will fail and mess things up, but I won’t live a life of regret. The journey is long and arduous, but in the end, it’s fantastic.

Rules to live an exceptional life

  1. Transparency. Be as transparent as possible with your intentions and emotions. We can act and resonate with people we feel are vulnerable and honest because we can sniff out sh!t. Unfortunately, 99% of people put up a wall and act like something better than they are.
  2. Dare to be different. Super ultra-successful people are different because they’ve taken chances and risks and are quirky. Challenge the status quo and not be afraid to be yourself. Be willing to be different.
  3. Be willing to fail. Do not think of a failure as a negative. If you ever expect to reach that ultimate dream, you must be willing to fail because it’s part of the process. Many people fear trying because they fear failure.
  4. Don’t wait for perfect timing. Perfect timing doesn’t exist. It’s all about risk-taking and taking calculated risks. The truth is nothing ever great was accomplished because it was easy. You need to push down fear and be willing to push down that voice in your head telling me you can’t. You can live a life different than small-minded people, but you have surrounded yourself with. This is your journey and purpose. Decide your path, which will define your success.
  5. Work for yourself. Successful people either have a great side hustle or they work for themselves. Side hustles typically start as a side project, but you can grow them into a full-time gig. Skillshare has some badass resources to help you with your side hustle. Their courses, classes, and tutorials detail every aspect of side hustle businesses. Click to receive a one-month free trial of Skillshare.
  6. Good things do not come to those who wait. If you think you will sit on your hands and wait for a handout for something extraordinary, you will wait your entire life. If you want something, you need to speak up, take it, and not allow life to hand you sloppy seconds.
  7. Don’t be a good little sheep. Society wants you to sit down and shut up. It’s time for you to get up and speak up. Tell the world what you want and what you need. Success favors The bold and people who are willing to take chances. Society doesn’t want that because they want you to be dependent and stuck.
  8. Challenge the status quo. The world is full of sheep, but it needs more leaders. The world needs more independent thinkers and those willing to take risks because success favors the bold. Be willing to go out for what you want and not worry about other people’s thoughts. You only have one shot in this life and must decide how to live it. Do not allow somebody else’s preconceived notions or inability to think outside the box to dictate where you go in life. This includes your parents and loved ones. This is not their life, it’s yours. You have a 100% control over it.
Dear YouTube… It’s time for me to move on Fri, 05 Jan 2024 19:17:10 +0000 Eight years ago, I was broken when I posted my first YouTube video. I was financially ruined, I just filed for bankruptcy, and I was trying to figure things out. I started an image consulting business to help guys look their best. I started posting YouTube videos because I had a camera and didn’t know what else to do.

The start of alpha m.

Something unique happened; I found my voice. I also found a community of people who loved and appreciated me. I was hooked. From that point, my vision of success changed. It used to be a chain of fitness centers, but now it’s what makes me feel complete, valued, and worthy.

I felt insignificant and less than others for most of my life because I grew up without. I didn’t have much money, but YouTube allowed me to find my voice and community and feel better about myself. That’s what I wanted for you as well — to feel better about yourself and your confidence. My goal was simple. It was to help viewers feel confident through personal presentation, fitness, and grooming through this YouTube resource.

The alpha m. YouTube channel was built for the younger me. I had struggled my entire life with confidence, and if I could help one person feel better about themselves, that was my goal. I kept posting, and over the years, I kept posting. Whenever I meet up with one of you in person, it is amazing and inspiring. In fact, I just met two people at the gym yesterday who told me how I help them through difficult times. These interactions resonate with me.

Where do I fit?

The other day, I realized my role and purpose for you guys had changed. Some who used to watch me don’t watch me anymore because they’ve moved on to their next life phase. I’m trying to find out where I fit on the internet and in the world of YouTube because I’m not ultra-controversial, I have a positive message, and I’m never going to be Jose or Alex.

What hit me is that I know how to make money, and that’s the missing piece. You will only truly feel fantastic about yourself once you figure out how to be financially free. No matter how many videos I do about looking good, grooming, and dressing well, you need to be financially free to be confident.

Alpha Mpire

This is why I started Alpha Mpire YouTube channel. I want to help you with the next phase of life to become financially successful. My financial journey will differ from yours, but I’ve learned a lot after opening 20-plus businesses over the years. I found one model that’s easy to start because it doesn’t require a lot of capital and is easy with marketing and advertising. It’s low-risk, and it’s called white labeling.

I have started several businesses with white labeling, and the business model is the same. I’m giving it away for free. My goal is to help you get rich by helping you build a white label business from ideation to store set-up to marketing to selling products. I have your blueprint if you click here. Also, join the Mpire Community, a course that covers granular step-by-step topics. All the guesswork is taken out with incorporating, Shopify & paid marketing tutorials, influencer tips, and more.

Additionally, I also created a community, and that’s where the magic happens. Everybody who joins Mpire can come together to talk, share, and help each other. I’m in there every day to chat, and I am also doing live training weekly for 2 hours. I’m walking through the curriculum and answering business questions. I’ll help each and every one of you build your own private white label empire. This is the greatest thing I’ve ever done and will be my legacy.

Join me and take control of your financial future

If you’re serious about taking control of your financial future and destiny, hit the link below and watch the video. It will walk you through and explain everything. I’ll also give you a free step-by-step blueprint for building a white label company from scratch. If you want more information or to join the community, hit the link and join. I’m incredibly excited and passionate. I want to thank you for hanging out with me for so long.

12 Stupidly Simple Ways To Be Healthier in 2024 Thu, 04 Jan 2024 02:07:46 +0000 Your health is your number one most valuable asset; however, the unfortunate reality is that being healthy requires you to pay attention and make an effort. The good news is that I am taking away the effort aspect by presenting stupidly simple ways to be healthier.
  1. Eat higher quality meat — eat organic whenever possible to avoid the hormones injected into the meat, which are bad for your endocrine system. Also, avoid processed meats like lunch, deli, and hot dogs. These are filled with nitrates, salts, and preservatives, which are bad for your body.
  2. Reduce sugar consumption — sugar spikes insulin levels and increases body fat percentage. But don’t substitute sugar with artificial sweeteners because aspartame, for example, increases the development of prostate cancer by 50%.
  3. Ditch toxic drinks— ditch sugary drinks like frappuccinos, energy drinks, and diet sodas. Add lemon to water, which tastes great and is a natural diuretic.
  4. Take a multivitamin — Ritual Essential for Men is my go-to multivitamin (and has been for years). It has traceable micronutrients, and the nutrients are absorbable. You should take a  multivitamin daily. And, for a limited time, get 40% off your first Ritual order.
  5. Care for your gut health — Good bacteria are critical for gut health because they help break down food, turning it into nutrients your body can use. I take Ritual Symbitic Plus, which is a pre-, pro-, and post- biotic — excellent for your gut health.
  6. Get outside in the morning — get sunshine early in the day to reset and calibrate your circadian rhythm. This action will also help you feel good and boost your mood. Combine it with a bit of cardio, too!
  7. Sleep 7-8 hours nightly — you need solid slumber to kickass in life and feel amazing.
  8. Spend less phone time — less time surfing will benefit you in a positive way. Also, cut out the nasty movies, which can make you feel bad about yourself and give you less motivation. These movies can also interfere with your relationship, and you will find women more beautiful.
  9. Pay attention to Big Al — you should either solo or with your partner do it at least 21 times per month to reduce future prostate issues.
  10. Use your brain daily — learn something new and never stay stagnant to stay sharp and more positive.
  11. Reset your dopamine — get rid of social media apps or at least remove them from your home screen. We have gotten conditioned to have dopamine artificially extracted from unhealthy means — by removing apps and spending less time surfing and on the movies, you can recalibrate your brain by not being inundated with sh!tty stuff. You will become more motivated and pumped to do cool things.
  12. Take care of your mental health — go to therapy, get rid of toxic people, and surround yourself with people who have your best interests in mind.
  13. **BONUS** — spend time with people who love you and make you feel good about yourself. This will improve your mood and, in turn, increase your health. When you feel good, everything else feels better.
12 Minor Habits That Will MAJORLY Improve Your Life in 2024 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 21:33:28 +0000 2024 is your best year yet. Before I get into the crux of this video, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my friend. I appreciate each and every one of you. I also need you to understand something: you need to understand you’re amazing, and your power is ridiculous. The sooner you know, the sooner you’ll be on your way to doing something spectacular this year.

Where do you want to be 365 days from today? Where do you envision yourself? You have a blank slate to do something amazing, and how you choose to use each day will dictate where you end up. I hope you implement one or two things from this video into your life. If you do, life will improve, you will feel fantastic & look incredible, and you will truly change your life.

New Year’s resolutions are not about doing something big or grand. Honestly, you’re sending yourself up for failure because they’re monster things. Create habits before you can actually do the big or grand thing. Work on microhabits that you can control. Little things may seem easy on the surface, but when you string a bunch of them together over time, they become life-changing events. So, where will you be in 2025? You have 365 days ahead of you; how do you choose to use them?

Micro steps that add up to life-changing events

  1. Drink a gallon of water a day. Add a bit of lemon to help with the taste and add a natural diuretic effect. Give your body more hydration to look, feel, and glow.
  2. Clutter your wardrobe. It’ll feel amazing to purge all the crap you don’t wear, but also, you will be more effective and diligent with choosing better outfits because the chaos and clutter will not hinder your ability to combine and utilize your wardrobe effectively. Donate what you don’t wear to charity.
  3. Financial house in order. This is not fun or exciting, but it’s critical. Money can be stressful and rob you of joy and happiness, especially when you have a lot of debt. You need to know how much money you have coming in, how much money you have going out, and live below your means. Take extra money to pay down high debt and invest extra cash. Start thinking about a side hustle.
  4. Start a side hustle. The only way you’ll get financially free is a side hustle. You never know where it will lead. I started Pete & Pedro as a side hustle, and I’ve scaled it to over 9 million this year. I’ll be doing over 10, which is the goal. All it takes is action.
  5. Start practicing gratitude. Be mindful of the present and reflect on things you’re grateful for. Unfortunately, with social media, we lose sight of what really matters. Take some time daily for your health, physical health, and relationships. We spend too much time thinking about what we don’t have as opposed to what we do have.
  6. Forgive yourself. We often beat ourselves up too much and hold ourselves back from living an amazing and inspiring life because of our baggage. Much of the baggage is handed to us by other people, so you need to forgive others, which does not mean forgetting. Forgiveness is more about acceptance, acknowledgment, and pushing through it. Forgiveness starts with learning about yourself and taking control of your life. Better Help can connect you with a licensed therapist who can give unbiased advice. Better Help is convenient and affordable, with over 30,000 licensed therapists. Get 10% off your first month of therapy and get matched with a therapist who will listen and help.
  7. Focus on sleep. Make it a big priority by shutting down the screen 1 hour before going to bed. You’ll feel more invigorated and have an easier time getting up.
  8. Get up earlier. If you get up earlier, you can exercise because you need to do something physically every day.
  9. Eat better. Eat better by planning your meals and prioritizing your diet rather than winging it.
  10. Learn something new daily. Grow your brain by making it a priority and consuming knowledge. This will make you a well-rounded person, and you will become more interesting, which will also help your social life.
  11. Be more engaged with people. Experience new things and make awesome new friends.
  12. Practice visualization. Practice getting or achieving or being what you want to be or what you want to achieve. The more you practice, the better off you’re going to get. The Law of 100s states that if you do something a hundred times, it becomes a habit.
9 Things a Real Man NEVER Does… EVER! Fri, 29 Dec 2023 17:54:55 +0000 A big set of balls and a Big Al does not make you a man. It makes you a male. A man is built through his actions, habits, and his character. So today, I will cover a few things that a man never does.

A REAL man …

  1. Doesn’t worry about what other people are doing. A man stays in his lane and doesn’t worry about other people’s actions. He’s busy worrying and focusing on himself to make himself the best possible man he can be.
  2. Doesn’t talk about other people. He is also not jealous. Many times, somebody with more than you didn’t have an advantage or was lucky. It is that that they were willing to do things that you weren’t.
  3. Handles his business and responsibilities. This goes for his children as well. If a man gets a woman pregnant and then is, “Deuces, I’m out,” he’s a horrible human being. He needs to handle his business.
  4. Doesn’t ask for handouts. A man doesn’t wait for somebody to knock on his door and deliver money, success, or anything. He goes after it and doesn’t sit back and wait. He doesn’t beg. He’s also not a simp. He doesn’t beg for attention because he’s secure and confident. He doesn’t kiss people’s asses.
  5. Doesn’t waste time. Time is one of your most valuable assets. It is very precious. Unfortunately, many men wait to start a business, get a better job, ask out that spicy senorita, or better themselves. Think about where you would be today if you started doing whatever it was when you thought about it. Think about where you were five years ago, six years ago, seven years ago — where you would be today if you had started then. The sooner you open your eyes and accomplish your dreams, the better. I can help you with a blueprint, which is free. If you want more information, I have a course in a community that you can join with a one-time fee with no membership or subscription.
  6. Doesn’t allow himself to be broke. I used to be broke, and I can tell you from the experience that I wasn’t living my dream. When you’re worried about money, it’s hard to be confident. If you need to get a second or third job or start a side hustle, you must do what it takes not to be broke. If it means driving a crappy car or living in your parent’s basement for a while, get yourself out of debt and financially free. Financial freedom also means not having all your eggs in one basket, which is one of the worst things people can do. You need multiple income streams and invest your extra cash into things that will pay you dividends or distribution for a passive income.
  7. Doesn’t neglect his body. Your body is your most valuable asset, so protect it by eating right, not abusing drugs or alcohol, and working out. You need to lift heavy, which is a must if you consider yourself a man because your body needs strength.
  8. Doesn’t neglect his grooming and style. Your image is your brand, and in the first three seconds upon meeting somebody, an opinion is formed, whether good or bad. You have 100% control over your image. Ensure you’re well groomed, smell incredible, and dress with intention and purpose. People are attracted to attractive people.
12 Bad Habits EVERY Man Must Break in 2024 Tue, 26 Dec 2023 22:13:30 +0000 If you are ready to live your best life and make 2024 the best year, you must give up some bad habits holding you back.
  1. Waiting for perfect timing. Perfect timing doesn’t exist. Take it off the table and don’t even think about it. It doesn’t matter how many books you read; it doesn’t matter how much you plan or prepare; you’re going to make mistakes, and the only way to learn is to make them.
  2. Apologizing for what you want. There’s nothing wrong with asking or telling somebody what you need. Sometimes, we get concerned about what other people think of us or what they say. You need to realize the world does not revolve around you, and when you do, you’ll be free emotionally. We live our lives fearful of what other people are thinking about us when the truth is they are too worried about their own issues.
  3. Living a life for somebody else. It doesn’t matter what anybody says; you are the only person responsible for making yourself happy. Live your dream.
  4. Spending too much time on the phone. The phone is rotting your brain and is like junk food for your brain.
  5. Neglecting your body. Your body is your number one valuable asset. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how many women are on your junk; you need to make sure you’re healthy. Go to the doctor, get blood work done, have preventative maintenance, and eat the correct food. Don’t drink too much, and stop smoking.
  6. Being broke. Not having money can rob you of joy and happiness. You need to figure out a side hustle and execute that. I will lay it out in black and white if you want a blueprint. In the course, I’m presenting experiences from the 12 past 12 years and 20 different businesses packaged together. Sign up below.
  7. Making excuses. Stop making them. Throw excuses out the window. You only need to remember that you can accomplish anything, and you are amazing. The sooner you understand, the sooner you will take ownership of your future. Grab yourself by the balls and make it happen.
  8. Not forgiving yourself. Forgive yourself for the things you’ve messed up in the past, and let go of all the baggage you’ve been carrying. Let it go and set it free, as we all make mistakes. Have hard conversations with people that you need to. If you carry anger and resentment from your past, you owe it to yourself to forgive them to set yourself free. It’s not about forgetting, however. I went to therapy to help deal with mine because you cannot outrun your past.
  9. Waiting for handouts. One aspect holding society back is that everybody waits for their handout, thinking and expecting others to do something for them. Nobody will rescue you because it’s your job and responsibility if you want anything extraordinary. So, grab the bull by the horns.
  10. Kissing other people’s asses
  11. Apologizing for things that aren’t your fault. You must stand up for yourself even if it will rock the boat.
  12. Not respecting yourself. Only allow people in your life who respect you and eliminate those who don’t. Get rid of people who aren’t going anywhere and treat you poorly. Life is too short. Surround yourself with people that uplift you and feel your soul. These people need to make you feel amazing because you are incredible. You deserve to have these people who love you as much as I do.
How to Actually Get RICH AF {Starting from $0} Fri, 22 Dec 2023 13:50:52 +0000 Money can’t buy happiness, so they say. Well, I’m here to tell you that it can buy a lot of cool stuff, bring you peace of mind and clarity, and allow you to live your life on your terms. Today, I will help you become rich beyond your wildest dreams. There are only three steps that you need to follow to do it. Here are my secrets because I know you can do it if I can.

I know I’m not that smart and grew up without a financial role model; I’ve achieved everything on my terms. I went out and grabbed it because I was tired of being broke and stressed out. I was tired of thinking about money. When you live in a perpetual state of poor, unthinkable things can happen to your self-esteem. Plus, joy and fun are taken out of life as well.

But the good news is that if you do what I did, you can be much more successful than even me. You need to do these three things to unlock your financial freedom. Also, understand that nothing I am going to tell you is easy. Everything will require work. The more money you want to make, the more work it requires.

What does wealth mean to you?

What wealth means to me might be different than it means to you. Being rich means not worrying about money or thinking about how I will pay my bills. Having money means I have enough for things I like to do and pay cash for — I am living below my means. Being rich doesn’t mean driving a Ferrari. It means having peace of mind and living life on my own terms. But it doesn’t mean I don’t have to work my ass off. You’re going to have to be willing to work your ass off to make money, but it’s worth it.

Money can’t buy happiness, but it allows you to solve problems more easily and help others. This aspect is very valuable to me as I want to help other people like your family when they need it. But the first person you need to help is yourself. Fortunately, it’s simple because it boils down to three things.

Steps to becoming wealthy

  1. Be willing to fail. I’m here to tell you that I have failed more than succeeded. Some of the failures have been brutal, whether financially or emotionally. But to ever achieve anything extraordinary and develop FU money, you must be willing to take risks. Fear of failure holds back 99% of people. They know what they want to do & achieve and desire a lot of money, but they’re too scared to go after it because of the fear of failure. However, failure gets a bad rap. Failure builds mental toughness, stability, strength, and resilience. You have to be willing to fail to be successful. You need to be willing to risk something without knowing the outcome.
  2. Throw a bunch of crap against the wall and see what sticks. This needs to be your new mantra. Start a side hustle and a business. If you ever expect to have FU money, you need to be in control of your own destiny. Every single successful person had to push down their failure of failure and try a bunch of ventures. Successful people didn’t hit it out of the ballpark on the first or even second try. They had to try a bunch of different things to see what sticks. Nowadays, trying a bunch of stuff has never been easier or more affordable. Check out Skillshare to learn how to create multiple income streams and side hustles. Pete & Pedro took me $3,000 and a little research, to which it’s grown to over $9 million with 30% profit. Find something you’re interested in, and somebody out there will sell you a high-quality product you can put your name on. Follow a plan to build and launch your business. If you would like a blueprint on how to do this, sign up here.
  3. Invest. If you can invest in your business, do that first. Then, invest the extra cash and deploy it, whether it’s into the market, real estate, or otherwise. I’m a silent partner in one of my businesses where I get a distribution. Another pays me rent monthly. I also have another that’s an appreciation of an asset. In the old days, you could borrow money to make a deposit down payment to buy an asset like an apartment building, a single-family, or a duplex. But money is so expensive, so it’s challenging to do that, and the numbers don’t work. What works is cash, which you can get crazy deals.

Bonus Tip

Live below your means. The lower you can live below your means, the better off you will be. This equates to more money you will have at the end of the month to deploy, invest, and grow your wealth.

How to NEVER Get Rejected… Even if She’s {Out of Your League} Wed, 20 Dec 2023 01:49:37 +0000 I am reviewing some tips and tricks that will make rejection bulletproof. But first, we need to accept that there are certain things that we cannot overcome. For instance, if the woman you’re eyeing has a boyfriend or a significant other, that’s not your girl. She may only date certain types of dudes or guys over 6 ft tall. Specific physical characteristics cannot be overcome, and it’s not your fault. It’s just something to accept.

Being rejected sucks, and it’s scary. But what do you have to lose? Seriously, if you get rejected, what happens? It will sting for a bit, but you’ll survive. The more you try, approach, and engage, the more chances you’ll have to get a yes. The more you practice, the better off you’ll be and the more comfortable you’ll become.

Here’s a trick I want you to try — the three-second rule. If you see somebody you want to talk to, give yourself 3 seconds and then act. Whether or not this is approaching & introducing yourself, saying hello, or giving a compliment, don’t allow yourself the time to get nervous and weird.

The good news is that most women out in the wild are just looking for a fantastic guy with the features we will discuss. And if you do, the fear of rejection should be zero because her chance of rejecting you is zero.

Get a YES 100% of the time!

Dress well. Most guys dress like crap, so dressing will give you a competitive advantage over them. Dressing well allows a woman who sees you in the first 3 seconds of the meeting to form a favorable opinion of you. Dressing well is one of the quickest and easiest things you can do that will change others’ perceptions of you.

Don’t look desperate. If you look like you’re hungry, thirsty, or dying for a spicy senorita, this makes you look incredibly rejectable. Demystify women and take away that magical power so that you make yourself on an even playing field.

Be successful. This does not equate to having millions of dollars. But you need to have means and resources along with stability. They need to feel like you can care for them and that you are stable. If you’re successful, this automatically moves you ten steps above another dude who’s just good-looking. Good looks may fade unless you’re using Tiege Hanley.

Have a white smile. Ensure your grill is white with bleaching strips that are easy to clean. You could take it to the next level by getting bleaching trays or seeing the dentist for teeth whitening. If you’re really worried about your teeth, you can have orthodontic procedures such as braces or veneers.

Have a good physique. You don’t want to have a doughy and soft body with sloppy man boobs. And you need to fix your love handles. Go to the gym and work on having a muscular and toned body. Women are more likely to want to do naughty and nasty things if you have a nice body.

Don’t put on an act. Putting on an act turns off many women because they can tell you’re trying to impress them.

Look fun. Make sure that you look fun on your social media platforms and profiles. It’s like an advertisement for yourself. Post things that make you look interesting, engaging, and inviting to convey that you’re somebody people want to be with and are adventurous. You can post going out to restaurants, doing cool things, and looking like the life of the party.

Have a sense of humor. This is a game-changer. But you don’t want to go overboard. Guys often make mistakes and go overboard, trying to be funny. But having a sense of humor is a game changer by being low-key humorous, poking funny yourself, and never making fun of other people. However, you don’t want to make fun of yourself too much because you don’t want to look like you have low self-esteem. You could also send memes you think are funny that she’ll dig. She will associate humor with you even though you may not be that funny.

I Went to Bosley for a Hair Transplant Mon, 18 Dec 2023 01:13:37 +0000 Welcome to beautiful Beverly Hills. I’m excited for you to be here with me today because we’re doing something really cool and special. We’re getting a hair transplant! This video has been in the making for years, and I’m excited to make it happen finally.

Bosley is America’s number one hair restoration expert, and I have an incredible relationship with them. They are the only place I recommend for someone dealing with hair loss. They have a solution at any stage, whether or not you’re losing a few or are completely bald.

It’s an action-packed day, starting with meeting Pete, who will allow us to go into the operating room with him to observe his procedure. We’ll also talk with the world-renowned hair restoration expert, Dr. Deutsch, about the latest methods and answer all my questions about hair restoration. After that, we will sit down with MMA Legend Clay Guida to discuss his two procedures. We will get the ins and outs, highs and lows, and everything you need to know about returning your natural hair.

Speed is of the essence because the sooner you catch it, the sooner you can do something about it. Technologies and procedures have evolved over the years. Hair restoration was an afterthought, and now it’s really come to the forefront of what people want to do. Surgical techniques have improved, and many more surgeons are doing procedures. 

What makes Bosley different is they have been around for almost 50 years. Over that period, they’ve treated hundreds of thousands of people with excellent results. They also have very close follow-ups, with 20-plus doctors nationwide discussing the latest hair restoration developments. There’s a camaraderie with the Bosley team that shows through with first-rate patient care.

If you’re ready to take action on yours or see the various options, check out Bosley, the best in hair transplants and restorations. Get a free Info-Kit + a $250 Gift Card towards a Bosley procedure. You can help slow, stop & restore your hair with America’s #1 hair restoration experts.

7 Confidence “Cheat Codes” EVERY Man Must Do! Thu, 14 Dec 2023 02:44:01 +0000 Confidence is why I started the alpha m. YouTube channel. I know what feeling insecure and not good about yourself feels like. I also know the power of confidence; when you find it, it’s amazing what happens in every aspect of your life. It’s impossible to be confident if you’re riddled with insecurities.

Now, that doesn’t mean if you’re confident, you’ll always be super secure in everything you do. Of course not. We’re always going to have insecurities. But at the core of who you are, you can achieve anything if you are a confident person. Today I want to share some personal stories and steps that have moved the confidence needle for me.

Confidence cheat codes

  1. Fitness. Nothing will change your life or your self-esteem and confidence like taking care of yourself physically. Exercise will make your mind stronger and allow you to endure hardships. It allows you to be confident and self-assured.
  2. Bad things. Whether it’s alcohol, tobacco, p***, or anything else that you know that you’re doing that is bad for yourself, it will affect your self-esteem and confidence. Deep down, you know that you shouldn’t be doing it. But when you quit, you finally get it under control, and you will feel incredibly confident and strong. I challenge you to give up your bad thing.
  3. Junk size. If you’re embarrassed or not confident about the size of Big Al, you can do something about it. Using Bathmate made a humongous difference in the size of my junk and also my confidence. I also last longer, and I’m thicker. It’s been unbelievable in terms of my confidence. Check out the video where I explain how it works and how to use it.
  4. Finances. If you get your financial house in order, you will boost your confidence. Not being able to pay your bills affects your mindset and literally everything else. The first time I didn’t have to think about money, everything in my life improved. If you’re struggling financially, do what you can to get out of credit card debt, get a second job, and do what you need to do to get onto the path of financial freedom. Your life will be less stressful.
  5. Style. There’s no excuse for dressing like sh!t. When you start dressing better, not only will people respect you more, but you will respect yourself more. You will look more confident.
  6. Therapists. You need to deal with issues that you’ve never dealt with. Go to therapy and face & fight them. Your confidence can go through the roof, as mine did. Therapists will support you and give you tools to look at issues. You’ll get a third-party perspective.
  7. Friends. Who you surround yourself with is indicative of how you feel about yourself. If you surround yourself with losers, you will feel like a loser. Ditch the losers, mooches, and toxic people because they don’t have your best interest in mind. You will feel much more confident and amazing. Unfortunately, we can get addicted to these toxic people, but when you identify someone who is bringing you down rather than lifting you up, protect yourself.